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Everything posted by oswald

  1. "Don't be a goof!" - Doug Thrower "Dress center dress! *pause* Dress center dress! (D'oh!, followed by immense confusion in the block)" - I said that at retreat on my first night at the helm in '02. I think it was Ankeny or something. Yeah, for brainfarts... "Don't look at the crowd! Think icepicks in the eye!" - Doug Thrower "dahhh dah dah da dahhhhhhh dah da dah dahhh da" - Dave MacKinnon singing ANY part of the brass book "Ryan.........Ryan.........Ryan..., etc." - Any particualy day on the vet bus in '02 when I had the mic in-hand (Sorry, Ryan, nothin but love to you bro) "Good morning Bluecoats!" - David Glasgow's (as DM) wakeup call in 2000-01 "Kill Yourself!" - Mike Scheck's prompt retort "BANANAS!" - Antman "ARRRRRRRRRR!" - Antman "You sank my battleship!" - Fat B. to Dave MacKinnon during horn arc in '00 "FYYFF" "Cheesecake!" - you either get it or you don't "Sky Appreciation!" "I think I just crapped myself!" - Fat B. to the tower during ensemble rehearsal "####'s Satans rule!" "Six, Six, Six...SIX!" - sops in 2001 (man, that was awesome until we scared people, btw) It's not a quote, but I would like to submit the sound Mike Scheck's sop made in 2001 when it got run-over by a Madison alum in the parking lot before our show at Normal, IL. There's nothing like the sound a Honda makes when it flattens a Kanstul Soprano Bugle. more to come...
  2. Strange but true facts of DCI: Cavies made a record 64,457 fans wet themselves with their many performances of "Niagara" and its corresponding water noises throughout the 2000 season. Phantom Regiment's low brass can reanimate the dead. BD's use of snare sticks on their tenors (quads) has been known to stop time. Bluecoats have actually won 3 titles in their history. But nobody was paying attention. Cadets initially formed as an offshoot of the NJ State Fair Sideshow and their right foot used to be their "second" left foot until the third appendage was bred out of the people of New Jersey in the late 70's. This is why they march all crazy. SCV have given people wiplash with their hornmoves Blue Knights have driven their buses off several mountainsides in their history - a total of 37 times in all. The last such accident occurred in 2002 during an especially rowdy "Rookie Talent Night." Carolina Crown likes purple more than Michael Cesario The Madison Scouts have been known to resort to cannibalism druing the dog days of July. It is believed that they do this in hopes that the life energy of their victims will add 1-2 pts to their GE scores. The Boston Crusaders are actually aliens. Their mission while on Earth can be found when the letters of their name are rearranged - Abduct Other Sensors. Spooky. Glassmen are boring for a reason. Spirit never folded prior to the JSU era. They were lost in a poker match by Ted Turner. That is all....for now.
  3. I think 2006 was a FANTASTIC season for competition and a mediocre one for program content, top to bottom.
  4. I'm a member. Some things were great, some were not. Most assuredly, one will notice improvements from this year as we did this past season. One should hope, at least. That said: With an increase in the overall content and quality of content, how much do you think SP will cost in '07? I'll pay either way. Just curious is all... B)
  5. nice rant... Mind if I join you (albeit at a alight expense to you, 2CoolVK)? Thou hast fully sundered the opinions of all who shall consider themselves so-called, as you say, "critics." Such a life is poison to the soul. Thine genius has become quite apparent - even to the most cataract-ridden of all that dare mince words with thee. They shall bow deeply, and upon bended-knee begin to wail and gnash their teeth as in the throes of a wild boar recently skewered on a pike. All shall see and hear and know, for thine argument is most insurmountable. Thou hast made clear thine edict: it has been sent down from the Ivory Tower. The written word is unfolded, scrutinized and aggreed upon. The announcement for all to bear witness is such: I seriously hope you can laugh at my snide words, 2Cool. All in good humor, I assure you. Go VK!
