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Smug Trumpet Guy

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Everything posted by Smug Trumpet Guy

  1. Just don't read the post. If you start reading something that upsets you, look away from the screen. Just walk away or close your eyes, that will make the mean things people say go away
  2. There's a thread up right now on the subreddit with people complaining about their experience marching troopers. I personally know someone who was there during the time period the redditor claims he marched and told me it was all lies.
  3. Its not too hard to figure out. No scored competitions so no reason to show up, entertaining the audience has never been a priority for BD 🤣
  4. Say what you will about poppy but you have to admit drum corps has taken a weird turn with how these shows are designed lately. It is strange to see all the faces of the marching members and remind myself that I'm watching a drum corps show. It reminds me of WGI shows (which I didn't care all the much for) from high schools in the middle of the 2000s and DCI decided to completely adopt that style. The overuse of props, skin tight uniforms, amplification and tacky narration. It isn't for everyone thats for sure
  5. I thought the only person pushing for boringwinds was he who must not be named.
  6. The technology used to capture and project holograms has advanced rapidly in recent years, with each passing day we get closer to the inevitable hologramization of drum corps. If you're one of those dinosaurs who absolutely hated the switch from G bugles, or the introduction of uniforms so tight you could see every bend and curve of a marchers body then be prepared to double up on your blood pressure medicine when you see what these show designers have in store for us.
  7. Imagine the amount of props this will allow the blue coats to buy. Just imagine it, The entire field a recreation of Jurassic park. The props to put all others to shame. I’m talking animatronic velociraptors and pterodactyls flying across the field in a spectacle like no other. I’m salivating just imagining the GE points this could generate for my favorite corps. Zoomers will go wild and it would be a huge middle finger to those dumb dinosaurs that hate on the new generations swagger!
  8. The season is coming up and I thought now is a better time than any to make a prediction thread. Feel free to use this thread to brainstorm what the next ridiculous fad will be in drum corps to score cheap GE points. I think what we will see is the age of members being present on the field come to an end. Hologram technology is reaching a point to where they can finally be utilized in DCI (thank god!) and this is only the next logical step after fully amplified horn lines. The only question is who will be the first corps to fully holographically animate their corps onto the field. My bet is on crown
  9. I was being sarcastic but i'll delete the comment if you think it is inappropriate. I'm no fan of amplification or any of these other new age gimmicks corps are using to try to score cheap GE points
  10. I know its unrelated and I've been away from drum corps for almost a decade at this point but could someone please explain to me the switch to skin tight costumes we've seen over the past couple years? I don't understand what purpose this serves if you are trying to project your presence all the way to the press box, whereas the tall schacos and well defined uniforms served this function very well to make the marching members seem a hundred feet tall.
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