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Big Sounds at Reading

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There's a distinct difference to "knowing everything"- which I lay no claim to- If you read a previous review of the Brassmen Alumni at the Shamrock Festival- their Bari soloist took me to school, for which I thanked him. I think of myself as someone who learns constantly about many things. I drive Ream insane with a lot of questions about percussion because I have a great desire to learn more about it. He understands this, and he helps me.

It's more that I'm not afraid and that I'm confident enough about myself to state my thoughts and observations and back them up than it is that I "know everything". It's not arrogance, just confidence in my training, what I've learned, and from my experiences. Ream would tell you I'm definitely not arrogant, just... different. :thumbup:

So- is there something about what I said about the Grennies that I'm incorrect or you disagree on? Speak up and state your case, it'd be better than simply trying to mock me. I'm rather certain if you heard one of the Grennie's competitors dutting like they did a week before championships, you'd be all over them for it. If you were a Mello player with them, sorry- you had a rough evening. Period. If you couldn't tell how out of tune you were and can't admit it, I'm not the one with the problem of trying to make finals next week against two corps that don't have that issue. Those kinds of things have meaning, and separate the top from the bottom in tbis activity. We've all had our moments of stink on the field as a performer. Especially myself. I learned from them and got better. If you want to be a smart-arse about what I said, I'd bet a steak dinner at Texas Roadhouse that those issues were discussed with your staff by the panel at the critique or addressed on the tapes.

You can take the potential I said the show clearly has and do something with it-- or, be delusional and stagnate next week. If throwing what I said back in my face by cleaning up the show, fixing the issues and doing well to spite me is what it takes for you to succeed, I'm glad I was able to help. :thumbup:

As a member of Grenadiers staff I too appreciate your well thought out and knowledgeable review. We know what we need to do and what needs fixing and trust me when I say that negative replies to your review regarding grennies are not from current staff or membership. We are not rolling over because we all believe in our program (which I personally think is the most challenging in our class) and membership. Thanks in advance for the help.

Rob Summers

Kingston Grenadiers

Percussion Staff


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As a current 2010 staffer with Grenadiers - I took the chance this weekend in Reading to watch as many corps as possible from the stands, and I would say the review is pretty much bang on! We know where our challenges lie going into Championships, and rest assured, we have a game plan in place!!! I am always "entertained" while reading the arguments to a review from all the people that weren't actually at the Show!

The Grenadiers always have the late surge, and the reads we got Saturday night were very good to assist in our game plan for the upcoming rehearsals before prelims. As always we aim to entertain, while performing this show to the best of our ability. Beyond that it is out of our hands, but this certainly has been a great summer for having our program talked about, and a verychallenging, yet exciting program for our membership. I look forward to the race to the finish!

See you in Rochester!

Scott Atkins

Program Coordinator / Percussion Arranger

Kingston Grenadiers 2010

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Dont take it personally.

BUT Its much easy to write about what to do than to do it. over and over again.


hats off ( lol) to EMPIRES STAFF.

Also, it's really nice to have the kind of job that allows one the time to be part of a staff, which I do not have, unfortunately. Perhaps I have desire, a resume indicates knowledge as well as my performance background.

Desire doesn't mean you keep taking bad jobs over and over like I did at one time to try and prove a point. It does wear on your self-confidence and self-esteeem, and it's the same as beating your head against a wall until you end up with a concussion. Teaching in an inner city situation where you're one of six band dirtectors in five years because the district's so incompetent they eventually ended up seized by the state isn't really a great situation no matter how one slices it. Teaching at a private school for 6.19 an hour (I could've worked at Hardee's asking you if you wanted fries with your burger at that time for 7.50/hour...) wears thin no matter how much you want a job, or how dedicated one is to an ideal.

Let's say I've had a pretty rotten string of bad luck. Someone has to have it. Not everything works out the way you hope it does. I happened to learn that in my corps experience, too. I keep moving. I keep looking for a spot of luck here and there. I'm taking a course this fall for that reason. One never knows when some good fortune might strike you. :thumbup:

Most decent educators are pretty motivtated people. If you care about kids and the future, you're motivated. At the last rehersal I was at with a group I consult for, I shook the unit out of a rather lethargic rehearsal which the rest of the staff was at a loss as to what to do. I'd say I'm energetic. Unfortunately, I have to use my motivation to go back to work every evening to a job I don't want to do, a place I hate where turnover exceeds 40% a year (and I've hung in there 15 years- how's that for stick-to-it-iveness?), and for supervisors I truthfully, loathe with all my heart for the most part. Motivation to keep my bills paid is more important. I'd say I learned a lot of how to endure in corps, too, especially when it gets above 110 at work in the building.... :tongue:

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Writing a review ("stop counting, stop duhting") is NOT insulting. It is crticism. It is helpful. "You guys stink" would be a useless, insulting "review." The added "don't know if they can squeeze enough out of the orange...." was more question and speculation than saying "That's All, Folks"

"We weren't counting, we weren't duhting" would be a proper rebuttal to the review. It would have been helpful to the reviewer. It, too, would not have been insulting. The rebuttals given were insulting. Further, Empire's history of squeezing every drop out of the orange on Finals night will cerrtainly answer the question. I think they have enough..... maybe ...... (please don't take that as an insult).


Thank you, Joe.

It's a cornerstone of competent education you've hit the nail on squarely. If you don't like something, if you can't say why to help the student, you're not an effective educator. My HS Band director tended towards the 'you stink' end of things, LOL. I learned how not to do some things from him in the future.

And really, no one was BAD. I wasn't left with the 'coyote caught in a trap' feeling from anyone this year. You get the drift. It's more a case of- what can yah do to get where yah want to go? What's separating corps A from B? When I read threads that "Oh, the judges are bombing my corps!" or, "Why aren't we winning!?" or "TBARDCA" (the right people will get that one :tongue: ) threads, I really want to try and get things into perspective for the fans in general.

I've been led to believe that the vocal counting to start is one thing, doing it while the musical ensemble's playing---- can be distracting. Usually you try and get rid of it during the season and wean the group off of it. Got to go! back to work! Bleh! :thumbup:

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I've found through talking privately with several people online and meeting several this season that the reviews are a help to a lot of people who can't make shows, are curious about the NE corps and where they're at, or in the case of the Alumni groups, it's the only real thanks or feedback they might get other than the applause that night.

Thanks for your reviews BigW. They really do give those of us who can't always make it to shows an idea of what is going on with corps from week to week.

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