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Everything posted by TheLurch

  1. Hey man, I'm a freshman at CMU and I'm a Marching Chip. The marching band here is pretty sweet. There's some great traditions and the people are awesome. I'm having a great time, I definitely suggest it if you end up going here.
  2. Wow, I really like that arrangement. Check this out. Scott Dean playing the National Anthem.
  3. Great job Bluecoats! It's good to see they're on fire and only 2 points behind Cavies. Sweet!
  4. I love it when drumlines sway during a sweet drum feature. Whenever SCV does it during one of their drum breaks it just looks so awesome. I've also seen BD do it for their on-field warmup during The Ditty, and I thought that looked cool too, but during the on-field warmup it was more like them walking around in a big cluster and rocking out, it looked sweet.
  5. Whoa, space music sounded sweet. And I loved the solo section with the drumline, those C Corps kids are sweet. 2 very good videos. :)
  6. haha that was definitely hilarious. Did the VK guys know that BD was going to join in the fun?
  7. I love BD and Cadets style of marching. Our last and current marching instructors marched BD and Cadets (respectively). So, I'm all about the straight-leg. I also think it looks WAAYY better marching backwards straight-leg than it does bent.
  8. Yeah, I totally agree with BD '04. I love PR '03 and Crown '05 I really like as well.
  9. Wow, that's pretty crazy. Tim Gray wrote the drill for my marching band in 2004. Small world, I suppose...
  10. I've always been a fan of around 9:34 on the dvd during PR '03. It's at about 8:41 on the cd. And the first chord(s) from '96 BD scared the crap out of me the first time I ever heard it.
  11. I always liked Americanos' hats (i think they were called gauchos sp?). Always thought those looked cool. I think Aussies look BA too, especially SCVs.
  12. oh man, i saw Chops Inc. in Kalamazoo and I was blown away. I loved how much fun the corps seemed to be having and those trumpet solos punched me right in the face!! Great job, Chops Inc. and I hope you all keep continunig to be awesome!
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