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Everything posted by Martybucs

  1. I think MikeD abused his moderator privileges and voted many times for.
  2. Ray, is one of the nicest people you could ever meet, too.
  3. I never understood why some people think that Bach mouthpieces are the ONLY mouthpiece one should play. Most of the people I know, that tried to get us to play on Bach mouthpieces weren't all that good themselves, yet thought they knew what was good for everyone. I have nothing against Bach mouthpieces. I started on one, like most players, then moved on when I found mouthpieces that worked better for me, as far as sound, comfort, then range and endurance. Lots of great players use Bach mouthpieces, probably even more great players don't.
  4. The argument over what is a bugle is senseless, since they are all part of the same family. I could see on the battlefield the bugler being summoned to sound an attack and the bugler saying, "Oh, I'm sorry sir, I can't do that.' ' I only brought my Bb trumpet.' 'Give me a minute to go fetch my G bugle." What made a drum and bugle corps was it's military traditions and style. Drum and bugle corps marched in precision formations and played with precision on very imprecise instrumentation. They were judged by how few mistakes were made, (caught). When they threw out the military guidelines and rule book, they tossed out all of drum and bugle corps tradition. It is that simple. You can argue, when, what era, what instrumentation changes, etc, til you're blue in the face. It's a pointless, stupid argument. For most of it's existence, competitive drum and bugle corps were governed by VFW/AL rule books - they invented the game and it was their rules and they defined drum and bugle corps. PERIOD. What came after that is not drum and bugle corps. It was pretty close to the same thing for many years, but it isn't drum and bugle corps anymore. It is indeed, now marching band, at it's finest. Back when I was a kid, drum and bugle corps did military drills, marching bands did grand formations on the field, you could hear the announcer's voice re-verbing in the stadiums at half time, "...and NOW, THE BAND WILL FORM A GIANT STEAMBOAT AND THE PADDLE WHEELS WILL TURN AS IT MOVES ACROSS THE FIELD TO THE SOUNDS OF "PROUD MARY!" (MARY, Mary, mary, mary). Those drills back in the 50s and 60s were amazing...and they are today, too as drum corps does them. Big, morphing, formations...nothing new there, just repackaged band stuff from the 50s and 60s or earlier. However, they're great to watch and listen to now. Those of us that are left from the days when drum and bugle corps existed and competed and honored our country and military, know it's not drum and bugle corps, but, in the end it's a silly argument. They do what they do. It's good. What's not to like? The descriptive name? That was usurped years ago. Let them have it...keep your memories and cherish them.
  5. Those "archaic" rules are what made it drum and bugle corps. Imagine having to compete within strict guidelines, and be creative about it, in order to preserve a unique form of competition, and that very competition, was the basis for the entertainment. Modern designers had no taste for the competition part, only the design and entertainment part. So, no more drum and bugle corps competitions. It's cool, though, as long as people like it, buy tickets, and the members enjoy performing. Just think how much more enjoyable the PGA would be if they changed the rules to allow cheerleaders.
  6. Naw! They'd have to haul all that pit stuff down to the endzone...it would take hours.
  7. Reminds me of that joke; Did you ever smell moth balls? How'd you get their tiny legs apart?
  8. OK, two Skyliners are walking down the street and they pass this bar.....HEY!...it could happen........... All right I know, I know, what's the price of corn? etc.....
  9. Yeah, I think he likes redheads best! Doesn't he?
  10. On the bus...they're always too loud on the bus. They should just shut up!
  11. How about 20 bucks to get in to the show, but if you don't like the show, you can't just leave. You can pay an early termination fee of $150.00 and leave no questions asked.
  12. I think guards should be amped! ...and they should spin woodwind...players!
  13. Don't you mean "any oinkling"? Modern Scrapple is mostly cornmeal and the same basic ingredients that are in most pork hot dogs, these days. I think you can also get beef scrapple. Only thing available at Albright will be some kick azz drum corps! ...and all the other suitably nutritious food served at venues everywhere.
  14. Good drum corps jokes? REAL drum corps jokes? How about this one...DCI. I know it's more of a mockery, but...
  15. I was just joking too. I just forgot to put one of those stupid smiley faces. It's cool.
  16. You know I was a member of a junior corps for 10 years and I NEVER, EVER saw any underage drinking. NEVER and no pot smoking either, and definitely no cocaine. None of that ever happened. Of course, I wasn't "cool" enough to hang out with the people that may have done such unthinkable things like that, if in fact, they ever would have occurred, which I'm sure they did not since it was a junior corps as virtuous as any other.
  17. Well, if that's how you do it fine. A little TMI, for me.
  18. OK, did some research, i.e. tuba, cold weather, warmth and I've got your answer... PROPANE!
  19. I just sent JimF-3rdBari a PM that said: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIM! you should too.
  20. I started in 1964 on a 7C. Then in 1969 Ray Eyler got us all playing Parduba 5 Star mouthpieces. I played on the Parduba until 1976 and switched to a Giardinelli 10M. I play a Curry Mouthpiece now, but I forget the size. (600 series, I think and has sort of a double cup look to it, but not as pronounced as a Parduba) I never quite got the hang of the Parduba. I played well and had good range and endurance, but it never felt comfortable for me. I did a short stint on a Schilke 13a4A back in '76 also and off and on since, but don't care for my sound on it. Curry mpc, I play now is definitely the best mpc, for me, that I've found.
  21. nights and weekends away from the family? I'd pay 20 bucks for that!
  22. Recently an Irish Dance studio moved in, next door to where I work. It's pure torture. Constant stomping and fiddle music...all day long, over and over and over and over and over and over...boom boom boom boom de de boom boom... I CAN'T STAND IT, I TELL YOU, I CAN'T STAND IT! sorry, I haven't been myself since they moved in. ...and I think they're after me Lucky Charms! shhhhh
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