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Everything posted by Poppycock

  1. He’s not the only person to have heard this complaint. Staff members have threatened to leave if they don’t get their way.
  2. Wouldn’t it now! Never understood the - if you don’t agree with me there’s something wrong with you judgement types. Confront it daily!
  3. If it does or doesn’t I’m still going to The Stud with Stephan and the gang. I’ll just drink more if it doesn’t. Cheers!
  4. My circle of fans is primarily guard people most are donors majority negative about WW’s. Ramon said if there was ever a reason to step away WW’s would do it. He doesn’t think he could dance, spin or toss with the same enthusiasm with tweety birds on the field.
  5. Those who thought they had to change their identity are still looking for it. With costuming, props and non-marching body movement, I’m not convinced most will ever find it again.
  6. It’s a lot more difficult to be creative without props. It’s monkey see monkey do with original thought being the exception. Look no further than WGI where hundreds of participating units are like one another, then there’s that one original idea that surfaces from the midst of all the boring and another trend begins until the next original idea.
  7. Not every musical group should be or needs to be all-inclusive by using every instrument.
  8. Advocating behind the curtain (MM's) disguised as if their best interest is in mind.
  9. Subject matter experts were involved! Or so I've been told.
  10. The first step is to accept the AI proposal. The next step is increase the max membership. Don’t know what that number will be, but 208 makes sense to me. I’m concerned about which organizations can afford the jump to 208. Capital expenditures can be easily managed and negotiated such as it is with bulk purchases, operating cost is another story. Believe there will be a consortium or several consortiums by the member organizations to reduce operating cost for touring.
  11. Increasing the number of participants is an increase in customers, transaction size, frequency of transactions, and allows for the increase in price of products. 200 MM’s participating per organization creates a lot of additional revenue for a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on sales of their products. More revenue generated is always a motivation for change. Ask yourself who really stands to benefit the most from the AI proposal passing.
  12. I believe that AI will pass, but not for or because of inclusion or greater member participation. What’s driving the AI is more💰 for those who make their livelihoods from the activities such as WGI, marching band circuits and DCI.
  13. Demanding others to provide proof while the very organization you constantly defend provides none. IMO the proposal for any instrument has nothing to do with increased participation. So feel free to continue to spew nonsense in an attempt to control the narrative. I’m not interested in buying it.
  14. The consistent ending tag to belittle, berate and bully others on here. Shockingly predictable!
  15. What is the first thing to jump a sinking ship?
  16. You’re not the only person entitled to an opinion and just because you say so doesn’t make it so.
  17. Designers, staff, costume, flag, props and instrument manufacturers are all driving the individual organization budgets. All in the name of providing more inclusion and member experience. Doesn’t take much to figure out who stands to benefit.
  18. And which organization(s) stands up and says NO! we’re not going to do that. What happens to them?
  19. 10-12 please! It’s more like 4-5, outside of that the quality drops, and continues to drop even more after 8-9. Once you get below 12-13 well you have a show with corps outside of the top 12 and see who shows up.
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