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Everything posted by Getintoyourcolor

  1. jeez... so this is a news flash: George Hopkins is capable of being frustrated and airing his displeasure. WOW... I'm shocked.... was it wrong? yes was it corrected? yes he who is without sin etc....... we're a week away from a new season - let this go...
  2. SCV 2008 was one of my favorite shows last season. It wasn't a "perfect" show conceptually but I found it very entertaining with a high degree of difficulty. I agree about the execution - they aimed high but fell a bit short. I am rooting for them this year.
  3. Annapolis Atlanta San Antonio Allentown Giants Stadium Indy
  4. yes mine is marching and I sponsor two others why? because I can
  5. Garfield Cadets 1982 The show that changed drum corps...
  6. Garfield Cadets 1979 - 16th Place (second year in a row out of Finals) Garfield Cadets 1980 - 10th Place (after a winter with only 18 horns at rehearsal, heavy recruiting from the deep south during the spring, and it all coming together by August - What a ride!)
  7. That is correct. Marc was inducted a long time ago. Jeff Sacktig received the honor last year.
  8. love the creativity and the innovation - always looking forward to seeing something I haven't seen before and I love that junior drum corps still exists today so my kids can enjoy the life-changing experience
  9. Best of luck to the 2009 Colts! I look forward to seeing you in Annapolis!
  10. also, Jeff Keivit (of Muchachos fame) was scheduled to play the Buffalo gig with Chuck. He's played with Chuck for years.
  11. dude, no disrespect intended... I think its very cool that high school age kids get excited enough to attend camps - and like it or not, that show was very accessible....
  12. an attendee told me that most campers were very young - high schoolers... cool, because plainly the 2008 show resonated with that age group
  13. One more.... Suitcase - size, shape, rolling? or duffle bag space bags?
  14. One more question: Does anyone use phone cards anymore? How about disposable cameras? (I know, I'm old)
  15. another question... I've been told that the bus seats can become very personalized - sheets, baskets?, pouches? What's up with that? Is it necessary? Thanks in advance!
  16. someone mentioned batteries and bungee cords to me... batteries I get (AA & AAA I presume), but bungee cords?????
  17. Once again, thank you all for the great info! I know I sound like a mother hen hear but how about vitamins/supplements/nutritional aids etc...? The tours sound grueling - might this help?
  18. Thanks again for all the input! I notice that a bunch of folks have mentioned the need to buy clothes. Are we talking about t-shirts, shorts, socks, sneakers, underwear.....?
  19. Thanks for all the info! A few more questions: gatorade - bottled or powdered? How much $ for an average laundry stop? Do the kids typically have have time to shop for souvies at a show? Do the girls need to resupply feminine products?
  20. With kids being on tour from Memorial Day to August 8, I'm curious: What do they buy all summer? Obviously the corps' feed them. What other food do the kids buy? Do they buy any additional clothing? I presume they run through basic shower/bathroom needs. How often do they have to supplement? How much do they usually end up spending? I've got a boy and a girl gearing up for World Class this year. I'd love to get some info from those that have done it already. Thanks in advance!
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