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Everything posted by Andyroo

  1. Why should guards be any different, Liz? There are many corps out there that don't have a complete program 'til August. I've been ranting about this for years, but it hasn't changed (and probably never will). Obviously, the dollars that audiences (remember them?)spend in June or July aren't worth as much as those spent in August. Just my personal gripe...
  2. Okay Jeff, you asked for it. First "official" Annapolis whine.... "There ain't no Dinosaur BBQ here!"
  3. Jeff, Please make it a point to see me this weekend; I have two things I want to discuss - very briefly. The first may require some research on your part so I'll give it to you now - what years was your father in Westshore? And what years did you march with them? The other item can wait until we see each other. See you there.... Andy
  4. Many thanks Irene. Any information you can provide in terms of contests and scores will be much appreciated. In the meantime, I'll visit the website and see what i can glean from there. Thanks again... Andy
  5. You're alluding to exactly my concern. By the time you two guys - Jeff and Fran - are finished spreading mayhem and chaos throughout the auditorium, anything after that will be an afterthought. The thought of the Cabs hornline having to wade through Emergency Medical Technicians and ambulance crews and doctors and nurses treating the folks in the first four or five rows is somewhat daunting. Fortunately I'll be standing way up in the back of the auditorium while you're on, so I'm sort of protected from flying mallets, etc., but think of those poor folks in the first few rows.
  6. What I want to know is where's the little black and white dog that's supposed to be sitting in front of that thing?
  7. I'm compiling an archive of old contest scores from 1921 through 1979. I have about 3,800 contests (juniors and seniors) listed so far. I have many references to Selden, but they say "Selden Cadets," "Selden Lancers," and "Selden Golden Lancers." Which of these are correct, and for what years? Any information you can provide will be helpful in ensuring the accuracy of this archive. Andy
  8. Truth be told, Fran borrows his shirts from Freddy. Actually they often use the same haberdashers - Duke Kahanamoku and Hilo Hattie.
  9. And speaking of "looking forward to his return," it was great to see you back in the line in Baltimore, John.
  10. Mein Gott, Fran!! I can't wait to see the pattern on your space suit. Sort of like a Hawaiian Michelin Man.... It really doesn't matter, so long as you're there to bring George Hayek to the audience's attention - because he WILL be there.
  11. As I'm sure some of you know, way back in the mists of time there was a corps from Dundalk. Somewhere up in the dark corners of my attic I have a photo of them from (I think) the '54 Legion Nationals in Washington.
  12. Nope, I'm still here. I have to present a two-hour training session tomorrow morning. When I finish that at 11:00 we jump right onto the highway and should arrive in Dundalk (wherever that is) by 6:30 or so - just in time for dinner at Gelli's (or Belli's, or whatever). just a side note to Jeff Ream... I will NOT be going through Camp Hill this time.
  13. What Jeff didn't make clear, Tony, is that she'd be standing on Cossetti's shoulders - and they still wouldn't be able to see her.
  14. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the Brassmen. Every time we've been at the same show, I've been off doing something else - so I have yet to see them on the field. I'm going to make it a point to see them this time.
  15. It may not be this weekend, but Karnak sees a pecan pie in your future - just so long as Donna will allow you to eat it (or at least a part of it). I don't know how you and Donna have worked it out, but I recently nominated Cynthia to the Dietary Police Hall of Fame.
  16. John, I thought you know me better than that. I was just trying to throw Andy Lisko off his stride. Instead, I gave you pause.... Oh well, one way or the other, my work here is done.
  17. There's been an apparent clarification... The person who wrote the initial release apparently confused Cadets II with their alumni corps. Clarification came today in that Cadets II is putting on an exhibition (apparently their inaugural appearance) at the DCI Beanpot show in Lynn, Mass on June 30. Many of the rest of us will be in Bridgeport that day.
  18. Thank heavens neither of you like it; now I don't have to share the pecan pie.
  19. Trust me, John, the announcerator for this year's Dixie Stinger needs no jazzercizing for his vocal chords. Just give him a large order of crab cakes, a pile of french fries, a half of a pecan pie, and he's ready to go. But even more important than the announcerator.... This event marks the return of Cap'n John to the line after having been on injured reserve for most of last season. (It was either injured reserve or advanced age; we can't be sure which.)
  20. Yes, there are a great many flaws in my suggestion. The main idea, however, is that if only 100 finals tickets are being mailed to northeast Ohio, it wouldn't be reasonable to expect that there would be 5,900 walk-ins to fill the remaining seats. And you and I both know that a large number of people from New England, New Jersey, eastern New York, and eastern Pennsylvania would whine that the additional three-hour drive beyond Rochester would be "way too far."
  21. Another method of determining from whence the paying audience is coming would be to run a list of the ZIP codes to which those sold tickets are being sent. If very few, for example, are going to the 44xxx or 43xxx ZIP codes, then we should probably rule out the Cleveland or Columbus areas for a DCA weekend. If the lion's share of the ZIP codes are in the northeast, then probably that's the place to stay - at least for the foreseeable future.
  22. Y'know, other than Mr. Haring touting 10 cent beer, through all of this discussion I've never actually seen a number. How much will it cost to put on the DCA weekend? Maybe Tom Peashey, without disclosing any proprietary information of course, can give us a round number of what it would take to sponsor the DCA weekend. This is a serious question.
  23. Ah yes, lovely Camp Hill.... Last year, coming back from Wildwood, we got off the turnpike on Route 15 to go have lunch at a restaurant we know. Going through Camp Hill we stopped at a light. Some lunatic woman plows into the back of our car, which drives us into the guy in front of us. Cops show up. Young cop comes over and looks around. Sees Penn. plates on the first car, Ohio plates on the second car (mine), and Penn plates on the third car - the one that started it all. Comes over to me and says, "Well Mr. Marmen, how fast were you backing up when you ran into that poor woman?"
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