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Everything posted by JimF-LowBari

  1. Any French speaking Quebec corps.... #### I miss them in DCA. :(
  2. So who would we send to break up this spat.... Howie, George, Uncle Chuck S. or Unca Larry hisself... :P
  3. And where I've got relatives (downtown Huntington and Barboursville)..... y'all B) I'd say group of people from all different backgrounds working towards a common goal. (That's coming from a 70s Sr background.) Allee still has the best response.....
  4. Or as we say at home "That's not nice...... Truthful, but not nice" ^0^ :P
  5. Oh well, this didn't take off as well as hoped anyway *shrug*..... I was always raised that when presented with choices to decide what was more important (aka set priorities) for the present and the future. I tried to picture how my life would be 5, 10, 20, etc years ahead if I went either path. Decided that putting away the fun stuff and starting a career was definitely more important at that point in my life. The older I get the more I'm sure I made the right choice for myself. IOW, not marching that Top 5 year is trivial compared to what has gone on with the rest of my life. Irony is a few years later I was able to return to corps when I got the job I wanted and had free weekends. Went back for two practices and realized that putting in all that time to march for a top 10 corps had dropped in my list of what was important to me. Turned the horn back in and thought about joining a lesser corps which I ended up not doing for reasons I can't remember anymore. Double irony, months later my old corps disbanded for a few weeks and came back (under new management) as a parade corps. THAT I did return for. Too bad Alumni corps weren't around back then as that would have been a good fit.
  6. When I quit following corps around 1992/3 it seemed that only big corps mattered and their numbers were going way down. And there didn't seem to be anything you could do about it. I actually predicted by end of century Senior corps as we know it would be dead. I came back to corps in 2003 and during the "missing years" Minis and Class As had been started by DCA and the Alumni world really took off. Senior corps ain't totally out of the woods but it's a huge improvement that could get a lot better with the correct management decisions. 2005 was my first full DCA weekend and saw Mini/Prelims/Alumnis/Finals. Seeing the number of people in the stands and their reaction to the smaller corps is a real good sign.
  7. People getting excited about smaller corps starting up is a BIG improvement from years past. Then there was waaaay too much "If you ain't big, you ain't worth squat." Possibly promoting Class A and Mini Corps is starting to pay off? b**bs
  8. "We can do nasty things with drum sticks" HIIIII YA!!!!!
  9. As long as you and your family can afford to do this, more power to you. Keeping family first (and my sanity) is the reason I don't try for my next step up, which would be management. :sshh: OK, as y'all can guess I'm the person in question. It's late so tomorrow I'll tell you "the rest of the story" <$1 to Paul Harvey>. There is also a twist to the story <$1 to Rod Serling> that people debating taking a few years off from corps may want to read.
  10. ^0^ :P Which has happened to more than a few people I know. And some have been tripped up by it. The idea is a large business or corporation starts a new person out at the bottom of the ladder (so to speak) and then sees how they handle it. Or to put it a better way the business is checking out the persons work ethic before they trust them with more important tasks. Have an in-law of an in-law who started out as a teller at a bank branch in Boondooks, PA years ago. Now that person is a Manager of something or other (forget what) because he earned the banks trust and respect. Aka worked his way up.... Then my Brother-in-law was looking for that "Entry Level Vice Presidents" job (that's what we called it) right out of college. He got some awards for his business writings and got a swelled head. Every job offer he got wasn't good enough and he's now on his nth job (lost count) as a Micro Brewer at age 44. In this case the job that was offered wasn't what the person wanted after college. But the person would be allowed to put in for the wanted job when it became available. (Some companies do not allow putting in for a job in another department.) Should also throw in the job market was tight at the time for entry level people. Yeah, ain't real life fun. <**> PS - I won't mention (for now) who offered the job. At the time it would have been a good place to work for but would not recommend it now.
  11. OK, I'm keeping the details hazy so I don't direct or kill any discussion. B) Trying to give what the person knew or suspected when they had to make the corps/job decision. Just interested in what would happen if this person would have asked this question on DCP.
