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Everything posted by mellodramatic

  1. That's because you're adding an element to each rung of the ladder. Thematically and from a design standpoint, there probably is more emphasis on music, because that's what holds the entire drum corps together. Sure, during a performance music and visual responsibilities are given equal weight, but the music is the foundation for the entire show in most cases. my 2cents
  2. I'll probably get shot for saying this but I loved the Cavies ballad.....it's addicting.
  3. Phantom above Cavies in visual GE? No way........
  4. The new Will Wonka movie doesn't compare to the old one.
  5. hahahahaha "I'm watching you (person). I got you on my cell phone, digital camera, laptop......(pauses).......I got you on my iPod (person)!!!! "You're a monster dude. You see that tree over there? Before spring training is over, I want you to go eat that tree."
  6. And if you're the only one wrong, then you're still wrong.
  7. Toes aren't really to the nose, but they're all the EXACT same. Sweet. Edit: I sincerely apologize for my misuse of the word "their".
  8. Brass staff person: Person! Why are you looking around! See that wall over there? There a wise man behind it; go ask him about paying attention in rehearsal. Person runs off and comes back. Brass staff person: What did he say? Person: He said I should pay attention in rehearsal. Brass staff person: No, a wise man wouldn't say that. He would say something like "from within......you will find focus". Go talk to him again.
  9. just good? Yea I'll be sure to watch them on the dvd. I haven't really seen their whole show yet.
  10. "Think of playing your horn and using your air like you're taking a $hi t; just let it goooooo" "Look at this set now and remember what it looks like. You should know this set so well that 30 years from now you're gonna have nightmares about it and you will wake up in the middle of the night and punch your wife in the face because you saw set 130." "That set looks like grandma's teeth." "Ooooo got some red in there that looks yummy" (as somebody was barfing on the sideline)
  11. At least BD did play some while standing around. Cadets did a lot of standing/walking/carrying tables/not playing/4 and a half minute chop break. And the focus was more on the singer than on the brassline. I can't imagine being winded after that. Sorry if it sounds over critical and cynical, but that's my take on it. I would have liked to see BD move a little more cause when they move, GOD they move.
  12. Amen. I'll never forget finals retreat. At first it was like oh god you're kidding me, then after hearing the crowd it was like "hells yes".
  13. Maybe it's because drum corps shows have become different and you have to pay more attention or you might miss something awesome. So the crowd might just not want to miss anything, unless the drum corps performing forces them to stand on their feet and scream because of sheer awesomeness.
  14. Yes! Wow they were so good and huge and glorious. Waking up and having to go to classes earlier than I want to reminds me of drum corps.
  15. MOM! THE MEATLOAF!!!! Yea the percussion rehearsed hardcore and it was actually impressive to just watch their work ethic. I heard one of the tenors say that every morning the percussion staff resurrects their bodies and kills them again during the day.
  16. Crown's book was not as easy as you think it is. It was actually deceptively difficult (especially the begining of the second tune) because of the space and isolated entrances and was VERY exposed. Much like Star '93. It pretty much pulled down the hornline's pants for everyone to see. There were also A LOT of stylistic demands to pull off the effectiveness of the music. Maybe there weren't so many fast licks and that kind of thing, but that's a different type of difficulty that requires less concentration to pull off.
  17. Yea and Crown's gonna be sick next year if everyone comes back. If everyone comes back.......
  18. Actually it was peaceful non profane. He was just like "it would be foolish to not come back"
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