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Everything posted by Phantom&Phitch

  1. funny how the article seems to mention the 4 of the g7 recused themselves from the bod but doesnt mention that they first voted in favor of the proposal. i think that's a major detail and wouldve been in the article.
  2. I don't but neither do you, and to stir up trouble without knowing if there is any is stupid.
  3. really jeff? did you read through the whole 60 page proposal? don't you think you're jumping to conclusions about something no one really knows much about yet? how do you know there isnt a section of the presentation that dealt with flexibility amongst the group?
  4. first off it was a presentation, not an official proposal - second, it was made to them but they voted on nothing. bc of their conflict of interest the BoD was dissolved. btw 4 out of 9 is still a minority.
  5. there is nothing wrong with rewarding consistency, especially when trying to sell a bundled product.
  6. the article states nothing about the board with 4 of the G7 voting on anything
  7. Wrong - the article said that bc of that conflict of interest with those 4 board members, the conf call was called and the current board resolved. not until we find out who the acting bod is can you make that assumption.
  8. they never said it was the top 7 placing corps. over the past few years the G7 corps have had consistency amongst the top or the rankings.
  9. quick heads up - they have BD 2009 in HD on sale - it's more money than a usual performance.
  10. ah haha my bd - i just got a computer after not having one for like 2 yrs and last i heard fan network was just for streaming regional events - thanks guy - Mods can close the thread
  11. WGI let's you buy performances from 4 seasons ago online for 5 bucks a pop - when will DCI catch up and allow this?
  12. What if the G7 changes each year based on finals placement? would people be ok with that? The g7 could still operate as an entity under DCI and like was stated they'll only have G7 performances on fridays and sundays and still take part in the DCI tour but use the G7 events as a separate entertainment/fundraising venture. would anyone be ok with that?
  13. I could easily see USSBA swallowing up TOB and surrounding regional circuits.
  14. If the 'G-7' do break away and DCI suffers, I wonder how many corps will try and get with the 'G-7' under their terms.
  15. or put them down and bury them in the backyard.
  16. youre calling me out for making broad generalizations about the consensus of PRs poster so i'm calling you on on your lack of knowledge on what makes an ad good. a poster is an ad and this once sucks.
  17. and you shouldve told me you work for an ad agency
  18. That's a lame excuse. and to say that's it's just a poster as a cop out is an even lamer excuse. if you're going to put out a product, put out a good product. no one wants to wear clothes styled from 1995 so why would the want to have a poster in the same fashion?
  19. there's that awesome feature on DCP where you can look up people's past posts.
  20. not even just the font, but the color scheme and that graphic looks like they just got an image and used the smudge tool in photoshop to create the line. looks cheap.
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