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visual editor having problems on message edit


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The visual editor is getting very confused when editing a posted message.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ornare nunc et libero faucibus ornare. Aenean adipiscing lectus at sem mattis at sodales quam aliquam. Cras sit amet massa tortor. Donec tincidunt, enim eget rhoncus cursus, ligula tortor bibendum ligula, ut vehicula orci sem scelerisque risus. Suspendisse sagittis ultrices varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis nibh eu leo rhoncus blandit. Mauris dui lacus, aliquet vitae condimentum eget, luctus id tortor. Nulla facilisi. Etiam bibendum tempus hendrerit.

Etiam pellentesque tortor sed libero tempus ornare. In ut turpis nisl, ac accumsan sapien. Fusce mauris mauris, aliquet eu adipiscing sit amet, laoreet eu eros. Phasellus varius, ipsum eu volutpat rutrum, justo nulla lobortis tellus, et bibendum mauris dui a velit. Nullam nec nunc consectetur metus commodo rhoncus. Praesent pulvinar varius quam, vel posuere metus hendrerit ultricies. Etiam consectetur, felis ut iaculis rhoncus, enim diam aliquet metus, quis eleifend sapien est a elit. Nulla scelerisque, eros sit amet ultrices imperdiet, eros ligula mattis ligula, sed dictum purus odio vel leo. Suspendisse non eros purus. In dui nulla, adipiscing at luctus nec, vehicula vel eros. Integer suscipit egestas elementum. Sed egestas ipsum eget lectus viverra iaculis. Duis imperdiet aliquet lacus, non semper justo varius non. Fusce ut aliquet massa. Ut eget arcu convallis dolor ultrices commodo. Maecenas vestibulum vestibulum odio, vitae pellentesque tellus pulvinar ac. Sed aliquet mattis erat at dapibus. Suspendisse at nulla eros. Nam eleifend luctus vulputate.

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The visual editor is getting very confused when editing a posted message.

Inline reply one.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ornare nunc et libero faucibus ornare. Aenean adipiscing lectus at sem mattis at sodales quam aliquam. Cras sit amet massa tortor. Donec tincidunt, enim eget rhoncus cursus, ligula tortor bibendum ligula, ut vehicula orci sem scelerisque risus. Suspendisse sagittis ultrices varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis nibh eu leo rhoncus blandit. Mauris dui lacus, aliquet vitae condimentum eget, luctus id tortor. Nulla facilisi. Etiam bibendum tempus hendrerit.

Inline reply two.

Etiam pellentesque tortor sed libero tempus ornare. In ut turpis nisl, ac accumsan sapien. Fusce mauris mauris, aliquet eu adipiscing sit amet, laoreet eu eros. Phasellus varius, ipsum eu volutpat rutrum, justo nulla lobortis tellus, et bibendum mauris dui a velit. Nullam nec nunc consectetur metus commodo rhoncus. Praesent pulvinar varius quam, vel posuere metus hendrerit ultricies. Etiam consectetur, felis ut iaculis rhoncus, enim diam aliquet metus, quis eleifend sapien est a elit. Nulla scelerisque, eros sit amet ultrices imperdiet, eros ligula mattis ligula, sed dictum purus odio vel leo. Suspendisse non eros purus. In dui nulla, adipiscing at luctus nec, vehicula vel eros. Integer suscipit egestas elementum. Sed egestas ipsum eget lectus viverra iaculis. Duis imperdiet aliquet lacus, non semper justo varius non. Fusce ut aliquet massa. Ut eget arcu convallis dolor ultrices commodo. Maecenas vestibulum vestibulum odio, vitae pellentesque tellus pulvinar ac. Sed aliquet mattis erat at dapibus. Suspendisse at nulla eros. Nam eleifend luctus vulputate.

Inline reply 3.

Edited by corpsband
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Hell, that's not unusual. The READERS of this post are getting confused reading it, too.

I don't think there's a problem with the editor. I think the problem is with the poster. tongue.gif

Your post and question makes me glad I'm a technology idiot. I only need to know the location of the "Back" button.

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I'm not sure that I see the problem.

Let me see if another paragraph helps here.

Here's the third paragraph: Dynamically optimize diverse architectures after prospective applications. Intrinsicly myocardinate cross functional processes whereas dynamic infomediaries. Progressively network highly efficient process improvements through professional supply chains. Seamlessly productize 24/365 web-readiness without goal-oriented markets. Dramatically maximize clicks-and-mortar mindshare via functionalized channels. Dynamically pontificate pandemic vortals rather than extensible convergence. Holisticly disintermediate accurate metrics with strategic human capital. Intrinsicly embrace cross-media data without user friendly ideas. Rapidiously build unique bandwidth vis-a-vis viral users. Globally orchestrate vertical ROI before proactive leadership skills. Distinctively customize enterprise-wide outsourcing after excellent infomediaries. Objectively promote future-proof markets rather than enabled products. (generated by a "Lorem Ipsum for MBAs" tool)

OK - this post has been edited.

