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Everything posted by MRCYMBALS

  1. For all who have been conversing about DCI's East announcer. I have to step up and join in and have my 2 cents to say also as I am on the DCI East Committee and I have know Barry for a very long time. First his name is Barry Seltzer and he has been announcing for the Buccaneers, USBands and DCI East for countless years . The are always 3 sides of a story and if you all known what is the problems you would all be directing your comments to the Allentown School District Board. J Birney Crum over the years has had there maintenance budget cut just like most places have. The care takers for the stadium are maintenance workers from the Allentown Schools who are employed to work at their individual schools. They are not employed or work at the stadium. This employment is overtime for them. As a committee member they go out of their way to accommodate DCI East and try to `rectify any problems. They even help out running the pit gates on and off the field. Now the problem with the announcer. If you must know the truth here was the problem in two equations. First on Monday July 31st the right side speakers shorted out and blew up caused by a short in the wiring. One of the maintenance workers was trying to rewiring the speakers and with the speakers being blown they would not work. These are for any announcements and they need to be large and loud and not just any speaker will do and they are not just on hand in any warehouse and they need to be approve by the Allentown School Board. Remember these guys main jobs are in the school buildings and not the stadium. Now if you like to direct your complaints it should be to the Allentown School District School Board and not on a single person! Now about Barry, I talked to Barry after the DCA's Reading Buccaneers show in Landisville, PA which he announced. Barry is one of many who had "Covid" and lived! Covid effected many people different. I had it even after the many vaccinations but only had it 2 days. Barry had the vaccinations also and it has effected him leaving him with some slow thoughts process on how to pronounce word let alone names. Which we all have from sometime in our lives had trouble saying. I see Barry many of times before he is to make a announcement go over the strip! This man has been around just as long or even longer as a lot of us old timers remember West Hobby announcing at those remarkable years of yesterday on those old Fleetwood's. Soo sit down like I am and write not call but write to the Allentown School Board. PS: One of the maintenance workers had just died a few months before and he was one of the key members of the stadium staff workers and as of this writing his job has not been filled.
  2. This year DCI East Allentown will be taking on a more festival atmosphere with a new and improved corps market place location. In order to shop, the market place has been moved to outside of Gate 1. This was made necessary due to recent construction by the Allentown School District it was necessary to relocate the corps market place outside of Gate 1. This new spot helps the corps souvenirs trucks to be able to be able to unload and reload must easier. This new spot will also allow the fans of DCI East a much easier and freer walk around without the feeling of being in sauna on a hot steaming August day in Allentown. This year the corps market place will be a short walk down Linden Street just past the dirt parking lot. It will have a lot of shrubbery around it, but will be well lighted with several light towers located around the lot. I would suggest if you have any plans on going to the market location you do it before you enter the stadium or after the show. If you plan on going during the show you will need to get a wrist band for reentry to the stadium and that will be only good for Gate 1. A long line with the short walk back and forth you might miss a corps or two performances. Another thing the DCI East Committee cannot guarantee this year like in the past is if you are looking for those Pennsylvania funnel cakes you may have to look elsewhere in Allentown. I’m not sure but the fairgrounds might have something as the fairgrounds market will be open during Friday and Saturday. The market hours are Friday 8am to 7pm and Saturday 8am to 6pm). The stadium concession stands in the stadium are not run by the committee or the stadium authority but run by individuals who may not open their stands that weekend. The committee has six food trucks that will be stationed down on Linden Street by Gate 1 and the Corps Market Place. There also will be food trucks on the upper part of the bowl of the stadium. Just a little reminder that most of the diners and food restaurants are still closing down between 9PM and 10PM around the Lehigh Valley Region. Drive through fast food are in the area are open with a range of 10pm – 1am. I would strongly suggest that you plan ahead of time (checking closing hours) accordingly if you intend to be going out after the show.
  3. Moe is still with us! I was just with him 3 weeks ago and I talk to him every week Moe's phone is 203-874-1003
  4. Remember Wes Hoby for doing the announcing for many years at Bridgeport Shows.
  5. Thanks, Now I know what happen to the parade. We were all set up at Picket's Buffet waitting for the parade to get to us. The family and I hooked up the old wagon last Wednesday night and set out on Thursday for Gettysburg. Spent the Friday-Wednesday camping on the old battlefield (NYS Vol. 56 Regiment 124th Orange Blossoms).Was on the fiels for the Blue and Gray Picket's Charge. What a great and wonderful time. Had lunch, and dinner with my Great Grand PA at Devils Den and just north of PA monument. Spent a lot of time with the press core. Have many hours of recordings from the battles,musical,(Brass Bands-Drum Corps)down time, even to meeting the Governor at the opening of the Seminary Ridge Museum. Hooking up the little wagon tonight to head south again. This time to Lewisburg.
