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  1. i've felt for a while now that jim casella would be a perfect fit at crown.
  2. if they were on open class sheets, the scores would be in the 80s and 90s, not the mid 70s
  3. blue devils BDB Phantom Regiment
  4. http://www.yea.org/site/PageServer?pagename=cadetswinterpercussion
  5. I told you all what it was... The w stands for winter...as in winter percussion. They're registered for WGI finals....it's not that hard to figure out. Also, the chevrons go from 3 to 1. Perhaps like a count down?
  6. it has nothing to do with drum corps... here's a hint: https://www.wgi.org/administrator_new/events_list_units.php?eventid=509&showid=1218&type=Percussion
  7. adams gold bars aren't any different than the silver...just a different color anodizing.
  8. i'm usually a big fan of surf, but i have a hard time even being part of the "i am entertained" group when it's virtually a 10 minute ensemble tear. 18 days of move-ins should be plenty of time for the corps to at least learn how to play together. they rarely start and stop together. rough.
  9. touring all summer wouldn't have fixed the AWFUL staging they had....it might have been cleaner, but the drill design and guard staging was, by far, one of the most glaring issues that surf had this past season
  10. Mirrored acrylic sheets are actually VERY INexpensive. I looked into getting some for a group i taught a few years ago and it was >$50 for a 48"x96" sheet.
  11. you should be able to get plenty of response with the hybrid. the air holes are directly over the snare bed and they should be in the same "window" between the tubes as the strainer. if you look at th edge itself, there will be a slight depression, lower than the rest of the edge where the bed was cut. it will make a very big difference if the guts aren't sitting in the snare bed
  12. make sure the snares are sitting in the snare bed and that the shell didn't get turned at all. also, the snares should be just touching the bearing edge.....there's no need to tighten down the knobs on the top of the strainer so that the guts angle downward if you're looking at it from the snare side. If that's the case, the guts are going to be too tight. You can test the contact by slightly tapping the guts with your finger where they meet the edge. If you can feel them moving down, then they aren't actually in contact with the edge. Gradually lowere them down until they are actually touching and you can not feel any movement.
  13. except that they have 5 quads this year. that would equal 10. it's also been confirmed by mike mcintosh that they will be using the short snares at some point in the show.....with mylar heads on top.
  14. when phantom switched to dynasty, they were able to tune them like they did when they played pearl and they sounded good when standing in front of them. but when they got on the field, the projection just disappeared, especially from the quads. even when they are completely exposed it's very difficult to hear them. this was never a problem when they played pearl. crown has had new drums every year since they switched to yamaha. i don't expect this year to be any different. bluecoats are using the same drums they used last year.
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