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Everything posted by mpsanchez

  1. True, if blade tosses are part of a regular practice regimen. Those of us who don't dabble with saber, as often, are allowed to be absolutely terrified when that sucker free falls at 30kph.
  2. I heard that. But, on a side note I find that taking deep breaths helps while in peeve-mode.
  3. A great number of color guard enthusiasts are not musicians. Percussion was my fancy until I was hit over the head with a piece of guard equipment. :P
  4. Well, the kids are learning the show using a simpler 8x8 counting which is a bit slower than the music. Once they are comfortable with the work, I'll start to nit-pick a few places. They are learning a number of bits by music rather than by count. That makes it terribly difficult to clean later, but it's such a killer piece.
  5. Sufjan Stevens' "All Good Naysayers, Speak Up! Or Forever Hold Your Peace!" from his "Michigan" album was the track I had considered and experimented with. I am now using "The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!" from his "Illinois" disc instead. An equally challenging time signature, but easier for my students to cope with.
  6. Install IE Tab from http://addons.mozilla.org - You can right click any link an select "Open in IE Tab" and the page will be opened in an IE window embedded in a Mozilla/Firefox tab. It worked with the link above.
  7. I did once. Broke my finger. Kids laughed at me... Wasn't a pretty sight.
  8. I wouldn't say all, but most. There is also the problem of bucking trends. That is a very difficult thing to do in this activity. Most adjudicators will frown on any guard doing any programming against grain unless it's done exceedingly well. I'm sure judges could give a fair rating to a show with a large amount of street dance. But, if it's not executed well they may not be very kind.
  9. That's the rub. Most judges have no experience with pop'n lock style or krunk style dancing.
  10. OK, Here goes... Phantom Vanguard Cavaliers Bluecoats Cadets Blue Devils Crown Blue Knights Scouts Glassmen Crossmen Crusaders Blue Stars Troopers Colts Spirit Academy
  11. I admit, that new ending was killer. But, BA had a low brass sound that seriously cleaned house. They also had all these music theory anomolies that really gave them an edge. Who all can tell me what a hemiola is?
  12. It's a trend that shifts from decade to decade. Bands copy Corps or Corps copy Bands. Imitation is flattery, it's also boring. Just sayin.
  13. Was that guy slamming tam-tams together. Those cymbals were HUGE!
  14. Three or four coats max. Then you're dealing with a floor that weights 6x-10x what it originally had. Those are not fun folding, lifting and moving on your own.
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