  6. The tickets I have are for Friday night, section H row 26 seats 3 & 4 - let me know if you would like them.
  7. I have two tickets for Friday night - low not sure of the section but should be pretty close to what you are looking for. I can let you know the exact location tomorrow, as a friend has the tickets. I live in the Allentown area - so I can meet you at the stadium with the tickets.
  8. I would be very interested in these ticket if still avable Thanks mrcymbals@aol.com
  9. It could be a number of reasons. Right now the Feds are investigating the Reading School Board, and school system, on irregularities on spending. Also the school system has a little problem of missing over 40 lap tops. Then the large fire, that was set by using a car next to the building, that had all the supplies for the up coming school year in it.
  10. I would like to thank the entire membership of the Buccaneers, for yesterdays outstanding gathering. As a member of the Caballeros Alumni, and who lives in Slatington, you are A CLASS ACT. My family and I enjoyed the few moments that we were there. There we more specttors at this event than I though there would be. I belive there were more at this event, than there were at Bayonne, the night before. The Buccaneers, have set their sails, and on the hunt, for another DCA Championship.
  11. Rest in peace Don was a very kind person, and will be mist at Eckertsville.(Allentown-DCA's) He and the whole crew of the Ambassadors were always welcome to come over and have a few cold beers, and talk drum corps. The Mayor of Eckertsville Larry Eckert
  12. Thanks, again Fran, for the kind words. Again I know how much, frushration, there is Barbara, when you are unable to do the simpleness thing, that you use to be able to do, before, and you have to depend on someone to do it for you, and again there seems like there is no place to turn. I justy read something yesterday, and I wish I had seen it before. Something that Derek Jeter, said a few years ago, when he was only 21. and in the minors, "It's easy to work hard" he says. "I was taught, "Don't shortchange yourself. Keep working to get betterer" Good words to remember Again, to the both of you, have a safe and happy holidays, and we will see you at Harrisburgh. Larry
  13. Sue, Miss Elizabeth, and I wish all the happyness and joy to the both of you. We are looking at see the both of you at Harrisburgh, in April. Barbara, Keep the faith, and always remember the sun shine, and the warm summer days, are only around the corner. I can remember a few years ago, that I was not able to walk, and was not able to do the things that I took forgranted. The things that keep me going was a strong will wife, and Drum Corps. I wanted to get back out on the field asp. It took a few years to do. So this past Nov. I tryed, I was able to do the parade and indoor show up in Plymouth, with the Alumni So, you can say I AM BACK Larry PS. Barbara, you got one great guy there!!!!!!!!!
  14. Yes the Caballeros used the Field House, and the stadium, that was when the corps had Bob Devlin, and Jack Pratt, as instructors of the drum line. The both of them were in the Hell Cats. ( Also the Hell Cats are the Army's Drum and Bugle Corps.) And Yes the Conn. Alumni did march, but that was in Highland Falls, as the Post did not want any thing to do with the Orange County Firemens Parade, even tho The President of the OCVFA (Orange County Vol. Firemens Assoc.) was a working member of the Dept. Of Housing, on West Point, and he was going out on retirement in April of thast year. I was a member, and delagate member to that Parade, So I was on the stand watching. Also if I remember The Alumni did win that parade, over Mother Conbrini of NYC. As I also was the President of the Tri-State Parade Judges Assoc, and we did judge that parade. So if any one needs a parade judges to do any parades, drop me a line. Larry
  15. Just a little side bar on looking at the trying on doing any kind of show a WP. Since 9-11 the post has been a closed post. You can get on, but be ready. I know on a first line bases as I spent the last 27 years, on post working as the Sr. roofer forman. This past April I retired. On Oct. 7 th of 2001 I married my wife at Trophy Point, and many of my brothers from the Caballeros Alumni we there. If you do try to go to WP you will need to have a good ID, with you, and a driving lic. that is good as the guards that are on the gates run them and all most no time they can tell if you have any wants, or warinets, and they will call the Highland Falls Police, right away. And to stay at the hotel, well beening on the inside, I would go someplace else to spend the night. Larry I am not trying to keep people away from WP, by all meens go and enjoy the Post, I sure did for all those years.
