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Everything posted by 3rd_Star_Brigade

  1. By no real board, you need to understand the exact nature of it. First, you would need to check the organization's constitution. Check the section on petty cash. Secondly, who was on the board? He had to have a sitting board during the collapse. Perhaps they existed merely to sign forms and checks. If so, they would know. Also, the constitution may list the director as CFO in which case he would have authority (unless amended in the Constitution) to sign his own checks. If so, then ok. Now, if it seems that it all happened by the book to that, you can go to the IRS and report your claim. The only problem is limitations may have run its course. If it didn't , report it to the bank. The bank will be ###### as hell. The director will then either get audited or have to explain the discrepancies in his budget at closing. my 2 cents and how i would handle it.
  2. Weren't we saying this kind of #### 10 years ago about Bb/G? When are we going to face the reality that drum corps is not at the level of professionalism to push limits of performing visual and acoustical flawless artistic minimalist crap? You guys (not directed at you Donny) are adding problems on levels beyond your pocket book and comprehension. Please, face the music. We are part of a niche community of people who like loud brass, theatrics (GE), percussion and drums, and dancing. Thats it. Just make it simple and make it identifiable as different. Poorly managed amplifiers and poorly utilizes or moldy cheese electronic patches are just as bad, if not tremendously worse at destroying the GE package and effectiveness of a show than the intonation of hornlines.
  3. Ok, this is not about crazy conspiracy theories, who killed jr/jfk/ or a forum to discuss that suta means. but, i was trying to find out where i could find a recording of PR's Amazing Grace (yeah, the ornaments in brass thread got me thinking) and i stumbled upon drum corps wiki (yeah, we got one now. weird, right?) So anyway, i was looking for an OGG file, sadly no dice, but I came upon this section on SUTA which lists a theory on what it means. I think it might be right. Is this the holy grail? Is this the meaning of SUTA? http://drumcorpswiki.com/Phantom_Regiment Anyway, just thought it was interesting and a topic long since brought up.
  4. Ahh, I'm more of a summer guy. I don't like cold, wet, rainy rehearsals and div ii football games. plus, i hate practicing in jeans, and without proper breathe-da playing instruction. yeah, donnie van doren ruined my life. ive never even met the guy, but he taught basically ever brass instructor how to do it, and i just dont feel the same playing without it, ya know.
  5. WCU is the band that thinks its a corps... mistakenly. PS I go there. I wouldn't trade my open class experience for my year of band.
  6. I remember reading somewhere that Blue Devils had gradually eliminated their line of Gs in the hornline and had a mixed hornline (at least of sops and trumpets) during those points. Can anyone confirm?
  7. We cannot argue about this now. I think this was a good article, however, I would have liked to heard more about the reasoning behind DCI moving and staying in Indy. What exactly does DCI get out of the town per contract?
  8. Listen to Northern Aurora (D II?) or Crown (D III) from Ornaments. Very listenable Dont knock smaller corps until you experience their abilities firsthand. I assure you, even Spirit of Newark is a good sounding corps in concert block.
  9. dude, #### that. the ornaments in brass was something special because it was songs of corps from all across the board. give me some spirit of newark, raiders, surf, crossmen, and then we can talk about those that make money at every show they go to.
  10. I'd like to see vanguard win. they havent won in 11 years. i guess its back to second clara vanguard. except, they havent been in second for a while...
  11. why? these organizations devout their full existence to music, whilst school boards see red ink. the writing on the wall says Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin. so shall you reap.
  12. no, the reason that those corps went out of existence was because during the time that they existed all over the country, the school systems didnt put anything toward extracurricular or non math or science based courses. Why? the cold war with the soviets. school system models were based on one thing, creating genius business men and scientists, to boost the american economy and beat the soviets in developing nuclear and biological arms, spaceflight, and computer systems. and, mission accomplished. schools began to have bigger budgets, which led to an increase in music programs, music careers, and general culture in america today. the problem lies with the change in economic temperature right now. independent organizations are the only viable, well procured, solely devoted platforms for young people to get the education they deserve in real world terms.
  13. High school! What about college? The marching band that thinks its a drum corps. Hah! To Mike- my opinion was not backwards. It was a reasoning for the need of the kids right now who do not have a band or music program to go to, and aren't good enough or have enough money to do DCI or DCA high level corps. The reformation nears...
  14. For the grand finale, in reference to Phantom 06 and 08, have the drum major as Xenu attacked by his fellow loyal drum majors, and cast in chains to be taken to Mt Saint Helen. I am Xenucus?
  15. So, we've seen Jesus Christ Superstar on the field, why not a show about Scientology's Origin Myth. I think it would be great if we could see VK do this. Have the drum major dressed like Xenu, and include the plot of the story. Cardboard cutouts of DC-8 Plane Spaceships and plastic volcano props. It would be a ball. Music could be space-based. 2001 Space Odyssey original score material, Journey to Orion, etc. Original Story found here: Fast forward to 1:26 Discuss.
  16. Understand and respect the journey, not the Miley Cyrus convention at the end (MIST!!!).
  17. Nope. I was in one of those bands in high school from 03-07. CBA, EMBA, MBA, TOB, etc. do not require copyright documentation to let the band play their music. BOA is a different story. I'm not even sure USSBA requires it. In fact, I saw a John Williams arrangement on the field this year at a USSBA show. I know they don't. DCI didnt until a few years ago. However, the original point was for the video. No one checks, and the artists really don't care. How many tour DVDs use pop or rock music in them? Are each one of those 15 songs used in that video released? No.
  18. I like that show too. As well as the Red Poppy in '94. Thats my favorite, actually.
  19. Actually I'm saying that the point is to measure yourself by your own standards and not a judge's.
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