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rr4353 last won the day on November 12 2015

rr4353 had the most liked content!

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  1. That one screamer amped above the rest of the hornline totally works against the effect they're going for. Ugh, especially when they frack a note
  2. Can't help but miss the Ben Bram arrangement of Bridge that they played for encores/lots back in 2016. Wish they could've played something closer to that here - this feels so fragmented and momentum doesn't carry through very well
  3. Crossmen and Cadets should be switching places, imo This is way better than 11th place, and that other show.... is not
  4. 1 Gigabit per second download and it's still lagging. It's definitely on Flo's end
  5. Did Dan Potter seriously just ask him if his championship was legit or not because BDB and SCVC weren't there? Jeez, dude
  6. Woof. I work in the audio/music production industry and even I don't have a setup like this!
  7. SO happy for Surf that they've come so far with this show. They have my vote for the "most improved" corps this year, along with Pacific Crest.
  8. Man, that right side speaker is all that's being picked up by Flo's mic
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