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Everything posted by CT-Horn

  1. so far 86% of people here do not want this..... Even DCI wants to hear your feed back, but I don't really think they pay attention.
  2. I think what the other corps were syaing is, IT'S NOT NEEDED.
  3. Here's a proposal. Don't have a Guy Dress Up in a School Girl out fit at the end of the show this year. It's not "COOL"
  4. 2006 DCI results 1st Place - No voice overs, No Vocals, No Singing 2nd Place - No voice overs, No Vocals, No Singing 3rd Place - 9 words that really did not have to be in the show The list goes on with many more corps. Why does a 5th place corps want to change the rules? Because they think they can win with this nonsense? He got the rules changes in the early 80's that helped benifit his corps to win. He even admits to that on the DCI Brass Roots Video. Now he wants to do the same thing all over. Amping the Pit is great, keep it there to help bring out the instruments, not to add samples or voice overs.
  5. Sounds good for the first weekend....and it dosen't sound like there is any room for talking or singing.
  6. I also have heard of the Great White Stick Dance...it's usually followed by a visit from the Funky Fantom and the Easter Bunny.
  7. Hey! Is that George Hopkins on Snare ???? ALL of These pictures are unreal!!!
  8. Why all the suspense? If it's good news share it with everyone!
  9. Other than a Google Video, have you seen them in person? Just wondering, I saw that RR won a BOA regional this year. Not knowing the Band World, have they won any National Championships in the past 5 years?
  10. I agree. With the overwhelming success of last year's singing, talking and odd looking bunny, I 'm sure they will continue on the same track.
  11. I can remember Marching in the old Northeastern Circuit in Connecticut and we did a show in East Haven CT. The NE circuit was like many other circuits of the 70's, pretty much 20 corps all Div 2/3 size corps. But I remember doing a show in 1977 at the Connecticut Classics Show and the Exhibition corp was the NORTH STAR from Mass. They were the biggest corps I had ever seen. I later found out that the year before, North Star's equipment truck burned down at the World Open and the Classics went around the Manning Bowl and passed the hat and raised money for the North Star. Well, they came to their show the following year for free and did the exhibition. Pretty Nice!
  12. Have the Raiders/Revo/Impulse/Fever Annouced they are going into DIvision 2? I have not seen any formal annoucements.
  13. While scanning through ebay, I found these books listed.... Skyliners Book http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 Caballeros Book http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1 Amazing what pops up on ebay
  14. I found this on ebay..... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=003 Hmmmmmm, might be an interesting read!
  15. Well, at least with the rose bowl being so big, EVERY kid in every corps that stays for Saturday night will be able to have a decent seat to watch finals.
  16. Rose Bowl Seats 100,000 People, DCI open Finals will have about 20,000 -25,000 people there. it will still look empty. D 2/3 will have MAYBE 3,000 in the house on Finals Day. Having it at the City College makes PERFECT sense
  17. From an travel stand point, I would think this is a good idea. The 2/3's are done on Thursday, the 2/3 kids go to Friday's Show and then you head home on Saturday Morning. You get a one day jump on everyone else.
  18. Just curious, but ECJ had about 100 members, where will they go? I would think Spartans may gain a few and Cadets and Crusdaers might pick up a couple too, but will some go to smaller corps just to march or sit the year out?
  19. I think if you ask around, housing with another corps is not an un-common thing. DCI usually puts 2, Div 2/3 corps together during finals week. I think the Issue people are talking about is Actually Touring Together for 2 weeks or more.
  20. Piper, just curious, what does an Alumni corps from the other end of the state have to do with the Surf's success or growth? They already recruit very well, they put out a Huge Corps every year and they just announced some operational changes in both admin and education that look like good moves.
  21. Smaller Corps have to think and run like bigger corps. It's a simple as that. Once they can seperate being a little fun corps from a competitive small corps will make all the difference. From Practicing to travel, eating, sleeping and fundraising, it all has to change. That's how you become bigger and better.
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