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Everything posted by JamesDean

  1. I personally have been a fan of what the bluecoats have done with electronic sounds. They put a song like creep on the field perfectly with the choreography and that huge brass sound. I also heard through the grapevine that they have experimented with using recorded sounds of the women in their hornline singing some of the chords from the opener. I don't know if they still use it in the show, but I think it just shows how creative and talented this corps is.
  2. When I saw the Bluecoats do their quadraphonic ballad moment, and the guard is centered in the field building up to that solo toss, my heart was literally stopped because I was holding my breath so long in nervous anticipation. It is no crying moment, but it made me feel a way that no other corps has this year. It is unique to their show and connection to the audience.
  3. The changes the Bluecoats have made to their ballad makes this easily one of the most gripping emotional buildups in a show. I literally held my breath the entire time.
  4. Cadets 07. They reached a level of precision that is astounding in this activity. They just happened to have a progressive show that too many people found annoying. But still, they were way better than crown 09.
  5. I think that the Bluecoats consistently have my favorite sounding hornline, along with an always entertaining and challenging book.
  6. I really like the direction the bluecoats have headed in drums. They are clean, and always entertaining. If there are a lot of veterans returning then it will be a tough group to beat.
  7. I loved the way the Bluecoats did asphalt cocktail this year. So entertaining
  8. I am very excited to see what the Bluecoats do with all the momentum they have built up. I love the direction they are headed in.
  9. YUP! I was absolutely blown away by the coats this year. I hope the Bluecoats continue to bring programs like that to the field and earn the respect they deserve.
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