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Everything posted by stifled4mallettechnique

  1. Yes, one could compare the military in some ways. But aside from military pagaentry units (bands, drum corps, color guards, mounted cav, etc), the differences in mission would probably end that quickly. I guess it doesn't matter if one prefers to think of drum corps as a sport or not, unless of course one has a position on the airing of finals on ESPN. Saying so will sell it to people that like sports, and saying it's not will help sell it to sports haters. If you put drum corps on a stage, seated in formal attire, and used string instruments with just a few winds and percussion, you could certainly call it "drum corps", but few would agree with you. You could change the rules of soccer to those of dodgeball and still call it soccer, if you want to. But why? Well, what do YOU think "drum corps" means? What about "drum and bugle corps"? At least up to now the activity can still be recognized, despite the changes. Some proposed changes won't affect that, but some might. The ones that concern me most are the ones that will. In general, we agree. I would prefer that anything new allowed by the rules be accompanied by judging standards. Perhaps the standards would have to be modified if they were found to be unclear in practice, but at least an honest attempt should be made. And why can't we easily access the rules anyway? Even the trend toward prohibitive fees? Once upon a time kids could get off the street and learn skill that would change their lives. Now, that's rare. Few big corps even have a majority of local members. I suppose one could say the same about major universities, however, so I won't push the latter point.
  2. 1)You love the semantics game, don't you? 2)The term "University" is pretentious because it implies that the school encompasses the universe. You must be psychic! Although technically that statement wasn't "next"... Standard usage does not unpretentious make, not even when standardized to the point of definition. But we can save that discussion for "Philosophy Planet". Perhaps you assumed a particular definition of the word that somehow offended you? The intent of the comment was obviously lost on you. 3)Of course there are reasons. None that couldn't be rectified if one had a time machine. Fixing it now would be harder than converting the US to the metric system. No Googling necessary. Responding to posts works better in the context of the post you're responding to than the context of another post that responded to the post that you're responding to. Long story short, if every instrument were in the same key, it would certainly be more convenient. Contrarily, if every instrument could be found in every key, that would be useful as well, depending on one's definition of "useful", of course.
  3. Well, aside from lack of direct contact and interaction between corps on the field, the training, discipline, athleticism, and teamwork aspects mirror those of team sports. In other ways drum corps mirrors individual sports as the competition is, in essence against oneself (one corps) to improve no matter what the others do, and as in many cases the judging of the event can be subjective. I acknowledge that examples to the contrary can be made, but believe that the life lessons are comparable. Too bad the pay isn't!I don't think that the previous evolution of drum corps warrants rendering it extinct; that is, no different from bands. Since we agree on woodwinds, we may find a degree of common ground here. I don't see any reason why different formats shouldn't exist. I just don't know why drum corps has to die for it to happen. Is DCI going bankrupt? Why doesn't BOA branch out into summer touring programs? Do you feel that narration should be judged objectively, subjectively, or both? Should a corps lose points if the narrative content stinks or detracts from the overall effect? How can something like that even be judged objectively? Granted, GE is too subjective in and of itself. Leaning off topic, do you feel that all changes have been beneficial up to now? (EDIT)Many edits for spelling, etc. Sorry for any confusion.(END EDIT)
  4. I said black. I don't specifically want everyone to wear black. If they choose to, it won't bother me. If they don't, fine too. I'm disabled, but technically not lame. :P
  5. A)Me either, see post #85 (oh wait, you quoted post #85) B) "" "" C)Indeed D)"" "" Can't wait!
  6. Not that I suspect cheating would be likely, but no amount of inspection will keep someone that wants to from doing so. Look to electronic paintball markers for an example.
  7. Perhaps I'd believe you, if you had drawn tears on post-its an attached them to your avatar...
  8. No spot for someone that marched, didn't "age out", but is too old to march now... so one of the first responses may be interpreted thusly in your data analysis.
