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Everything posted by onionhead

  1. the percussion judge didn't even get close to Cadet percussion........scared ?
  2. Greetings Cadetafobes...... it is said the only constant is the universe is change....... that is untrue, the only constant is my wife is always right, but that is for a different forum. The impending uniform change is just a ploy to set the stage for a more emotional finish to an incredible season, some may say for the ages. Sit back and enjoy the shivers !
  3. with close ties to the Cadets, the final closer has been disclosed to me. There will be a canon located at the ten yard line in the closing moments, a random Blue Coat Brass member will be abducted from the lot and stuffed in the canon and a countdown starting at ten will commence and at zero the Blue Coater will be shot to the opposing ten yard line where the color guard will be assembled as a maush pit . As the Blue Coater approaches the guard will then form the letter X (TEN) and the Blue coater will land between the guard lines on the ten yard line. At that moment the guard will raise flags with the roman numeral "X" and the narrator will announce the word "TEN". and then the ten Cadets from the French horn caption will carry the sacrificial Blue coater on a gurney, accompanied by the ten snare drummers back too the drum majors stand, tada ! It seems a bit much to me, but who am I to critic these shows. I am just in awe of all these performers from every corp. that dedicate their summer to this activity for our viewing pleasure. THANK YOU to them all.
  4. anyone catch the percussion judge running for his life during the closer ?
  5. Did I miss some mistakes last night, I thought Crowns show was good enough to challenge Blue Devils.
  6. Minn. scores seemed a tad low, maybe 1. point and the show out west looked to be high, I think Crossman are still in there.
  7. Looking forward to San Antonio, its going to be a great battle with so many hardworking Corps filled with so many talented young people all so deserving of our applause . Good luck to all of them!!
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