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Schedual conflicting with spring training?

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I would really like to audition for the Glassmen this fall-- but my school doesn't let out until the end of the third week of June. At that point tours have already started. I think I can manage to get out of school a week-- maybe two, if I'm lucky-- early. My drill instructor says it's possible that they'd hold a spot for me if I impress them enough at the audition camp (I've made state band-- so he says talent isn't an issue) until I am able to head out for the every day camps.

So there's my issue. Do you all think I should stress myself out and try to do my finals a week early so I can march with the glassmen-- or wait until my senior year when I will be getting out early enough to be there for most of the camp anyways.

(ps: I'm a sophmore in high school this year)

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That is something that you should work out with the corps ahead of time. Go audition, and after you have played for them and if they offer you a spot (or tell you you have great talent or something or other), then tell them your concerns. Most corps have an interview with you where they discuss any conflicts you may have with camps, spring training, and tour.

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Galssmen seem to be prettyhigh-schooler friendly, as well. If you're thinking of trying out for a corps, that is a good one to pick. And remember, if you don't get in there, think of some other corps outside of the top 12, and consider applying there. I don't know if you're anywhere near Kentucky, but I know a certain Lexington-based corps that would be happy to talk to you... :) If not, you still have plenty of time, my friend. Plenty of time.

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If Dan Acheson were granted one wish, it would probably be that all high schools start and finish the academic year at the same time, or what military artillary calls a TOT (time on target). Academic schedules might work for individual school systems, but for DCI they're a royal pain in the neck. Most corps' deal with it as best they can. Go to the first audition and see how things work out, then explain to them what your academic situation is. I'm more than certain that they've had to deal with that many times before. Good luck! :)

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I think I can manage to get out of school a week-- maybe two, if I'm lucky-- early.

When I marched junior corps, I always had to get out of school early. I had to take my finals early and miss just the last week of school. Fortunately I never had to do the opposite and miss the first week of school. And as a strait C type high school student, grades weren't much of a concern for me at that time. Unfortunately I had to do the same thing in college as well, but taking finals early in college had less red tape.

Back in that day and age, corps considered school and family a higher priority to corps. At least the one I was in, there were those that weren't too school friendly as well, even back then. The option to get out early was entirely yours, just that it was an option that everyone did, if only to get out of school a week early.

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See now the schools in my area will not allow students to take their exams early so they can get out early. I have no idea why the ruling was implemented. I do know it is going to effect a lot of students who have or will want to march drum corps. If corps are interested in those individuals, then they need to respect school policies as well.

Just my 2¢

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Back in that day and age, corps considered school and family a higher priority to corps......

LOL :) I had just the opposite experience. When I marched and somebody could play a horn like Maynard they were IN, even if their name was "Jack the Ripper". Fortunately they've tightened the standards a bit since then (still laughing). :P

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Our high school won't let anyone take finals early for any reason. My son left for spring training, returned to take finals for 3 days his junior year, and then went back to corps. His senior year he came back for finals and graduation and went back early the next day. They did give him the option of taking his finals later in the summer - anytime before the start of school, but leaving camp for a few days was clearly the best option.

The first year was a challenge as no one had done corps before. The corps wrote a very nice letter explaining the activity and the educational benefits - especially for someone like my son who planned to major in music. I wrote my own letter and the band director wrote a very supportive e-mail to the principal. My son had to work out issues with each of his teachers. The principal would only excuse him from school if every teacher agreed. Fortunately they were all very supportive.

I sought advice from some faculty I knew well. They said the principal would think this was the weirdest thing he ever heard and would need to be convinced it wasn't. In my letter I pointed out that kids in surrounding school districts were leaving early from school for corps and invited the principal to call his colleagues to find out how they handled it.

The second year wasn't even a question, even though there was a new principal.

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Times have certainly changed. When I marched my three years with The Cavaliers in the mid 1970s, I was allowed to come into college each year one week late. It probably didn't hurt that it was a music college. But I had to take summer school between my junior and senior years to make up for credits I lost in transferring a couple years earlier from a non-music college. I took 12 hours of classes that session, which was A LOT. And I never missed a single corps rehearsal or show during those weeks. That was when most corps still stayed within driving distance from their home during the weekends until it was time for a three-week tour at the end. It was different for corps that were heading across the continent on a special tour or for corps from the west that had to tour longer to compete. The times have changed. There's no way anyone could go to summer school now. I also graduated before I aged out. That was weird to interview for jobs while still marching.

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Times have certainly changed. When I marched my three years with The Cavaliers in the mid 1970s, I was allowed to come into college each year one week late. It probably didn't hurt that it was a music college. But I had to take summer school between my junior and senior years to make up for credits I lost in transferring a couple years earlier from a non-music college. I took 12 hours of classes that session, which was A LOT. And I never missed a single corps rehearsal or show during those weeks. That was when most corps still stayed within driving distance from their home during the weekends until it was time for a three-week tour at the end. It was different for corps that were heading across the continent on a special tour or for corps from the west that had to tour longer to compete. The times have changed. There's no way anyone could go to summer school now. I also graduated before I aged out. That was weird to interview for jobs while still marching.

Mike, when we marched there wasn't any real scheduling problems because corps didn't have "spring trainging" and drill was being taught as early as April on the weekends. So when June came around it more putting it all together for the first show early in the month. But then that's the model of today's senior corps and they seem to be doing very well. Maybe the juniors need to reconsider how the do things and return to what worked for decades.

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