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Everything posted by Runner235

  1. Agreed. The flag work was catching my eye (which never really happens) during the opener and I figured they were just practicing with bright solid flags. Starting to make sense now, unlike the rest of ya'll I didn't pay attention much in chemistry and the whole 10 and Neon thing went straight over my head.
  2. Thanks for the run down Craiga. Any of BC diehards know which year Ryan George started arranging for them? His books along with Klesch's seem always be written in a way that engages me months after the season and with only the audio track playing.
  3. Another one that's floating around, ballad this time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1xHpkbqPrY Can't wait to see this as part of the show, feel like it's evolved from some of the earlier spring training clips and has some oomph. That and I just enjoy listening to the soloist.
  4. Agreed. Got a call from one of my buddies who was at the rehearsal where the clips came from. His general comments were: - still learning to march and play the sets - plenty of time for Harloff to teach the brass line which is what they do very well - early, early - not moving sounds freaking awesome Which follows my initial reaction to Dies Irae and the lack of oomph from the silence between the those big hits in that potato quality video. That sound-silence pattern helps make that song so much more powerful. No doubt they'll get all that taken care of by August and I'd imaging by tour time it'll be very good. Other second hand thoughts: - brass line will be very good - ballad rocks - percussion is light years better - design and music seem to work (he designs for a few HS's)
  5. Another Video that's surfaced :) http://youtu.be/LCSGf-di6to Can't wait to hear it in a couple weeks once that staff's had a chance to do some more cleaning and they're more comfortable with the footwork.
  6. Same here, I love the archived content more so than anything live (namely that's always during put the kid down to sleep time..). If they launch a player that I can listen to the audio of previous years on my iPhone, that would make me really really happy
  7. It shouldn't have much of an impact on the everyday consumer initially. If anything for the little guys like DCI, it ensures that their streams get just as much priority between the pipe leading into your house and to your ISP. IMO, this is an excellent thing. For the providers like DCI, Netflix, Amazon, the key to getting quality content and priority content into the homes is going to be more related to how well their datacenter and servers peer with the internet backbone that routes traffic to the ISP. Watching a 1080p stream from a datacenter in the US that has one or two skips / hops to link up with backbone and Comcast uses is an entirely different (and better experiment) than trying to stream 1080p content from a datacenter in the EU that has a bunch of more nodes to pass through to get to Comcast. Dependent on how those backbone providers peer with one another and the amount of bandwidth they have, it'll have an impact on the inhome quality. What I'd expect to see happen is they'll claim they need to purchase more bandwidth from their backbone providers and pass that buck along to us. Working in the tech space, it's a good regulation to level set the playing field and make sure that every packet that makes it your ISP has an equal opportunity to get to your house.
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