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Everything posted by How_Will_It_End?

  1. So, my wallpaper on my desktop is a pretty cool shot of the Blue Devils 2009 show. However, I've been rocking this background for three years now, I'm looking for a change, and was wondering if some of you could post whatever cool DCI wallpapers you got on here.
  2. favorite shows of the year (in order) 1. Blue Devils 2. Crown 3. Cadets 4. Bluecoats 5. Madison Scouts
  3. So, after seeing the Cadets live in San Antonio, I feel like a complete idiot for this post. In another thread I said that my favorite corps is the Blue Devils, but that I love Crown's show so much that I wouldn't mind seeing them beat blue devils this year...I can now say the same for the Cadets. ps: I was sitting right on the 50 and on the 4th row (bottom level) and I didn't feel the towers got in the way at all.
  4. AMEN! Seems to me that (some, not all) Scouts fans need to be more humble and remember that just four years ago they were a 15th place corps. And now, overnight they think that they have birth rights to place higher than a celebrated corps like the cavaliers.
  5. Blue Devils back on top and Crossmen passing up Blue Stars. I couldn't be happier.
  6. yeah, just about every corps goes through changes right around this time.
  7. The thing is, we're all talking about design, and you're talking about execution.
  8. Yeah but you say that as if it's a bad thing. think about, if everyone agreed on everything, and everyone had the same opinions the world would be such a dull boring place.
  9. Okay, fair enough. So, I was thinking about writing a long post about why I feel the Cadets show is disappointing, but then another post got it right on the money, so I decided to paraphrase it. Put simply, its just not MY cup of tea. Like I stated to start out my post "For me..." When Blue Devils won in 09,10, and 12 a lot of people were thinking, "but why? how?". That's how I'll feel this year if Cadets win.
  10. For me, Cadets show is probably tied with Crossmen for most disappointing of the season.
  11. I'm a Crossmen fan. And I like the show this year. ...but I just don't think it's enough (to be a finalist show). Can't blame the competition for stepping it up.
  12. You do realize DCI is a non profit organization right?
  13. look at the bright side, they're still ahead of the colts.
  14. d;alkfajsfl;askdjfasl;fkjasdfl;kajs;????????
  15. YES!!! I was worried they weren't going to change that.
  16. Does anybody know if they're going to make those PVC poles look like trees. I'm really hoping they are. I heard a while back that they were thinking about it, and if they do, I think that would add a lot of GE.
  17. By the way, where is that encore recording. I thought I'd get it with my blue devils subscription. But it seems like it only comes in the special 2012 dvd. Is that right?
  18. This is my favorite carolina crown show since Triple Crown (07). my one beef with the show is that the love story thing only takes place in the ballad, we (or at least I) really don't care about the characters on the bench because they weren't foreshadowed or featured earlier in the show. Nor after the ballad. At least, that's what I see from the Fan Network. Maybe they'll develop them more and more as the season goes on. My favorite corps is the Blue Devils, but I wouldn't mind seeing them lose out this year to this show.
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