  9. No, not exactly. I'm implying that the poster may have biologically induced thinking patterns that can often be associated with people of liberal, excessively arty, and sometimes (but certainly not always) homosexual traits. As the current issue of neuropolitics.org is focused on subjects inappropriate for our younger readers, I won't link to it, but it's an interesting introduction to the concept. At any rate, it would be silly to deny that satire, strawman, and other deceptive argumentative processes are the tools of the liberals. "Communist"? No. Yes, Cuba is a communist country. You get 1/2 point for knowing that. It was a reference to Michael Moore's Sicko. Oh, wait. You were mischaracterizing my post in an attempt to discredit me. I get it! Now then. let's get back on topic before we get shut down.
  10. OK, then...I'll agree that from a logistical standpoint the new horns make sense. I personally prefer the sound of a chrome plated G bugle, but there are nice sounds coming from the current horns. Surely, manufacturing quality is but one reason the G horns are all but gone in the jr corps. After all, how many music majors want to get kicked out of the "studio" (what a pretentious word for a tiny, cinderblock walled office in a college music building, huh?) because they have (or want to) "ruin" their chops? Three valves makes sense. What I don't know is why they can't still be called bugles. Sure, they aren't "true" bugles, but they weren't before the changeover either. Nevermind, I know why. Let's not pretend that the Bb horns are the epitome of craftsmanship, however. If standardization of pedagogy is your goal, invent a time machine and make all western instruments play in the same native key! Why should a Bb trombone be in concert pitch but not a Bb trumpet? Not to mention those pesky strings and all of those sharps! (That's NOT sarcasm, btw, except for the time machine part.) Dynamics... well... you're just being silly. There's nothing wrong with new music. There's nothing wrong with old music. There's nothing wrong with music that can only be appreciated by music majors (or any other relatively small segment of the population). There's nothing wrong with audience members enjoying or not enjoying any of the above. Amplification... I suppose one could argue that if the pit needs it for proper technique, then so does the hornline. Surely woodwinds will. So might strings, but oddly there isn't much talk of including them. Probably because Hoppy isn't involved with Strings of America. (That WAS sarcasm, btw.)If the pit has to break their gear to be heard, either the equipment is faulty or the arrangements are unrealistic. I know... more robust equipment doesn't sound "the same". Imagine how much better the brass equipment could be if it were somehow protected, thus in need of less frequent replacement. But how? Better cases? Better equipment trucks? No marching? The latter would make amplification easier... Of course, anyone can play loud with amplification. Let's AT LEAST agree that a corp MEMBER should be running the sound, and that its use should be subject to judging (assuming judging continues). As to narration, I don't have much to say that wouldn't fit into one or both of the previous two topics. Electronic instruments? See above. Woodwinds? They shouldn't even exist in bands! :P Agreed, although I might choose different sports as examples. Surely, drum corps is more of a sport than many activities that are generally considered to be sports. I do not deny that the hybridization of different musical and visual styles can be entertaining to an audience and educational for the members. Nor do I claim that it would be in every case. I don't see any good reason to destroy drum corps in order to create the "innovative" vision often called for in these forums and apparently in board meetings. Sign up here.
  11. Well, that’s a rather insulting (and inaccurate) strawman you've built, but it displays the typical hubris that I’m becoming accustomed to from today’s members. Oh, sorry.... I thought we were playing a game. Imagine my embarrassment when I posted this and then saw Einstein's edit!
  12. At first I was annoyed by the original post, as the use of such tactics indicates clearly the biological basis of a certain political affiliation and a certain orientation (not that there's anything wrong with that, the latter that is) of the poster. I suspect the next tactic will be to convince us that corps are better in Cuba. However, I have changed my mind. It was well worth it all to: 1)Pick up some tasty new pizza recipes. 2)See a glaring example of why one should think before one posts a response to a thread like this (or at least think before putting one's name in one's signature). 3)Be reminded that I need to post some new lolcorps material this weekend. I look forward to reading this thread in the end credits of the sequel to Borat!
