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Everything posted by Krista

  1. I posted other and here's why - I searched for a corps that had beliefs and values that I support and felt like I would fit into. I actually searched for people who had marched places and talked to them, that's when I found dcp. So, I traveled 9 hours (by car each time) to camps. I'll still thank Andy for getting me to that first camp! :-D
  2. but for the fact that this is the exact same pre-tour/moveins info the public has gotten for YEARS.
  3. I think you're missing it. It's not that is outright secrecy - you wanna know - go find out. even when I marched I never understood the hubbub about why people feel entitled to know what ANY corps is performing.
  4. I think daily contacts would be great for tour - but that's a lot of little things for me to keep up with! hahah I also don't like that they're slightly more expensive than monthlies for me.
  5. I have one, and fwiw, it doesn't come off easy. :shrug: I know it's not for everyone - but I lose stuff easy. I did the case in the glasses case thing too, and I wound up w/out a case for about a week at one point b/c it fell out. that sucked.
  6. I found this contact lens case a while back and thought how I would have killed for one of these when I was on tour. Not that traditional cases are that horrible, but I loved this b/c it can stay attached to the top of your bottle of solution. Just one less step and one less thing to have to keep track of on tour. Enjoy. Or write me off at nuts, lol
  7. another new balance person here. though, I highly recommend custom orthodics. they can be expensive, but some insurance companies will cover them in full or partial. I marched my 1st year w/none and my 2nd year had my custom ones done and have never looked back. they are so very worth it.
  8. pretty sure that's been done by someone I know. lol
  9. word. signed, a trumpet player who married a pit player. :)
  10. I'm sure he means that some university libraries have them available for check out.
  11. might I ask.... if you PIF but don't get picked to go, do they refund your money?
  12. As per the DCP guidelines, illegal activity is not allowed on our forums (i.e. underage individuals talking about drinking) therefore this thread is closed. questions/comments etc. can be sent via PM.
  13. I disagree with that.... but only b/c of ankle support. I get the front/back and side to side thing... but running shoes leave you with much less ankle support, which is pretty critical. I second whoever said to see an orthopedic specialist.
  14. I watched our dvd's the other night to watch this show specifically and def. did not notice a louder "under god" as some have mentioned.
  15. I think this really depends on your feet and ankles. for example, if you're like me and have bad ankles that roll really easy (my feet in general are AWFUL) then you're not going to want running shoes like some ppl recommend. also....all brands of shoes feel differently.... go check out what feels best to you. and, if you have bad feet.... see if your insurance will cover orthopedic inserts. I had them my 2nd year and didn't have any of the trouble w/my feet I did my first year.
  16. you can ask pretty much anyone who knows me well.... I'm not a huge cadets fan. However, this is on my list of all time favorite shows. I won't get into the emotional/politicalness etc. That said, I'm a fan of all of it except for the 9/11 tribute. Just didn't really rub me the right way, and seemed a bit too much. but really...it's one of my all time favorites.
  17. Thread closed per author's request. questions and concerns, like always are welcome via PM.
  18. you don't really believe this do you? I mean, sure, they're gonna protect their own interests/their corps interests. but.... I hardly think that they think we're idiots. Nor do they think they have all of the ideas/know what is best.
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