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Indoor Drum Corps

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I don't have much experience as far as indoor marching brass goes, but I have a hesitation about your approach.

It seems like you have a very specific vision for where you want this to go. However I'm not sure that specific vision is appealing to all the different programs out there. For all I know, DCI does not require a specific ratio from brass to percussion to guard. The ensembles themselves seem to find a good balance. If right off the bat you'd make it a rule to make the ensembles conform to a specific sound, I don't think it will go far. Start broad, let different ensembles try different things. Give the judges the responsibility of keeping the quality high.

What if an ensemble wanted a marching snare soloist for a performance of Bolero? Or a guard duet to tell a story (without loosing musicians to acting responsibilities)? Or a piano soloist?

Imagine if every ensemble came in and performed something musically thrilling, visually stunning, AND had something different to offer. For instance, So and So High School in Scholastic A is known for crazy fast wind players and cool visuals, while So and So Community College is known for face-melting brass and clean beats.

But I guess that's not what you're going for. This really is just my first reaction, but I'd fear your vision would just turn into concert band on the move, and what's the appeal? Kids who have done marching band all fall are doing concert band... those two activities alone cover everything this activity seems to offer.

Thanks for your thoughts!

I suppose our restrictions are all in vain to begin with. I mean, if we are being realistic, even if we make these rules, they will probably just be amended down the road anyway. We have a pretty specific format in our head. What we dont want this to turn into, is probably exactly what another person wants it to turn into. We want this to be a unique ensemble compared to everything else out there. Perhaps an activity not tainted by electronics. Our goal is to keep this about elite musicianship. We believe that pressing buttons especially to support the ensemble, do not add up to elite musicianship.

You are correct, our vision is basically a concert band on the move... we do think that has a lot of appeal. Our reasons for doing this in the first place is that most marching bands have turned into difficult drill, with watered down music and block chords. And concert band has the opposite, hard music while sitting. Our vision is to combine the two. Even WC drum corps music is watered down to an extent. But even then, just imagine Crown's hornline marching around in a gym, with no electronics, no flag line, no drum line. Is that still not appealing?

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I've thought for a while that WGI might be a grand place for such an experiment.

They currently support Winter Guard and Winter Percussion. Why not a Winter Brass (or Winter Winds).


I think you've answered that question...because they already do winter guards and indoor marching percussion. I'm with those people both weekends, and they are exhausted after the percussion weekend ends. I'm talking totally mentally drained, sleep for a solid week type of exhaustion.

As long as we're talking WGI, there's another issue that would have to be considered. So many of the schools already have a winter guard and/or an indoor marching percussion line. Band directors would realize that such a mini band concept would distract from both those other programs, which would be running at the same time.

You couldn't do this in the fall because of the marching band season, you couldn't do it in the winter because of the indoor marching percussion and winter guard seasons...and because of the concert band season. You would have trouble doing it at the end of the school year because kids are going to be wiped out, and it won't happen during the summer because directors want their their families to remember them.

I'm just trying to be a realist here. I've seen this done in person in Japan and at one college in the US, and it's truly a unique and interesting spectacle; but the logistics and the consideration that folks need a rest makes this an idea that starts out with a number of strikes against it. But dream on, because sometimes dreams become reality!

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Assuming that you intend it to be a competive organization you would need other corps to compete against. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun and I would definately pay to see it, but you would probably have to establish some type of circuit. Speaking strictly in the hypothetical we on DCP could establish our own corps, but if we weren't DCI or DCA certified what would we do with it? It's a bit like college sports. You can have a fantastic athletic program, but if you don't belong to the NCAA you can't do much with it.

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ask DCI. They are currently running an Indoor Drum Corps circuit that tours nationally. Unfortunately, some of the events are outside due to lack of venue, but they are working with what they have.


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As long as we're talking WGI, there's another issue that would have to be considered. So many of the schools already have a winter guard and/or an indoor marching percussion line. Band directors would realize that such a mini band concept would distract from both those other programs, which would be running at the same time.

Alright, consider this, many of these schools with WG and IP have two groups of each. A varsity group and a JV group. Could a band director really justify two JV groups over a varisty indoor hornline? Not to mention, I would think that it is safe to say that a majority directors were or are horn players. I would venture a guess that if this takes off, band directors would be more concerned with guard or percussion distracting from IME.

The directors would just have to choose where their priorities lie to be blunt.

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Assuming that you intend it to be a competive organization you would need other corps to compete against. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun and I would definately pay to see it, but you would probably have to establish some type of circuit. Speaking strictly in the hypothetical we on DCP could establish our own corps, but if we weren't DCI or DCA certified what would we do with it? It's a bit like college sports. You can have a fantastic athletic program, but if you don't belong to the NCAA you can't do much with it.

Solid point. But someone has to start it right? Our ensemble in fact started with a meeting with our local indoor circuit to get the approval to move forward. A supportive circuit, with a great start up group can go a long way. And that is what we are hoping for!

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When these types of threads pop up I always point out that an indoor drum corps circuit already exists; has existed since 2007; yet not many people or corps seem to be interested in increasing the quality of the activity: link

Speaking candidly and with the utmost respect for the SDCA... Like stated earlier, we know that there have been similar groups started. However this does vary from are idea, mainly in the drumline aspect. We also have to take a strong look into those in charge of the organization. The SDCA seems to be taking a step into what DC used to be. They have been around since 07 and yet there is only one video on youtube of them from 09. Think a symphonic winds ensemble, throw them on a tarp with indoor drumline style uniforms, and you get a jist of what we are trying to accomplish.

But relating back to my OP, is the SDCA how you would run your organization?

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Alright, consider this, many of these schools with WG and IP have two groups of each. A varsity group and a JV group. Could a band director really justify two JV groups over a varisty indoor hornline? Not to mention, I would think that it is safe to say that a majority directors were or are horn players. I would venture a guess that if this takes off, band directors would be more concerned with guard or percussion distracting from IME.

The directors would just have to choose where their priorities lie to be blunt.

Yes, because the training group prepares students for the top group. Eliminate the training group and the top group automatically becomes less competitive the next year.

Also, band directors don't typically run the winter guard and indoor marching percussion lines...their instructors do. However, a director would have to run a mini band, meaning more nights away from the family (if they have one left after all the time at school that already is demanded of them).

It's a no-win situation for the band directors, who are not likely to get paid extra to run such an ensemble, as opposed to the percussion and guard instructors, who for the most part are definitely paid.

Sorry to burst the balloon like that, but I've known band directors and have worked with them for over 40 years, over 30 of those as a marching band arranger. I've attended a number of indoor percussion and winter guard rehearsals and I can tell you that seldom was the band director in attendance.

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The directors would just have to choose where their priorities lie to be blunt.

I know many a spouse of a band director who has said that, and the hoped for answer would not be to spend another several nights in the band room instead of at home with the spouse and the children.

At some point, one has to say "enough" to additional demands on one's time, and band directors are already regarded by too many as not being regular people who deserve a life outside the band room.

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