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Bob H

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Everything posted by Bob H

  1. Sunday 12 Noon 4th and Broadway Bayonne Come do the Shuffle........ :sshh:
  2. >>>>Ya gotta hand it to John though... seems like days ago he was worried about not having enough baris to go out on the field :sshh: :sshh: :sshh: Now he's afraid all the baris won't fit on the field. << I think he is worried about there Big Heads fitting on the field.... >>(can the horn line learn "To the Last Whale" as a warm up/ chorale type piece. Still gives me chills.<<< Its your lucky day Ray We are playing it as an on field warmup... >>>> That was the day that Larry taught that incredibly corny vocal chorale "We are the Bri-idge-men. Our fame will never end..." "My favorite line was, "we bow to you and vow to you the Bridgemen will return a-gain." (we hadn't gone anywhere yet, except disqualified) Fortunately I don't think we ever sang it in a real show. (yes/no?) My memory is sooooo gone. The only time I remember singing that song was at the Tournament of Stars in Bayonne in 1978. By the way Ray PM me the words to that song if you remember them...
  3. I have a few to many stories..... If I only can remember them.... :devin:
  4. How many Mell 's do we need I think 22 is more then enough.... And yes we could always use more Sops....... b**bs
  5. Here's how the Coat ERA started in 1976.... Now read the rest.... Bmen Tribute page
  6. Check it out.... http://bmen.homestead.com/files/76_Faint.jpg
  7. Let me take a stab at a few of your questions Tigger..... 1. Is it that there is more testosterone in male bari players??? I think you mean estrogen ... 2. Last year our 20 person bari line was the best section in the whole corps... Did you see and hear the Drum Line Johnny????? 3. now. we are at like 16ish and I feel like we are getting our butts kicked!!! Yea Yea Sops Rule once again!!! 4. our contra line is at 10, mellos at 17 and sops at 30 but only 16ish baris????? I need some aspirin Try Viargra....
  8. 59 Horns in the House Sunday! Matt Krempasky in the House Sunday! What are you waiting for.... 11 more practice days until the "Tournament of Stars" in Bayonne.......
  9. Next Bridgemen rehearsal is Nov. 13 12:00 pm St. Andrews 4th St. & Broadway Bayonne Come on down and be part of the Fun!!!!
  10. Hey where do Alumni Corps do there Announcements..... I know we are old timers But don't leave us Hanging..... :sshh:
  11. I don't think Jim knows about Her (EVERYONE), Yet.... I will fill him in....
  12. I use TCE.......The biggest thing about TCE is that you keep a forward Tongue through the teeth at all times...The Spit Buzz is used to practice the forward tongue..... Have a listen to me using the system(the solos of course). If have an questions about it drop me an email...... Bridgemen Mini Corps '05
  13. Thursday's Mini Corps rehearsal brought some of the Bridgemen's best musicians together, in preparation for a GREAT weekend of playing and connecting with friends. The horns and drums of Mini Corps next pulled together for a HOT performance on Saturday night, October 8th at St. Andrew's gym. We found ourselves under the spotlights in front of friends, family, and alumni across the decades. We ripped through the music we've practiced this summer and the roar of the crowd was INCREDIBLE! We still know how to play our hearts out and give our audience a great time. Bobby Hoffman used to say "You get back what you put out" and we lived up to his ideal. It was a GOOD night to be a Bridgemen performer! Hundreds were thrilled to hear us cruise through the tragic (yet driving) “Pagliacci” to open the evening. Bob Hunter's solo and our dedicated horns/drums had the crowd wide eyed and revved at what we pulled off. What a thrill to share in that moment and recapture a golden moment from 1977 & 1979. We moved into “Battle Hymn of the Republic” as a tip of the hat to our premiere on Memorial Weekend. “In the Stone” brought us back to a pinnacle chart from our years of entertaining; each section gets to bask in the spotlight as this song lets us celebrate good times and good friends. Director George Lavelle came back to the microphone and made sure the Mini Corps enjoyed more rousing applause as we left the stage to rejoin our friends and family. We were greeted with all the enthusiasm, good company, food, drinks, and photos to ogle that we could handle! It was amazing to enjoy the company of so many good people surrounded by the extraordinary photos, printouts, uniforms, and memorabilia that