Edited by JohnD
Edited to test "editing an existing post"
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I'm not sure that I see the problem.

Let me see if another paragraph helps here.

Here's the third paragraph: Dynamically optimize diverse architectures after prospective applications. Intrinsicly myocardinate cross functional processes whereas dynamic infomediaries. Progressively network highly efficient process improvements through professional supply chains. Seamlessly productize 24/365 web-readiness without goal-oriented markets. Dramatically maximize clicks-and-mortar mindshare via functionalized channels. Dynamically pontificate pandemic vortals rather than extensible convergence. Holisticly disintermediate accurate metrics with strategic human capital. Intrinsicly embrace cross-media data without user friendly ideas. Rapidiously build unique bandwidth vis-a-vis viral users. Globally orchestrate vertical ROI before proactive leadership skills. Distinctively customize enterprise-wide outsourcing after excellent infomediaries. Objectively promote future-proof markets rather than enabled products. (generated by a "Lorem Ipsum for MBAs" tool)

OK - this post has been edited.

I can even quote the post in my reply - with no apparent problem.

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Hell, that's not unusual. The READERS of this post are getting confused reading it, too.

I don't think there's a problem with the editor. I think the problem is with the poster. tongue.gif

Your post and question makes me glad I'm a technology idiot. I only need to know the location of the "Back" button.

My apologies for the geekfest going on here. You may divert your eyes now ... and we'll let you know when its safe to open your eyes.


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I'm not sure that I see the problem.

Let me see if another paragraph helps here.

Here's the third paragraph: Dynamically optimize diverse architectures after prospective applications. Intrinsicly myocardinate cross functional processes whereas dynamic infomediaries. Progressively network highly efficient process improvements through professional supply chains. Seamlessly productize 24/365 web-readiness without goal-oriented markets. Dramatically maximize clicks-and-mortar mindshare via functionalized channels. Dynamically pontificate pandemic vortals rather than extensible convergence. Holisticly disintermediate accurate metrics with strategic human capital. Intrinsicly embrace cross-media data without user friendly ideas. Rapidiously build unique bandwidth vis-a-vis viral users. Globally orchestrate vertical ROI before proactive leadership skills. Distinctively customize enterprise-wide outsourcing after excellent infomediaries. Objectively promote future-proof markets rather than enabled products. (generated by a "Lorem Ipsum for MBAs" tool)

OK - this post has been edited.

Perhaps not surprisingly this reads a lot like the prospectuses and legal briefs I pore over. But at least I understand what that gobblety-gook is trying to say!

This looks like a bad Rorschach test on steroids...

Or, now that I think of it, it looks like a lot of other posts on DCP. w00t.gif

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Perhaps not surprisingly this reads a lot like the prospectuses and legal briefs I pore over. But at least I understand what that gobblety-gook is trying to say!

This looks like a bad Rorschach test on steroids...

Or, now that I think of it, it looks like a lot of other posts on DCP. w00t.gif


The "Lorem ipsum dolor sit ahmet .... " text is a pre-defined pattern of 'Latin-looking words' (allegedly a speech by Cicero that's been hacked - ala' Norm Crosby) that's used to approximate the layout and placement of text in a graphics design. By using "Lorem ipsum" text, the designer doesn't have to think about creating large blocks of sample text to fill a space .... but can rather just cut-n-paste this nonsense into place. It also is supposed to approximate the distribution of characters in 'normal correspondence' - so you don't have pages filled with lower-case L's ... when you may wind-up with upper-case M's or W's ... which can really throw your layout off.

The generator that I used above was created to do the same thing - but using 'modern business terms' strung together ... just to keep the Wharton-MBA-types guessing. If you read it carefully, you'll realize that some propeller-heads (said respectfully) DO have a sense of humor.

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I can even quote the post in my reply - with no apparent problem.
It seems to happen editing posts with inline quotes.
I can even quote the post in my reply - with no apparent problem.
Copied and pasted quote block.

clicked on Edit


clicked on Use Full Editor


So I'm still seeing the BBCode exposed at the top the message,

The visual features themselves all seem to be working ok. But when retreiving the message text up in the text input field, the editing target is rendered as BBCode not in the visual style. blink.gif

In case it's getting lost in the block above -- this only happens with inline quoting. Editing messages with quote below or quote above (or maybe just multiple quote blocks?) seem to work ok. Wierd.

FOUND IT. A plugin in chrome was interfering somehow. Disabling all plugins made it go away.

Sorry to waste your time.

Edited by corpsband
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