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Everything posted by IllianaLancerContra

  1. That is assuming that they want to be fixed. Admitting there is a problem is the first step.
  2. How many more times do you think the activity will need to go through a situation like this before it is finally fixed?
  3. The same DCW that posted a story about guys peeking into the girls locker room while on tour in early 1980s?
  4. Agree, but DCI would need legal counsel, and easily could be called in as a witness. And there could be discovery as well, which would have its own expense. It could easily turn into a ‘the process is the punishment’ situation. Even if DCI isn’t at fault they could easily rack up thousands in legal fees.
  5. Assuming that the asset is Philmont? I have a story about Philmont form a previous life.
  6. To further pontificate - BSA is also a much larger organization, with far deeper pockets than DCI. At some point a lawsuit will happen. Perhaps soon. Maybe not this year, maybe not next. But it will happen. EquitAbility Consulting, LLC (https://equitabilityconsulting.com/), who is working for the SoA victim, is a law firm specializing in this sexual assault/harassment; the ball may already be rolling. How much money does DCI/Corps have set aside to pay for attorneys? Will DCI/Corps insurance cover any damages? If there are criminal penalties I already know the answer - insurance won't cover illegal acts; simple example is that auto insurance doesn't cover speeding tickets. If there is a civil suit, there will be depositions under oath. Questions like 'When did you become aware that instructor X at Corps A was sexually harassing/abusing members?' Why did you allow instructor A to work at Corps Y if you know there were allegations?' There will also be discovery where DCI/Corps will need to turn over all relevant records. And the records may well become public (look at clergy abuse in Catholic Church (look around this website for a while - records, spreadsheets, names, assignments, etc, etc. https://www.bishop-accountability.org/). DCICorps don't have the resources that BSA or Catholic Church does (or did). And BSA / Catholic Church lost in both criminal & civil cases. Yet DCI/Corps won't excise the cancer of member abuse. When the legal actions begin, DCI/Corps will be squashed like a bug. And they will have no one to blame but themselves.
  7. BSA, having lost multiple lawsuits, had to put this training into place or they wouldn’t be able to exist any longer. For some reason DCI doesn’t see that they are in the exact same place BSA was before the lawsuits & criminal investigations began.
  8. Wouldn’t it be in the job security / financial interest of those in the Drum Corps business to weed out the predators who are a threat to the existence of the Drum Corps business?
  9. Do we know for certain the individuals behind the burner account?
  10. The problem is that you are applying logic to a highly illogical situation.
  11. Other than SoA, there are current discussions of harassment at Raiders, Battalion, & SCV new director from her time at Shadow. I have not seen any of these organizations, nor DCI reply.
  12. Yes - there are specific ways as an organization you go about dealing w/ bad news. If you want to see it done very well, looks at how Johnson & Johnson dealt with the Tylenol Murders in 1982.
  13. If this truly happened, it is horrific. If it is not true,making such a false claim is also horrific.
  14. Rather than list a song a Corps should play, I would like to twist it another way: All the member-abuse stories got me thinking- If a Corps were to do a show entitled ‘Dumpster Fire’, what music would fit the theme?
  15. Keep your head up- don’t stoop to their level. If you get frustrated go work out or practice - you want to be in best physical shape of life for summer season (am I correct you are marching this summer?).
  16. If you click name of the poster & look at posts there are photos included with the doxing. I wonder if anyone at SoA is supposed to be monitoring their Facebook pages? Or was that person sacked for blocking victim? Any thoughts on what we can do to protect victim from this BS? Although it would seem her parents & their legal counsel are actively engaged so perhaps our moral support is sufficient.
  17. Yes. In comments section of yesterday’s official post canceling season. Looks like photos of a printed document
  18. Click official link, then scroll through the comments on the SoA post yesterday announcing the 2022 year off. The questionable posts look like photos of printed pages; there are about 5.
  19. Well, if doxing the victim is an ethics violation then yes, there is an ethics violation. And it is worse if you go to the poster’s info to see recent posts.
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