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Everything posted by juice

  1. I'm pretty sure the premium tickets for Madison were along the same $125 price line
  2. Just wondering. Have you seen their drill yet? I mean they could have BA music and iffy drill. They would no longer contend for a top 6 placement BUT on the other hand, they could have BA music and drill, so they could contend
  3. Cause they probably know there shows wont be quite done yet, just like last year Now leave me alone, I WAS ONLY KIDDING. You know, sarcasm. A joke. Ok, I think we get it.
  4. Or they may not. They are playing music that their beloved corps has played in the past....AND played very well I might add. Hostility? Maybe Love for Crown? Maybe Who knows, only time will tell. I CANT WAIT FOR JUNE!!! AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
  5. Weird cause I just checked mine and it's still good till April 30th, so I couldn't even begin to guess what's up
  6. That's why most corps that add members will PROBABLY add to the guard. They do take up the least amount of equipment space
  7. If I had to watch one or the other, Id definitely go with BD without giving it a second thought
  8. I dont know if that's going to happen this year. At least not "a couple"
  9. I hope this wasn't taken as an insult to the corps. I meant the freezeframe was over... I guess the video they were showing before was just testing and i didn't know that.
  10. Finally moving again. It looks like it actually started for real this time lol
  11. Mines been in a freezeframe for the last 5-10 minutes... :(
  12. I'm not that dense, but thanks. Good news is that it doesn't look like any events are scheduled during finals week http://events.iu.edu/webevent.cgi?cmd=list...;y=2008;m=8;d=6
  13. Seriously, why'd you even bring him into this...?
  14. Couldn't exactly tell you why, but it doesn't surprise me one bit
  15. Yeah, how has that worked out the past couple years...
  16. Rumors, rumors are no fun. Rumors, rumors hurt someone.
  17. It was in the top banner on the homepage of their site
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