  13. I'm too lazy to read it all right now... SCVsopAaron, are you implying that an "intellectual" approach is always preferable? I'm not willing to believe that an intellectual approach is always best, let alone an "intellectual" approach. (I trust you are enough of either one to discern my meaning.) Does anyone believe that either is a truly guiding factor in this topic?
  14. Personally, I prefer the Bluecoats' show over Crown's, but I liked them both. Maybe part of my bias is from seeing them at finals from the cheap seats on the right. For example, I was right there for the "drop your weapons" but the horse race was obscured from my position. The ESPN coverage alone would have probably put me in the Crown column. I have no idea how seeing other shows would have affected my perception. We'll see what the DVD does for me. For now, though, I'll call it a "photo finish". There. A little more cheese for you cheeselovers! :P
  15. If I were to assume, as you have, an actual attraction to the pictured girls rather than just (sometimes) funny remarks, I would suggest to you that the term "Ephebophilia" is more accurate, despite the common usage of "Pedophilia" in American culture to embrace the alleged situation. (I'm sure you realize that "Paedophilia" is the preferred spelling, and know why.) At any rate, to paraphrase Hamlet more closely.... "The (poster) doth protest too much, methinks."
  16. OK, I went back and looked. Nothing indicates he actually found them attractive. He obviously was just captioning the pic from page one without reading the thread (otherwise he would of known he was ripping me off!), so I doubt he knew they were underage. If you are offended, have a mod remove the thread. Ben is probably a good mod choice. Or just quit coming back for another peek! I think you're just frustrated because you can't express your feelings at your job, but that is just an opinion of course.Care to address the rest of my last post? Or are you trying to cherrypick? (And no, I didn't mean that in the way you are certain to take it, but rather in the common usage of the term.)
  17. I think someone is protesting a bit too much... (surely somebody will correct me by posting the actual quote in Olde English... recognizing that need I have given you an outlet...)Obviously, any offcolor post that came after the girls were identified was made by someone that didn't read the whole thread. Furthermore, anyone that actually found those young'uns attractive is surely a young'un themself. As far as representing drum corps goes... have you seen a guard uniform lately? If you want to be mad at somebody, be mad at the band director that let them dress that way, or the parents, or the society that accepts it. Of course, you won't read this because you're too grossed out to come back to this thread, right?
  18. ... If I had a copy to watch over and over again, perhaps I could learn to appreciate the show as much a you. I know there was good stuff going on in there, but I was just too distracted to enjoy most of it.
  19. As soon as I hit the lottery, I'll show up. I'd love to play with you guys. Perhaps if you all moved closer to me... the closest big city is Vegas. Maybe you could get Criss Angel to join and levitate the whole corps! B) OK, back on topic. I enjoy my Dynasty 2 valve FH, but it's not what I would call "in tune". A longer rod for my first valve slide might help a bit. Generally, I do a lot of lipping when I play it.
  20. "Please welcome, from Pensacola, Florida... the Hooters "A" corps!" Now then, when they start up their "C" corps we'll finally see attendence go up at the II/III shows... :P
  21. Hmmm.. exactly how much penalty does a corps get for using woodwinds? One tenth per WW player? One tenth per WW note? One tenth per squeak? (Oops! Already said that.... ^0^ ) I have an idea that will make EVERYONE HAPPY! Use the woodwind instruments AS COLOR GUARD PROPS!!! Even danielray will appreciate the change from the rifles... BTW, colorguard props are allowed to make noises, right? So technically... But seriously... I like band. I like drum corps. I like orchestra. They are fine in their present forms. If there was a market for a band or orchestral organization like DCI, it would already exist. No need to make drum corps into something that so few would enjoy. I want to see the posts of all of you that want drum corps to add band and orchestra instruments in band and orchestra forums promoting the addition of whatever the DCP PC word is for the marching brass formerly known as bugles (I'm still waiting to hear/read a single, inclusive word. I'm fine with still calling them "bugles" myself, seperate post to follow.). I'll bet that there aren't any. We know why George wants the changes... but why do the rest of you? What is your REAL agenda?
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