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Everything posted by HockeyDad

  1. I will defer to Scheherazade on this and only say, I hope that this lawsuit helps the person with the healing process. Shame on these corps and DCI for inadequate oversight.
  2. (Reads new Cadets are being sued thread) Well, now I have my answer.
  3. Interesting statement isn’t it? Expenses were managed within expectations…. Fell short of fundraising goals. Well. Ok. I thought I would spend 10 dollars. And I did spend 10 dollars!! But I didn’t expect to only bring in 5 dollars. Sure, they managed their “expenses expectations.” They failed to manage their income expectations. So they failed in their budgeting. And that is what matters. But the words are fancy. I fear smoke is being blown at us. I hope for their success but the double speak and aggressive defensiveness makes me fear otherwise. I have seen this movie before.
  4. Well, if I take the statement made by the BOD member at face value (reason for no 2024 tour is unexpected expenses, paraphrasing here), then no, why would that have anything to do with legal counsel? So it didn’t and doesn’t dawn on me. Now, if there is more to the story that involves the need to lawyer up, then it becomes a very different picture to me. Maybe time will tell. Maybe it won’t.
  5. Ok well I tried. In the most respectful and neutral way I could. Thanks for the attitude. Your words sunk in, believe me. What’s disappointing is that you can’t tour in 2024. Failures occurred. That’s not an accusation. And you don’t seem willing or able to describe what you are doing to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I wish you well.
  6. Can you explain what you good folks on the BOD did wrong such that you can’t tour in 2024, and what corrective actions you are taking to prevent reoccurrence of this? Thank you.
  7. Yeah. That’s a controversial word. Let me try a reply that doesn’t use that word. My problem here (MY problem, others are entitled to their opinions and I respect that), I think, is that I’m just not buying the explanation provided by the BOD member. Paraphrasing (in other words, how my brain interpreted it) - some bills came in late that we weren’t expecting, and busses were an issue and we won’t skimp on that kind of stuff. And that’s why they can’t tour in 2024. I’m not buying it. There is more to the story here. That’s where I am with this.
  8. Ahh. You speak wisdom. At the same time you have spoken one answer to the question - why aren’t people donating more? No transparency = no more money. I suspect this is how some people feel.
  9. Gotta disagree with you on this. I don’t know if I can speak for “we” but what “I” want is for the activity to survive. And I claim cutting costs is a key component of that, and necessary for survival. Ideas of limiting spring training and touring locally both arise from that. I do not care if the “quality suffers”. That’s always been a subjective argument anyway. And I never said anything about where they can draw their members from. Actually I did - I said I don’t care if they get them from the moon. Just let it be known the touring will be local until Finals week. For all the corps in DCI. And I don’t buy the argument that the experience will suffer so kids won’t do it.
  10. Bravo on the “yikes”. Yes my post makes no sense. But bear with me: Maybe the attitude of “DCI doesn’t have the authority to (…fill in the blank)” will change after conclusion of the SOA lawsuit to the point where DCI becomes much more intrusive. Dare I say, to the point where they actually exert leadership authority on issues such as member safety. That was my point. Yes, I covered two things in one post. Sorry.
  11. <clutching pearls> Oh No!! You’re going to make Rules?!? You’re going to RESTRICT how long they can practice? You’re going to stymie their creativity and prevent them from EVOLVING? How can you DO that?? Actually it’s a great idea. (But how could they ENFORCE that? Are they going to send spies?). Next they can work on member safety since apparently every corps has high school kids in it. Nah, DCI doesn’t have the AUTHORITY. DCI is the corps. Maybe after the SOA lawsuit concludes attitudes will change a bit.
  12. I have quit jobs several times in my life. You don’t see that plastered all over DCP.
  13. Cool. So the best people to solve the problems are the ones who can’t get their corps out on tour? I thought I’d give you another chance to answer the question if you care to.
  14. So the best people to solve the problems are the ones who can’t get their corps out on tour? Super.
  15. I love the handwringing. Apparently there is no solution. Ya’ll certainly haven’t offered up anything other than to shoot down any idea. Oh, bother.
  16. Local recruitment? Please tell me where in my post I said local recruitment. I said local touring market. If you want to come from the moon to perform with my corps, welcome! We will be touring in a tri state area (or something like that, just making it up) until finals week when all corps gather for the annual jamboree! Imagine the excitement when BD and BAC first meet at quarterfinals.
  17. It’s not that I don’t like it. Rather that it’s not particularly believable. Nor, as Jeff points out, is it very detailed. Expenses caught up on us? We didn’t want to provide a substandard experience? That’s why you can’t field a corps in 2024? So again, it’s not that I don’t like the information, rather that I find the explanation to be a bit implausible. And that’s a generous interpretation. Because if I take it at face value, it’s worse. The only thing separating them from being able to participate from not was some late unexpected bills and subpar infrastructure. Not good. If that’s all it was, a couple calls to some key donors could have fixed it. Yeah, I shall remain skeptical.
  18. Re the - that ship has sailed - comment: many times on DCP this is restated. By many posters. So Illiana this is not directed at you. If the ship has sailed, but it’s about to go down on a reef, maybe the ship needs to turn around. Shall we collectively be so stubborn in our refusal to go “back to the future” that we allow the entire activity to die because of unsustainable cost increases? Maybe contracting and going back local is the way to Save the activity. But oh, would the quality of the product suffer? Maybe. Probably. Sure. Yes I will boldly state the quality of the product would suffer. I’d prefer that, Much prefer that, to an activity that “evolved” itself into complete extinction. That’s the cold slap of reality smacking us in the face.
  19. Am I caught in a bait-and -switch scheme here? I want to discuss what is going on that Cadets can’t leave the driveway in 2024. That’s far from a nothing burger. And I don’t believe it’s because some unexpected bills came in late and…Oops! There is more to it. Yet everyone seems to want to instead talk about how angry they are that Richard L. piled on about the PA registration. If that’s a nothing burger (and I agree that it is) then WHY can’t you stop talking about it ?!? RL has not even posted to this thread!
  20. Did they pat you on the head as they said it? “There, there, sport. How ‘bout a Fresca?!”
  21. Wild theories? I don’t know, but “lawyers cost money” doesn’t seem very controversial to me.
  22. I have no interest in their PA filing status. That’s “straining at the gnat and passing the camel.” And the person who rang that bell has not posted to this thread. Yet here we are still grousing about it. My interest, and may I offer, the much greater interest, should be in why the BOD apparently failed financially to the point they can’t field a corps in 2024. So far we have one carefully worded post from a BOD member, which I greatly appreciate, but which doesn’t answer the question. I would hold my donations until much more specific information is provided. They are under no obligation to do so. Just as we are under no obligation to donate. Peace.
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