  6. Oh yeah, one more thing: I'd like to think that home corps' win at their home shows anyways... It may be esoteric to say so, but I don't think that scores matter the most when performing at home. Maxing-it-out and channelling all of one's emotion to their valve, stick or flag in order to show-off for all those that marched before you and enticing those who would dare to march after you is the name of the game at home. At least, that's how we always felt in Paul Brown-Tiger Stadium in Massillon, OH. BLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I haven't read any of this thread, so I may be a bit redundant, here. I know(at least in '98) the show in Sevierville, TN, used to have the audience vote who would win that night's competition. Then, I think it was '01? maybe '02?, when the show had reverted to a traditional format. I always had fun at that show, at least as a performer, since you never knew who would win! Suffice to say, and I'm sure Sevierville hasn't been the only one, I surely believe that the audience could (and perhaps should, even) have a more active role, if only for finals week. We've all been there when the show EVERYONE loves comes in third, or fourth, or fifth,... It'd be nice to have an audience award. And why not? Couldn't the fact that the audience would then be a judge somehow impel all members of all corps' to "sell it" that much more? Now, to implement a system at Finals would be a Sysyphian task. Electronic voting would only work if DCI went like "American Idol" and used text message voting... And yeah, thanks again to whomever it was that messed with the Murfreesboro voting in '05 by using a bot... <**>
  8. Great stuff! I still remember the time in '98 when we shared a housing site in Port Huron, MI, with Cavies. If memory serves, we got in early and crashed in one gym and Cavies got in a few hours later (or at least it seemed). All we knew was that they woke us up when they got in, or something to that effect. Suffice to say, the next morning our battery decided to play their warmup cadence as the alarm call. Too bad for Cavies, though, as they were separated from us by only one row of doors. I'm pretty sure they were super irked with an alarm call after only a couple hours of floor time... Come to think of it, though, this might have taken place over two days. Anyone??? I also remember in '98 when we shared housing with, I want to say, Crossmen after the Wakefield, Mass. show on July 4th. (Author's Note: while Taco-in-a-Bag is one of the most awesome snacks/meals EVER, I think that that was all we had to eat before doing the Wakefield parade AND the following show. And with only a sandwich after the Bristol parade that morning, one could say we were kinda bagged-out...) So, anyways, the DM's from BOTH corps' found the scoreboard buzzer for the gym (we were all in one, large gym, separated by a scrim of sorts). Yes, buzzing was bountiful until the DM's called a quasi-truce. I forget who got the last, late night buzz and who the early morning one, but that's what always made me love shared housing. I do, however, also remember being on lining crew the next morning. Anyone that knows a guy named Jon "HB" Divita will know why it was a rough start that next morning. Here's a hint: post-show, backyard, standstill concert extravaganza for random drunks. Yeah for random houseparties near show stadiums on the 4th. MAN, I miss drum corps... "Happy 'forth' Buckeyes!" (you had to be there) Priceless. B) Besides all this, waking the corps with Autumn Leaves on Finals morning in 2000 was friggin' SWEET!
  9. I want Blue medals, but now that I think about it, isn't Gold a shade of Blue sometimes??? B)
  10. BLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Finals is similar for some and yet quite different for all. By your having never marched, however, I must say that you have no idea, whatsoever, what Finals can do FOR or TO a corps. A beautiful thing, drum corps is... B)
  12. I am TOTALLY for bringing a new audience into the fold.... HOWEVER, why not have the best of both worlds? You could have a live stream for SeasonPass AND the ESPN2 connection. After all, I've posted on here before about how I would GLADLY pay more for a better SeasonPass/DCI summertime operation... just thinking out loud.... I'm all about compromising. That is, so long as the compromise is on MY terms... B)
  13. call me crazy... isn't it a pentagram, thus the whole Faust-incorporated theme? or is my post out of context?
  14. And I don't mean to be rude, but I never knew Mount Union even HAD a band. Of course, one season in Bluecoats we had a camp at Mt. Union, but I don't really remember much but the most meager of musical space. I DO, however, recall football trophy after trophy after trophy... I mean, I went to UT and were it not for the 300+ folk clad in burnt orange unis descending upon the turf during halftime (he says sardonically) many would never know that even the great University of Texas at Austin has a band - and a good one at that. How many you run in your program up there in Mt. Union, Willis? Just curious. And in case you think my intentions are merely to harass you, GO BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. oooooohhhhhhh.......................... FACE!!! yeah, those words were harsh, man... b**bs Flame him like a real man, dude! After all, isn't this RAMD???
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