  16. I had a very long conversation with Moe on Sunday night, about this subject. Moe has asked me to let everyone know that he feels that he would like to be nominated to the Hall of Fame on his merits, and not be "forced" in. Moe thanks everyone who has supported this petition for the HOF. Moe also told me that he knows of two times that his name was nominated for membership, and both times turned down. Also Moe mentioned that one of the pioneers of the drum corps videos, Charlie Haas, is not in the HOF, and Moe would like to see him nominated also. I did present the idea of the scholarships to Moe, and he felt that it was a very nice gesture, and we will be discussing this more about this idea, in the next month or so. Larry Eckert Mr. Cymbals Cabs Alumni
  17. Just a little side bar. Moe has been a member of the local Sheinier loge, One of the jobs that he has beening a sheriner is being the driver for the long trips to Boston, Springfield, to take less fortunt people to the s
  18. I talk to Moe on Monday night, and he tolded me that he knows for a fact that he was put up for the Hall of Fame twice and was turned down both times he was tolded that he made money on drum corps. Well just to clarify, YES Moe did make money on drm corps. The money that he made one weekend, would go towords the next weekend show.For gas, and having all those wonderfull photos whating for us at the next show that we seen him at. Moe would always try to make some money, like $0.50 per picture, that is not much to live on. Moe's only job was and still taking drum corps photos for us. Now is this a crime, the last time I checked it was call free enterprise and I beleave that America was built on free enterprise. Now it time for us to stand up and get Moe in to the Hall of Fame before it is to late. Moe has had some medicinal issues the last few years. One he has a memory problems, bad feet, and bad legs, and Moe is 75 years old, and yes he still goes out to take photos of us, the Harvey Oldermen of Drum Corps. So lets get off our hands and put the word out that we want Moe in all of the Hall of Fames. P.S. Here is some info on Moe's history in drum corps Troop 14 Boy Scouts Trumpet Corps 1949-1952 Milford High School Band 1951-1953 US Naval Training Center Band 1953-1954 Ambasadors Of New York Precussian Ensemble 1999-2000 Pyramid Shriniers Oriental Band 1980-20001 I have and will try to put his New Nomintion Submission on here for all to read and if we can get this going it would be great Larry Eckert Caballeros Alumni- mr cymbals
  19. As a personal friend of Moe, I have to say that Moe should, and needs to be in, as a full member , of all of the Drum Corps Hall Of Fames, be for it's to late. He has capture the history, of Drum Corps with is camera, for all of us to remember, and to reminisce our glory days marching out on the field. LET'S GO VOTLLNG MEMBERS OF ALL THE HALL OF FAMES, Let's all chant, ( LET MOE IN ), ( LET MOE IN ),( LET MOE IN ):
  20. Thank's Fran. How is Barb? Our thoughts and prayers are with you both Larry
  21. Just a little bit of info, about the best and the most wonderful pictures that Moe had taken for us. First Moe was very gracious on doing our wedding photos, and also doing a video, and oone of our most cherished photos of our wedding is of my wife and myself next to a cannon, on the grounds of West Point (USMA) as we had a outdoors wedding at the Point. Next is the one our little Miss Elizabth, on my 24 inch cymbal, at her first drum corp show, she was just under a month old that was in print in Drum Corps World. Thanks Steve for running this And last of all is of my wife, Miss Elizabeth, and myself on a cold fall day. I have know Moe for a very long time, and I cherish that time that I have spent with Moe. Moe has been a resident of Eckertsville for sometime, and he is the offical photographer of the Eckertsvills Free Press. Long over due in the Drum Corps Hall of Fame!!!!!!! Let's get Moe in the Hall of Fame, now before it is to late.
  22. Moe and I go back some 30 years, in the drum corps circle, and also in the naval ships, as we both worked on the U.S.S. NEW JERSEY, and we both sailed on the John Brown, out of the Harbor of Balitmore. also we both have been involved with the rail road. Also as we all know Moe has been doing photo's of drum corps since the late 50's. My wife and I had asked Moe to do some our wedding photo's, and also he did a very wonderful video for us. When our Miss Elizabeth was born, Moe was there to be one of the first ones to take her photo, and to put in Drum Corps World. This leads me to a story the only a few know. Just after 9-11, Moe was on his way home from a drum corps show, in New Jersey. As Moe was driving on Rt.6, over the Bear Mountain (New York State) a New York State Trooper pulled Moe over. Now this is just after 9-11, and he asked Moe what was he filming, as Moe has a camcorder set up to record his travels. Moe tryed to explay that he does this so that some day he will get that great event on tape, and send it to tv show, of the news The Trooper then told Moe to turn it off and put it away, in witch Moe did. Any time that you call Moe at home, ask him if he has any ice cream, as Moe loves his ice cream. Also as Director of the Ambasadors of New York have had the great pleasure of have Moe march as my senior color guard captain, in 3 parades, the the corps did over the 4 of July, a few years ago. I for one think that Mr M should be in the Hall of Fame, as he has the history of drum corps in his photos. and what better man to in shrine in the Hall of Fame.
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