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Renegades Horns

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Did anyone purchase any of these horns and have you received them waiting several weeks now, sent several emails no reply?????

Update resolution being worked out

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Did anyone purchase any of these horns and have you received them waiting several weeks now, sent several emails no reply?????

I tried several times to contact them in an attempt to buy one of their horns and couldn't even get anybody to reply to my email requests! I eventually gave up. :thumbup:

Given the amount of time the Renegades spend hyping themselves on this forum, you'd think they'd at least follow through on something as easy as this.

Good luck on getting your horn, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. :thumbup:

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This is show and event reviews, shouldn't something like this be in the "Brass" forum???

(for the record I have no idea having to do with anything having to do with this topic)

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For the record:

Mark, I emailed and corresponded with Rob Gibson in regards to his horn. I am not at liberty to divulge all of his business on a public forum. Though, I will mention that after investigating the whereabouts of his horn, I can honestly (and in relief) say it's not entirely my fault and is something I can blame and pursue retribution from the postal annex in Berkeley I used to send his horn. We sent it, oh yes we did. We have not found a resolution to the issue yet, but you sure as hell can bet that I've been in contact with all parties to rectify the issue. (ESPECIALLY because we received his payment. I'm not interesting in screwing over anyone for their money, especially in such a public arena. I mean, who does that?? Not me.)

Regarding not emailing someone back... I apologize for the inconvenience. Since posting that we have horns available for sale (at such a low cost), I have encountered a truckload of emails from potential buyers-- all of which I am sorting through inquiries in chronological order to make sure everyone's got a fair shot at the horns. This is an extremely slow process. I'm sorry if I haven't gotten back to you. With our horns marked "priced to sell," it's been an absolute mad house. If you're willing to wait long enough, you'll find that for the price we sell our horns for...is worth the wait. We'll get to you. Please understand that this may take a while if it wasn't possible for you to jump on the forum at the very day we initially posted the ad.

We are not a corporation. We are also not a drum corps of lineage that has an army of parent alumnis who can spend all day answering emails and sending horns in the middle of the workday. In reality, we are an all-age drum corps who is trying to make it through these really tough economical times, and we're proud that we're still around and excited about being able to still field a show this season. If you're someone who can't understand that, that's perfectly fine. There are some who do understand and support endeavors like this one. It's enough to drive our small admin staff to keep working. (And thanks for the support, BTW. Don't you dare think we don't notice. You people are our lifeline and drive us to exist.)

In regards to reading these very disappointing messages, I am genuinely apologetic. We will work HARDER to make sure to (at least) communicate that we won't get back to you in (possibly) weeks. If you are reading this and have not been tainted by these really negative posts, please do not message me on this forum. Instead email me directly at my corps email, lolita@renegades.org. I will not, and have not respond to any PMs or Facebook messages. (I do not check these messages at all, and I value my personal privacy on Facebook. Please, do not stalk me. I won't bother stalking or messaging you either. ...Let's face it, we're not exactly close.)

Moving forward, if you are reading this and HAVE heard from me regarding buying a horn, please don't be scared off. We are doing our best, with the labor resources that we have to communicate with you. We're honest people, regardless of what you think of our Evil persona. We aren't interested in screwing you for your money-- At least I'm positive that I am not... and I'm just the ONLY one orchestrating these sales.

Thank you for your past comments and I hope to meet all of you one day in Rochester.


Lolita Tabujara

Assist. Corps Director


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I won't say this as eloquently as Lolita, but if Renegades were slow or non-responsive to anyone's emails, please accept my apologies on behalf of the corps. We've had some bumps in the road this year and we are working very hard (and succeeding) to get the corps on its feet.

If people choose to continue to personally attack the Renegades because of an unfortunate slip up in customer service, then I will be forced to send out please-go-jump-in-a-lake invitations via evite. :tongue: I hope it doesn't come to that, as we're all on the same team here and corps are folding right and left in DCA.

Let's please lose the negativity.

Lee Rudnicki

President, Renegades Board of Directors

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Horn has been located in OK and things are being worked out just unfortunate for the guy that bought it he could not use it for his first performance in several decades somewhat dissappointed but it did not dampen his enthusiasm for once again being able to perform

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