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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2021 in all areas

  1. I need Matt Harloff to come to my job and start motivating my coworkers....
    2 points
  2. So you are saying the Zingali era … which really puts into perspective how short his active influence was … but was there any greater visual innovator? Yes, he worked with the 27th color guard and Quasar prior to 1979, but it was 1979 that he took took over the visual show in Revere, and 1991 was his Magnum Opus at Star. What an era!
    1 point
  3. my "best" 10 years would fall 84 to 93 - jmo corps still played actual whole songs with a complete music idea, it was still acoustic, but the visual "revolution" was underway - sorry that's not exactly a decade
    1 point
  4. Going to say “ bookends ” to two decades I find to be the best/most entertaining. 1988-1993. These years, in my opinion, had the most entertaining Top 12 shows of any span of DCI history. (1989 and 1992 standing out in particular). Why 1988-1993? #1 reason. it defined the mantra of Music = Movement as well as the term, “ demand of book”. Cadets, Star, and Cavaliers. By the time we get to 91- 93, the drill and demand in drill from these corps is off the charts. Zingali, Brubaker, Sylvester, Rosander, and a young Gaines, all around at this time. More reasons: 1. Arguably the most entertaining shows and concepts in DCI history. More corps encore tunes come from these years then any other years. 2. The Madison Scouts. (Yes, even 1990- a show which “grows on you”.) 3. Broadway shows coming to the field with SCV, Cadets, and Madison. 4. Arguably, some of the best BD brass books of all time. In particular 88, 91, and 93. 5. 6th- 12th place corps often being as entertaining as the top half of the placements. Especially Crossmen and Bluecoats at this time. And of course, VK’s most memorable shows all came in these years. 5b….And speaking of Crossmen, it is difficult not to watch their shows during this time, and not bob your head along with their drumline. Great stuff, even on those Premier drum heads from that time. 5. Attendance in the stands. KC. Buffalo, Dallas, and Madison - the stands look like they are overflowing. 1993, (in any other place then Jackson), would have likely had the same 25,000- 30,000 plus in the stands as the previous years. 7. Curt Gowdy. Yeah, he did have those Gowdy-isms. (My favorite is “ Bibiical England” for Star 1990, and the crocodile referenced instead of shark for VK 1992). But to have him do those broadcasts was something special at the time, and even now. 8. Brass arrangements from one composer or one show brought to the field. We see full shows with one concept: Rutter’s Gloria with Cavaliers. Copland #2 in 88, and 92-93 with David Holsinger with the Cadets. Perhaps the beet are New World Symphony in 89 with Phantom, and the Walton and Resphighi years with Star. Add in Metheny with Crossmen, as well as well as the Broadway years of SCV at this time.
    1 point
  5. It seems that for many people the years you marched or the years you’re eligible to march are often the favorite years. To some extent that’s the case with me. I would have aged out in 1985 and my favorite decade is the 80’s with 1979 thrown in for good measure. I have enjoyed most years and decades, but 2011-2019 has often blown me away. I find so many engaging and entertaining.
    1 point
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