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Everything posted by 08ThunderBass5

  1. I actually starting cheering in my bedroom when they hit the company front in the closer!! i had major chills going on. I love this show already.
  2. Yeah I definitely appreciated the freebee. And actually their "marketing" worked because I just bought the full thing for $59. I had my laptop hooked up to T.V. and surround sound. The picture was actually pretty good and same w/sound. Not the same quality as DCI DVD's but still pretty good. The video was laggy though and like lots of you have mentioned their were glitches in cadets and crown. I do appreciate the free show though. Oh and my favorite bizarre choice of camera work was when they showed the BACK of the timpani player for like 20 seconds. Haha!!! just thought it was funny. I'm thinking/hoping they'll probably get better..
  3. I saw the annapolis show online yesterday and from those groups, in my humble opinion I think the synths are mostly doing what keyboards (marimbas etc.) could be doing. My favorite use of the synth so far is from the corps that use them but have them turned down so you cant hear them haha!
  4. I don't know what Scv's show is like this year but I just saw an INCREDIBLE video of their horn line from the Walnut show tonight (er well yesterday) and it gave me MAJOR goosebumps!!! They sound awesome!!!
  5. LOL! I know this guy. His name is Chase. He told me that he did it and I kinda didn't believe him but then I was watching my friend's '07 dvd and you can DEFINITELY hear it!! lol
  6. LOL!!! You won't believe this but that was me!!! In both cases!! haha I didn't even yell it just to be dumb I was just cheering on the bass lines cuz they both had sick features!. I didn't even think it would get on the recordings but then I listened to phantom's show a couple months after finals and I couldn't believe it when I heard that!!! And I actually didn't know my yell during cavies made it into the recording until like two weeks ago when I happened to hear it while listening to the show in my car!!! haha small world
  7. Thanks Newseditor44 for the recaps. I enjoyed reading them
  8. Hi, my name is Jeff Chambers and I'm from Kennewick, Washington. I became hooked on drum corps as after I attended my first event the summer before my junior year in high school. The Show had Spokane Thunder, Oregon Crusaders, Seattle Cascades, Blue Knights and Santa Clara Vanguard; it was in Pasco, Washington. I fully credit my obsession with this activity to one of the percussion instructors from the high school I attended, Jay Colgan. Anyway, last summer (2008) I got the opportunity to march my first season of drum corps. I marched bottom bass for Spokane Thunder. It was a very incredible summer especially since the corps had its most successful season in its history. I obviously am not marching this summer because of money (blah blah blah) but will be glued to the fan network and attending at least one show. I hope to march again next summer. In the mean time I am teaching drumline and writing an original show for Kamiakin High School in Kennewick, Washington. This is the same high school I attended. Looking forward to chatting with a bunch of you! Jeff Chambers
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