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Big Bad Bari

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Everything posted by Big Bad Bari

  1. I also believe it takes a way way over inflated image of self to believe that my friends and I leaving an activity, any activity, would have any profound impact on said activities finances.
  2. It's like I used to tell my teenage daughter back when she was a teenager. Being dramatic only serves to prove just how much of a child you still are, grown ups act decisively and try to leave as few ripples in the pond as possible.
  3. It cracks me up when I read that we take ourselves so seriously and believe that we can attract the average joe to the ranks of Drum Corps when in reality in the grand scheme of things... Our activity is "the halftime show" I don't think it would have made a difference who was on the field.
  4. So you gonna fly all those Third Worlders over here to march in the good ole US of A? Maybe start a new Alumni organization for the people over 65? That is where all your big numbers are in the populus change my friend. I know you think it is simple... But only if you understand demographics. You seem to be missing that part of the equasion! Also, Werent you over there on that grassy knoll? I am sure I saw you! LOL Have a great time at Home Jules... I bet if we met in person we would get along quite well... But your online persona seems a bit of a stretch...
  5. Simple again... They are designing shows for the legacy fans that will be alive 30 years from now... You and I are like the declining customer base for either Lincoln or Cadillac. So for what it is worth, DCI wants fans who are still alive because they will have more money than those who are dead.
  6. I completely disagree. My age out year was 83 so i have similar perspective and experience to you. The fact of the matter is that we are on the declining edge of the baby boom and via choice, or natural selection there will be fewer fans as the population bubble of baby boomers continues to pass us by. It's pretty simple actually. Although it could be some BS conspiracy from DCI to push the last of you guys... I'm of the same age bu t exclude myself from your ranks because I really love where DCI is going!
  7. Do you think the maybe your favorite corps might just be the Cavaliers, but you aren't connecting with them this season?
  8. I completely disagree with your premise. In fact... Last season when BD went on first at a TOC show... The placements did not change. When BD went on first earlier this season.l. They won. It is NOT A 2nd gunman issue... Only if someone's favorite corps is loosing does it become a conspiracy theory issue. And then only in the mind of the complainer...
  9. Careful there my friend, see unlike most ANY OTHER SPORT, ACTIVITY OR OCCUPATION. in drum corps, or at least on these boards, one does not have to have climbed the mountain in order to understand what it takes to climb said mountain. And if you claim that if one has not climed said mountain and therefore could not have the experience to properly or accurately comment on the subject... You will be beaten beyond recognition by those who have never done it, but claim they know how to!
  10. Kevin, there isn't a single DCI winning corps that believes they were handed a title. On the other hand many who didn't win, called for a recount... Mystery solved... It's just whining and sour grapes
  11. For the season to have as much excitement and things to discuss as this season does!
  12. I "LOVE" brass and drums soooooo much, that I haven't been to a show for 30 years... Now that's love!
  13. Gotcha, They have an outstanding vehicle with which to win a championship, and are achieving at a championship level... just getting cheated by the judges and competetive inertia... Gotcha! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  14. lol... See, I think Crowns show is terrible because I cannot tell what they really should be looking like, and I cannot hear what the drums should be sounding like! See I like my drum corps performances done well... with excellence of execution! So yes... to paraphrase and correct you... "What Crown is ATTEMPTING TO DO IS SIMPLY AMAZING, if they ever figure out how to do it well... Until then... it is an attempt at best!
  15. Interestingly we seem unable to stick to the fact that this thread is about CAROLINA CROWN! Na, BD doesn't get a hard time on these boards... Lol Back to your little CROWN thread
  16. The corps and the judges are as consistant as they are every season. It is "so called" fans on DCP that are inconsistant and waining in credibility!
  17. The narration bugs me too... I love the show anyway. Plus I'm a homer!
  18. It appears that THIS YEARS Blue Devil offering hAs ENGAGED not only the audience, but this forum as well! How many pages is this little ##### session? Engagement can be a visceral experience from either a positive, or a negative perspective. It looks like its MISSION ACCOMPLISHED for the blue team!
  19. They don't say it in ConKERD very much, if that's what you're asking.
  20. Playing in a Trio with Bonnie Ott and Larrie Dastrup! Favorite experience while in Drum Corps however was staying at a Summer Camp about an hour outside Birmingham in 1979, 16 years old, walking in a moonlit meadow watching the kazillions of fireflies with my, then drum corps girlfriend "Cindy"
  21. I personally just expect to win every year... If you have all the necessary tools and talent as well as a winning attitude, meaning that it is something important to you... to achieve... then one should expect a certain level of achievment each and every year. Sometimes they will fall short... other times they will ouver shoot their goals... But it all works out. Bottom line is that it is out there for the taking if one wants it!
  22. So then you are saying that last years winner as well as the winner in 2008 were artsy shows with tepid crowd response? Troll much?
  23. I remember riding home for what seemed like a month from Montreal in 1981... Took 2nd place by .35 and guess what... we all felt like we LOST DCI! I think we were calling our competetive outcome... Being the first place loser! It wasn't until we reached out for our vindication that we were able to feel it... I know you have felt something like this Gary...
  24. I agree with ChaddyT Entertain me Blue Devils... Like you seem to do ALMOST every year!
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