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Perc reviews

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A small disclaimer - I'm a pit person.

A few thoughts on the few that I saw last week -

Phantom - completely living up to their hype. The line is already clean, and the pit is one of the best out there. They were the only ones already displaying a full range of dynamic levels. Another big thing that impressed me about them - how well the battery and pit play together. Their listening responsibilities are pretty ridiculous, but no back to front phasing whatsoever. Also, the pit is playing some meaty stuff, technically, but they make it look so easy that it can easily be overlooked.

Cadets - of course they're good, and their line is huge. Unlike a lot of people, I like the pit intro. It's played well and balanced across the front. One thing that just kills me about the battery is the cheesiness they add in during the solo section. Sure, lots of people enjoy seeing them throw a stick from one end of the snare line to the other, but give me more notes!

Crossmen - yay for a more aggressive perc arrangement, especially in the closer "Tank". Unfortunately still a lot of dirt in the battery, even when they're standing still. The pit will get a lot more credit for their playing than their voice-overs if they can clean their two most exposed sections - the descending 16ths during the Mozart piece and the intro accel in Tank. Other than that, this perc section is a lot of fun to watch.

Glassmen - when I saw them, it was their first show since they got back from Europe. Yikes. Cllleeeaaaan battery - tenors impressed me the most. Then again, their battery's always clean. The pit has the performance aspect down, but it seemed like everything was just coming from their marimbas rather than the full front ensemble.

Spirit - I can't remember much, but I do miss their cymbal line. Their pit has major chops. Unfortunately, too much ostinato, 16th note, "fit in as many notes as possible" runs for my taste that doesn't really contribute much to the arrangement.

Can't wait to see everyone else!

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at east i am sure i'll heavy perc loaded reviews up

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Cadets - of course they're good, and their line is huge. Unlike a lot of people, I like the pit intro. It's played well and balanced across the front. One thing that just kills me about the battery is the cheesiness they add in during the solo section. Sure, lots of people enjoy seeing them throw a stick from one end of the snare line to the other, but give me more notes!


I don't think anybody is playing the shear # of notes Cadets are.... Don't let the whiterabbits and cutting-in-and-out wireless mics fool you, they are playing serious beats! I'm sure you have, but watch the vicfirth.com and innovativepercussion.com vids for a blatant comparision...

anyway, just had to get that in...

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I don't think anybody is playing the shear # of notes Cadets are.... Don't let the whiterabbits and cutting-in-and-out wireless mics fool you, they are playing serious beats! I'm sure you have, but watch the vicfirth.com and innovativepercussion.com vids for a blatant comparision...

anyway, just had to get that in...

Thanks for the lead on IP.com I did not know about that page.

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based off of what i have seen, and after watching clips on vic firth...i don't see how blue devils drumline is even in the running. their book is so much easier...and sooooo not musical...as always.

i think phantom and cadets are great. hopefully cavies can clean too...casellas' stuff is simply wonderful!

i loved SCV too...when i saw them in seattle, they blew me away!

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Cavies are wonderful, but I think this year (again) belongs to cadets. PR is playing their tails off, though. I'm really impressed with SCV, they're doing an excellent job rebuilding!

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