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Everything posted by Malambo13

  1. I think a lot of people are underestimating Spartans this year. They've proven for the last 3 years that they're a force to be reckoned with in Division 2. I just don't see this year being any different. ECJ's looking pretty good, also.
  2. I'll be the first person to retract all of my previous statements about the excessive hype here on DCP pre-season. That said, I don't necessarily regret making those statements and I still think my opinion was legitimate. Plus there was just way way too much BC hype for a couple of weeks. But yeah, I'm glad to see them doing well. Hope they can break into the top 3 sometime soon.
  3. Their show would be a lot better if they cut out the first 6 minutes. Actually it was pretty unremarkable until the last minute and half. And even when it got to the point, I'm not sure how much extremely dirty runs and doubletonguing impress me. Maybe I'm just picky? And I honestly can't believe that that is what all the hype's about.
  4. Are you done boasting about Academy yet? Get over yourself. You march a Division 2 corps that plays generic drum corps shows with mediocre writing and mediocre performance. No one's world is going to be changed by "danzon!" (sorry, I'm too lazy to do the cute double-exclamation points or the accent over the o). Your corps is good. It is nowhere near great. It will take a lot of work and a long time for it to be great, or anyhwere near great. Go practice. Or if you don't feel like practicing, maybe go learn how to type. Or write. Or read. Those skills are kind of useful.
  5. Exactly. Is the BD staff yelling "Blue!!!" at the end of the ridiculous runs in Night Streets in 94 crossing the line? One of Boston's staffers yelling "Yeah, get funky, woo!" right before Sing Sang Sung (2005) crossing the line? I think it's just a stupid inside joke... having someone yell "Dani, No!" contributes nothing to the plot of Cadets' show, so I don't see why they'd do it. One of my friends in Cadets told me that it was alternates that were doing the yelling... so it's certainly not the staff. And if you people are going to harp on the Cadets this much to suggest they get a penalty for such a stupid thing... well, you guys really have gone crazy.
  6. Someone else posted this in another thread, but I think it applies here: Welcome to DCP. Opinions not welcome. Doesn't it seem a bit closedminded to call another person's opinion closeminded? Especially when he (she?) backs up his opinion with a couple of paragraphs of evidence? Just a thought. P.S. I also hear Scouts used to be well-liked because of their respect for the activity and others. Would you say that you are a good example of being raised in the Madison Scout tradition?
  7. Man you guys here on DCP are some real jokesters. Coming up with an original and hilarious way to yet again slam Cadets' 2006 show.... I haven't laughed so hard in months. Great one. Personally, I wouldn't mind if the following corps won this year: Cavies BD Cadets I would be ###### if any other corps won because I don't think any of the other corps have anywhere near as good of a quality design as those three. Phantom could, but they still have a ton of issues they need to fix and a ton of rewrites to do. I'd be pumped to see Bluecoats medal, and I guess I wouldn't mind if they won with a better program than anyone else, but I don't see that happening.
  8. The ballad bores me. I love the drum feature. The opening and closing rock. Cadets will place in the top 3 this year, easily.
  9. Number of threads Academy has on the front page of the Div 2/3 Forums: 4. Number of threads 2005 World Champion East Coast Jazz has on the first two pages of the Div 2/3 Forums: 1. Number of threads 2004 World Champion The Spartans have on the first two pages of the Div 2/3 Forums: 1, dedicated to how quiet they've been this year.
  10. Why does this topic exist? Who cares? Because I'm tired of people hyping Academy and feel the need to voice my opinion about it.
  11. I thought Academy had an indoor rehearsal site.
  12. In all honesty, a 70.55 at the first show isn't that high. At Spartans' and East Coast Jazz's first show last year (which was this Saturday last year), Spartans scored a 72.85 and ECJ scored a 71.8. Obviously spreads from different shows mean nothing, but a 70.55 is certainly no reason to predict a landslide victory.
  13. Number of corps that placed somewhere in the top 5 from 1972-1985 (the first year Cavies made the top 5, and therefore the first year that every member of the so-called "Big 6" had made the top 5): 15 Number of corps that placed in the top 5 from 1986-2005: 11. Considering the larger time period of the second sample, the disparity is pretty evident. It was much easier to break into the upper echelon back in the day than it is now. I'd also like to point out that the last corps to place in the top 4 besides Madison, SCV, BD, Phantom, Cavies, or Cadets was Star in 1993. Before that it was 27th Lancers in 1981. And though the top 6 certainly don't have a monopoly on "commitment, talent, and the synthesis of a lot of different dynamic element that bring the best out of an organization," they have proven that they are very resilient when it comes to fighting off up-and-comers.
  14. Not thinking they're going to win the title this year is underdogging them?
  15. Am I supposed to take this post seriously? Blue Stars contending for a title anytime soon... that's funny. Hilarious, in fact.
  16. The huge flags SCV had in '91 for the Miss Saigon had to have been pricey to make.
  17. Hoppy's never happy. Just check out the '04 designer commentary for evidence of that.
  18. "People finally realize how stupid and tired the term 'evil' is when used to describe anything related to drum corps or the Renegades." If only this were reality...
  19. Actually, #### it. I just changed my avatar... this one should be more clear. And yes, cire, you're right. BD is the worst corps on the face of the earth. Glad we got that cleared up.
  20. For the third time, I don't march Crown. My avatar is making fun of Crown. PM me if you'd like the story.
  21. Right... it wasn't the Troopers' pit I was marching by when they said that, but some other pit that was wearing a cavalry uniform with neckerchiefs. Or maybe it was some evil Troopers-hater hiding in the woods behind your pit, because God knows there was no one else around besides the pit. This was last year, also; I don't think my memory's faded this fast. PM me if you want the full story.
  22. Nope. Far from jealous, in fact. But when your members say "_____, what a joke" (insert the name of my corps there) when we're marching by them on the way to a show, I kind of lose respect for you.
  23. I would if they treated other corps with more respect. Unfortunately, they do not (should I have used the past tense of those verbs?).
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