completely covered the walls and let us walk down memory lane. Thanks go to everyone that shared amazing photos with us to paper the walls with! Special thanks go to everyone who made this evening possible with their meticulous planning, especially Claire Kronenfeld, Ken Donovan, Mary Cerreta, Mike Cerreta, Nancy Ducharme, PLUS everyone who contributed their time. You helped make our 40th Anniversary Gala a night to remember! At the end of the gala, some of us knew when to call it a night, be responsible, and get our rest for the following day's rehearsal. And some of us didn't want the fun to end and may have mosied over to Irene's in Bayonne for more beverages, dancing, and laughing. So I hear. The next day, Sunday, brought us back together for a large gathering of horn players, drummers, and guard handling equipment. Director George Lavelle spoke to us first and reintroduced us to the talented staff that brought us to where we are. Dennis Delucia spoke to us about how Bridgemen showmanship revolutionized the activity and his passion for this corps. Larry Kerchner spoke of the Bridgemen music that people still have a place in their hearts for. Both men are eager to keep their successful collaboration going to rekindle the magic we've brought together. Gary Karpinski (our drum seargent) spoke to us about the Uniform Fund, set up so that we can ask for contributions towards covering the cost of our new uniforms. Each uniform will commemorate a dear family member, alumni, or sponsor. Gary's mother departed some years back, after his years in a yellow coat, and she sacrificed so that Gary could realize his dream of being in the Bridgemen. Gary explained that “My uniform will have my mother's name sewn inside, so that she'll always be with me on the field.” It's a fitting way to pay tribute to the people who helped us get to where we are. Once rehearsals began, we were thrilled to see ourselves start so strong in our first rehearsal of the new season. We were bowled over by the level of talent that came back and the new talent that joined the ranks. We were happy to see people who cheered for us Reunion night, coming to join us. In a few hours, Larry Kerchner, Dennis Delucia, and Matt were PUMPED at how October's rehearsal was taking us to the next level; it was a BIG step forward from January's beginnings. Mini Corps and Alumni Guard in the summer created a strong nucleus of dedicated and experienced performers who showed our instructors that we could conquer new material quicker than before. The hornline began practicing our new opener of a shortened “Pagliacci,” into the ever-popular “Land of Make Belive,” two beloved charts from our glory days that sounded as fresh as a new chart. Some classics never grown old! We soon cleaned it to our satisfaction and moved into familiar territory with music we already knew, then circled back to new music later. The drummers across the street thumped out familiar exercises and turned up the intensity. Our intense drummers filled out the line with ambitious, experienced players. The guard drew on their summer experience to quickly get back into the thick of things, learning new routines and bringing back tried and true routines. From "Dugans" to dancers, our women have proven they can put on a show. We put it all together in the gym in the last hour, as all three sections came together to perform for each other and turn this into a cohesive whole. Now it was the performers' turns to applaud each other's efforts! We left rehearsal that day satisfied with what we accomplished and looking forward to November rehearsal. A heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who gave their all this weekend and helped guarantee that 2006 will be an EXCITING season for us all to be a part of. We have very big ambitions and have learned that determination and HYPE go very far in our audience's hearts. If you liked what you've seen or heard, wy don't you come down to a rehearsal? We practice at St. Andrew's on 4th Street and Broadway in Bayonne, NJ. Next time out, we'd like to see our ranks grow so we can show the activity what we're made of. See you November 13th! From the Bridgemen web site
  14. Here is the Bridgemen Mini Corps playing Old School Pagliacci at Open House. Pagliacci Bridgemen Alumni Mini Corps '05
  15. John did you take your medication today or are you still Hyped?? Rehearsal went great...The Pagliacci intro for the show is going to Kick a#s.....
  16. When you have that much Hype in ya... You just can't sleep.... ^OO^
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