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jasgre2000 last won the day on March 28 2015

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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Fan (High School Marching Band)
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Cavaliers, Boston Crusaders, Santa Clara Vanguard, Blue Knights
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Boston Crusaders 2000
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  1. I was going to post something similar, but you beat me to it. I find Bloo's show quite deep and meaningful that makes you think quite a bit, but it also has a straight forward theme that is easy to understand for those that aren't interested in diving in to all the layers. It's pretty genuis design, if you ask me. I think designers will (or at least should) be studying it for years to come.
  2. He did a solo one on the Bluecoats show.
  3. It's rare for anyone to be employed under a "term" contract that has a set length of time for the employment relationship. Apparently, based on what's been posted here, some corps have some staff under a multi-year contract, but I would be shocked if most staff members were not employed on an "at will" basis, which means they can quit or be fired at any time for any or no reason at all (with a few exceptions based on discrimination).
  4. Always love the Funliner videos after the season. Hope they eventually do detailed reviews of all the top shows with the usual four guys like they usually do.
  5. It's a fair point, but why do you think it is more impactful now than it has been in the past? Cavies have a long history of being an elite corps and, as far as I know, have always been male only. Is it that there are significantly more talented females interested and participating in drum corps than in the past? I'm sure that is definitely true when compared to 30 years ago, but has there been that much of a change in the overall demographic of auditioners since Cavies last medaled in 2011? Or pre-pandemic when they were consistently placing in the top half of Finals. I'm sure there has been changes. Just not sure it is as drastic as you are suggesting. Definitely open to being wrong about that though. I'm guessing no one has compiled statistics on that, but would definitely be interesting to look at if they're out there.
  6. Totally agree! Marching and playing fast is difficult and, when done well, can create amazing GE. It should definitely be rewarded when it is executed well and part of a well designed show. Doing it doesn't make you "better" than other corps that are doing equally as effective and difficult things though and it don't think it should be incentivized over everything else by giving a lone spot on the caption sheet as has been suggested.
  7. If by "competing for medals" you mean actually winning a medal, I guess that reasoning makes sense. There's a whole bunch of other coed corps that have been out of medal contention by the definition for longer than Cavies have been. Why do you think there is a correlation between gender makeup of a corps and competitiveness?
  8. Why else would the gender of their members impact their competitiveness? What does that have to do with what they put on the field?
  9. I'm rewatching "That One Second" (BK 2014) right now. It is one of my all time favorite shows. It had been a while since I watched it, and I think it holds up surprisingly well and would fit in perfectly with what many of the corps are currently doing. Minimal, but meaningful props. Contemporary music. Full field coverage. Beautiful ballad. If they could go back and replicate that era, they'd be in a very competitive spot IMO.
  10. I don't think anyone would have predicted Boston would be where they are right now before 2017. I don't think being all male has anything to do with anything. It's design and talent ... neither of which are gender dependent. Unless you think the judges are punishing them unfairly for socio-political reasons.
  11. Mixing your 2007 Oscar Contenders there, but a There Will Be Blood theme show could be pretty ######. It's basically what Troopers did in 2023, right?
  12. Playing and marching fast are not objectively harder than what anyone is doing on the field. Perfecting a dissonant chord, playing unusual rythms perfectly, or achieving great tone quality take a ton of skill too. Ballads are often the most difficult part of a show to pull of well. I'm sure there are many other aspects of putting on a great show that are equally or more difficult. If you just reward playing and marching fast, that's what everyone will empasize and the other aspects of putting on a great show will suffer and everyone will look and sound the same. Is that really what you want to incentivize?
  13. 5th in 2016 4th in 2017 6th in 2018 5th in 2019 That wasn't that long ago (all within the last decade).
  14. I'd put Crown up next to BAC as far as pure talent goes. Design is failing them. I sure hope that changes soon.
  15. SCV design team is fire! Had a big challenge ahead of them in the first year back, and they met it to a T. Amazing performance from the MMs. Perfect design for the challenge they were facing. I expect it to be even better next season. God I love this corps!
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