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Its called tradition. If you had used the term “extreme marching band” in front of a member of the 65 Crusaders, Cavies or Blessed Sac they would of put an extreme hurt on you. Use that term in front of the average citizen and they will laugh and think extreme marching geeks. It’s a bad move!

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Ok the ads are going to say that, but whatever the case is once it's aired, it'll say DCI world championships.

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Its called tradition. If you had used the term “extreme marching band” in front of a member of the 65 Crusaders, Cavies or Blessed Sac they would of put an extreme hurt on you. Use that term in front of the average citizen and they will laugh and think extreme marching geeks. It’s a bad move!

I feel sorry for anyone who feels they have to hurt someone because they use the term extreme marching band. Why did those really agressive and violent drum corps members ever let the activity change? Cause they were beating up people while wearing feathers in their hats and bell bottom pants?

You know what...we ARE extreme marching band geeks. It's Saturday night and we're all sitting around computers discussing drum corps and band. Sometimes "geek" gets mistaken for "passionate"

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Things will never be the same as when we marched.  Nor will the kids of today like what drum corps turns into in 10-15 years.  Everyone thinks their own years "were the glory days of drumcorps" and that today's activity has lost its identity.   Hey, I think my years were the best.  I played a two vaolve bugle.  Guys who came bfore me and marched straight lines and used a tick system thought they lived the glory years.  Ask a kid who walked off the field in Foxboro and he'll argue that his era is what defines drum corps.  Drum corps is evolutionary.  Things change.  I guess I've bought into that.  What I see on the filed today amazes me.  I can't imagine doing half of what today's performers pull off.  I'm also amazed at drum corps planet, dci.org, the Regal Cinecast, DCI on ESPN2, Cavaliers on Oprah, Blue Devils on Ellen, DCI on CBS Evening News.  Kids having the summers of their lives. 

I heard a quote today on some show I was watching....

"These ARE the good old days.  Don't forget to enjoy them." 

My interpretation of this...we'll all look back on today at some point and say, "wow 2005 was the good old days. I sure miss 'em." 

I look back on the 80s and 90s drum corps and say those were the good old days.  I was too naive at the time to realize how special a time I was living.  So, you kids out there today - enjoy it.  In a few years, you'll wish it was all like it is now.

Please don't misinterpret me. This doesn't have anything to do about "when I marched" or what era I marched in....It's about the identity of the activity and the "extreme" direction it's going in. :)

Edited by Lancerlady
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Its called tradition. If you had used the term “extreme marching band” in front of a member of the 65 Crusaders, Cavies or Blessed Sac they would of put an extreme hurt on you. Use that term in front of the average citizen and they will laugh and think extreme marching geeks. It’s a bad move!

I have no problem with traditon. I drive a 2005 BMW that is packed with tradition. I'm just glad that it doesn't look or drive like a BMW from 1970.

You can have tradition and progress together.

Edited by 2CoolVK
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ESPN has nothing to do with the ads.  Extreme Marching band is probably the best way to attract anyone remotely interested in the program that isn't already a fan.  If your jib is to try to get viewers to watch based on a single comparison - band would be it.  To a casula viewer - we're just a really good marching band. 

We all really need to get over the marching band comparison thing.  Face it....what we do is A LOT like larching band as much as we don't like or want to admit it. 

We're all trying to distance ourselves from marching bands.  Why?  Because most all of us were in one at one time or another and we were considered the geeks of the school.  It was uncool for most of us to be in band in HS, so drum corps is our answer.  In drum corps, at least we're cooler than HS bands. 

By putting down HS bands, we only expose our own insecurities with what we're into. 

So, if a newspaper calls a drum corps a band, or ESPN advertises band on steroids or whatever - we shouldn't get so bent out of shape.  If we really think we're cooler and better than bands, than we should be able to let people's ignorance about drum corps slide a little.  We come off as the ignorant ones when we jump all over non-corps people for making an honest mistake. 

With that said, drum corps rules and thank you to anyone who ever marched in a HS or college band to allow the wacky activity to exist in the first place.

So, if you are a boy, can I call you a girl ? I mean, heck, not that many differences right ?? Lots of flaws in your argumen.


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Drum corps is in no way, "extreme marching band". We dont have flute, saxaphones, trombones or clarinets. We are not affiliated with high schools/colleges, annd we dont amrch as one of our school classes that we picked.

We dont need our parents to sign a permission slip to complete and we dont trave to "grand nationals" to compete with other "bands"

Just because we are a group of people marching to self made music doesnt mean we are marching bands, extreme or not. Not even close. Some peole like to take the similarities and run with it cause its convenient and helps to further the "powers that be" in their cause of making both the same.

The marketing is a cop out, easier to draw the dumb masses in, but it would be those that are interested in band anyway, not going to pique the interest of the cheerleading fans, they kow what Band is, nor the pool players, dart throwers, shuffleboard, curlers...etc......band is defined, by stereotype or not. Drum corps still a mystery and quite frankly, by settling and calling "Extreme marching band" DCI has missed the boat in really selling the activity and giving the cred and the chance to flourish, that it could.


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Joe Schmoe can relate to Marching Band. If he reads/hears "drum corps" he goes "schwa?" *changes channel*

It's just a name. It's still drum corps even if they call it "Dishwasher Gymnastics". So don't let it get to you.

LOL< Ironic...how many channels feature marching band competitions ? Exactly !! Joe schome reads extreme marching band tonight on ESPN2, he knows what he "thinks" hes getting, already not interested, he doesnt even tune in.


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2CoolVK: If you keep making so much sense. Some people on this board are going to have a nervous break-down.

I think it's alot like people who go listen to a band at some hole-in-the-wall bar and think they're hearing the "next big thing". These people go buy the band's CD and listen to it for month's and tell their friends about how great this new band is that no one knows about. Then, to their dismay, the band actually makes it big, gets on the radio, and noweveryone listens to them. They now have to share the band that was "theirs" with the world, and it's not so cool anymore. Drum Corps is starting to make it big and these people don't want to share; they'll disguise it by saying "well, sure it's on ESPN now, but it's advertised as marching band", just to protect "their" precious drum corps.

The marketing is a cop out, easier to draw the dumb masses in, but it would be those that are interested in band anyway, not going to pique the interest of the cheerleading fans, they kow what Band is, nor the pool players, dart throwers, shuffleboard, curlers...etc......band is defined, by stereotype or not. Drum corps still a mystery and quite frankly, by settling and calling "Extreme marching band" DCI has missed the boat in really selling the activity and giving the cred and the chance to flourish, that it could.

See.......they don't want drum corps to make it to the mainstream. "Drum Corps is still a mystery"

Edited by JMExp92
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