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Everything posted by PCSoprano9702

  1. All world nations responded in a similar way to the Great Depression. The failure is obviously in allowing an unsustainable bubble to grow and burst. If there's a lesson to be learned from 1929, it's that. But who's going to argue with greed? I hope this "downturn" will refocus community priorities and we'll recognize that children playing music (well) is one of the most beautiful things on earth.
  2. California had its fair share of shows with one Div I corps in the 90s (whenever BD went East or SCV went north) and drum corps survived. No, it flourished. More Div II corps came into existence because there were enough shows in the West to support a tour. Three of those corps (Mandarins, PC, and the Academy) are now World Class. The Southern California Drum Corps Show Consortium existed for a number of years to support 2-3 weekends worth of shows in southern CA, while BD and SCV managed a weekend or two in and around the Bay Area. This preserved the DCW circuit. Considering the growth of drum corps in California, I am amazed that this model isn't being duplicated.
  3. I blame the abandonment of the regional model. Now corps are supposed to go to every regional. Why not just call one of them finals and be done with it? What's the point in calling it a regional? It isn't, it's a national tour - and corps have to fund their travel around the country, not just the road to *sigh* Indianapolis.
  4. Which is why this would require the regional model where the corps returns home early Monday morning. This is how California corps have been operating, more or less, for decades. Maybe once every 3 years you head back east early, or go to Japan, but generally you stay home/at the corps hall until July 2X.
  5. I assume you teach your kids that "fortissimo" should never be called, "double forte" because it isn't a true doubling.
  6. Dude, sweet! But if TPL4TAY ever cuts you off, you have to let it go.
  7. Perhaps too, we should educate our educators on urban slang.
  8. If you are in Denver and want good Mexican food, leave Denver. If you want bad food and an unforgetable experience, go to Casa Bonita.
  9. That place is amazing. When I lived in Denver I and all my friends went there all the time. It was the best! I left Denver when I was 6 years old.
  10. Amen, I played in both in high school and drum corps, and they are favorites of mine too. Though San Jose State was another fun one!
  11. Worst: Bob Mathais Memorial Stadium Modesto, CA Yardlines were several inches lower than the rest of the field and covered with chalk that got kicked up easily and was constantly reapplied. Stands were cold, low, and not very stable. Oh and it was in Modesto.
  12. On the field, from the Internet, presenting their 2010 program, "Lolcorps: A Tribute to Rick Astley" please welcome the Drum Corps Planeteers Drum and Bb Brass with Dancing and Talking Corps!
  13. Play off! Have the other corps leave in performance order, send the drum majors to the center x to flip a coin with the head judge and choose whether to go first or second. They play again, tired, emotionally taxed, and with an insanely excited crowd as the DCI season continues for another hour. And the judges don't get any overtime for the extra work - it is their fault it's a tie.
  14. YES! That is funny! My friends and I always put on our best Michael Cessario impression when someone asks that question - I'm sure that's common. But boy does it make a first-timer feel like they have a lot to learn. Was that the 96 broacast?
  15. Not to mention making representing Wyoming a little disingenuous.
  16. Both you and the President are models of class! I hope we see more of this type of respect in the coming years. Of course that's the beauty of drum corps specifically, and the performing arts in general. They bring people together in ways that other activities never do.
  17. I see it as a political move. The President just gave a speech about how peace loving we are. The soldiers with weaponry were cold, stoic, and sober. It appeared that our Nation takes use of force seriously. 16 year old girls in spandex spinning a fake rifle or sabre is a little more disturbing. Imagine a child in some foreign land tossing fake grenades or driving a prop tank at a celebration/parade - most Americans would find that barbaric and offensive. Stripping the weapons for world consumption is acceptable to me. Taking them out of the activity to please Oprah is not.
  18. Sometimes I give fan network a standing ovation. But normally I just bounce like an idiot in my desk chair, or cry like a little girl. I find the distribution of kick-a music and drill (and the corresponding boring stuff) is pretty even across decades. You just need to apprecate drum corps for what it is/was. But yeah, you can't stand when they're moving, you'll block the view. If you want me to stand more, you need to park, bark, then put your horns down. For a tutorial see "Legend of the One-Eyed Sailor" c. 1976 BD. If you were there and didn't stand, you need a punch in the face.
  19. All corps are the best for rookies, as evidenced by the fact that they all have rookies every single year. So I suggest all of them.
  20. I'm not a fan of tattoos. A friend of mine got his corps logo tattooed on the bottom of his foot. Sounds insanely painful. But I'll take drum corps exposure where I can get it. Makes drum corps sound more like a hard-##### activity than summer band camp too. So that's nice.
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