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Everything posted by BlueStainGlass

  1. Covid hurt 7th or are there new groups around pulling their people?
  2. An old student marchin CT said "Its hot and rainy" Hopefully the humidity goes away.
  3. I am confused on driving from Indy when they are heading to Indy lol
  4. Rehearsal may have been rained out but looks clear for the night time.
  5. I'm just going for making sense to your non drinkers 😅
  6. Well depends who the judges are for finals week. Julie Davila has scored lower than almost every other perc judge.
  7. Tell me you missed the point without saying you kissed the point.
  8. This has been what everyone has been saying. All this is doing is creating a bigger hole but it's needed. The end result is no SCV.
  9. My one request if they change anything for next week. Paint the straws white. Only has to make it through 3 shows on turf and could make the straw idea clearer. And maybe unleash the brass more 😈
  10. I'm gonna let you think that but I have seen on two accounts that a whistleblower has been investigated and proven to not be factually correct in the goal of the reporters to damage someone else's image. These were backed up by 3rd party investigators and lead to legal action cease and desist sent to the person making claims. Should every whistleblower report be taken seriously? Yes. Will they always be true? No but you still do the due diligence to make sure that everyone is accountable.
  11. I think less shows will also help. Can't change things if you constantly have shows and lose more time traveling to show sites. But I'll say it again Brad Furlano and Brad Harris make sure the members have a great experience and they are some of the greatest people I have ever met. They run a world class organization and I appreciate the hell out of them.
  12. Well from what I recall in 2015 when this happened was judges don't really have anything to say that can make it better and the ways to make it better are almost complete rewrites. They came out strong with a great blue print but it didn't change while others did. They also had the most shows all season I believe and feedback is great when something works but can only do so much when it isn't. I still love the show and risk and if you gave this design to BD or Bluecoats it wins. But I can tell you that the members are being taken care of really well and apparently DCI does a survey every year about experience and last year they were #2. So I don't expect a firing squad if that's what you're into but a better designed product to make up what this didn't.
  13. Section scores are good - design sections are bad. Judges don't like it but give credit to members for performing it well. It's exactly a it didn't work let's fix the problem next year. It's sideshow part 2 not 2012.
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