  12. LOL, my first year our corps had Left come down to give us a pep talk during a early season rehearsal. About half the corps was new to drum corps and didn't know who Lefty was. All us rookies knew was "some guy from a good corps was going to talk to us". Partway thru rehearsal we get kicked outside because it was time for "the talk". Go to Leftys car and see the license plate and it's like "#### he drove from NY just to see us??". Then Lefty gets out and
  13. This is based on the "Grad School or Drum Corps" thread and another from a few months ago when a DCPer asked about dropping out of corps because of conflicts. This happened to someone a while back but I'd like to see what thoughts people have on the subject. Then I'll post what the person did. Note: Yes this is All Age corps based but the person was Jr eligible when it happened. And since the other two threads were posted in this Forum, makes more sense to post here. Situation: Person has been a member of a corps for few years while in HS and College. During this time the corps has kept improving and looks like a Top 5 finish during the (coming) season he graduated (December graduation). Person has stayed with the corps while looking for a job but now an offer has come up. The employer is large and there is chance for advancement and possibly long term employement. Problem: The "starter (aka crap) job" involves weekend work so corps goes out the window. Best guess is weekend work for about next two years until a better position with the employer opens up. Should the person keep looking or bag doing corps and start the career......
  14. Or if she (Rachel Ray) is a member of an Alumni type corps. ^0^ And not all Alumni type corps have previous corps experience as a membership requirement. Hey if I read right RR is either from or lives around Upstate NY..... B) PS - Haven't read all pages yet but don't forget History Channel. "This Week in Drum Corps" featuring Diceman, NanciD, Gadget, Jeff M, etc, etc.
  15. Planning on it but we shall see. After having to cancel out of DCA this year I don't plan that far ahead anymore. BUT.... Sounds like I'll be able to get in without getting a ticket months ahead of time. And, I can #### near see the top of hotel from my house across the river. :) Yeah, a Mini Corps show THAT close. :) :) :) :) B)
  16. Just sit at the 10 yard line like I did the only time I saw Cadets last year (pre-season exihibition). Learned that if you can see the side of the amp you can't hear what comes out of it. First 30 seconds of the show looked like the Cadets Mime Corps 'cause the corps wasn't playing and couldn't hear the vocalist.
  17. Isn't that by Richard Wagner (Dhat's Rick-hardt Vahg-ner!)??? "Ring of the Nelhybelium".
  18. Interesting how this has evolved (had to use that word :P ) over the years. Most people I talked to in my day thought what made corps different from band was very, if not the most, important thing about corps. Today a lot of current members feel their experience is what makes corps unique. * Based on thread I started a while back *
  19. What's the story with Decorah Kilties? They were the oldest (non-continuous) but haven't heard about them for a year or so.
  20. Ah c'mon Mike, we all know that was really an upside down Mercedes-Benz hood ornament. ^0^
  21. Have to disagree with that one. If I pay $$$$ for a show, movie, concert, whatever and someone is talking louder than the sound I paid to hear than the reason for anger is not me. IMO, the reason for anger is the person who doesn't have the respect of others or common sense to tone it down. Or for an example outside of DC. Let's say someone commits a senseles act of violence against you or your family and you're angry about it. IMO that person and their actions are the cause of the anger. To say the anger is not their fault is releasing them from any resposiblility for their actions.
  22. Hmm, what's more annoying to me??? 1) Hearing amps better than I can hear the horns or drums? 2) Hearing what someone is yelling better than I can hear horns or drums? $1000 on #2 Alex.........
  23. "Can you say 'respecting people with different opinions' boys and girls... I knew you could" <$1 to Mr Rodgers> Only directed to one person here....
  24. From another thread. Ray was Westshores horn instructor from 1979 to ????. One of the folks responsible for the corps finally cracking top 5. Ray Eyler, a legend in the Tri state are of NJ<PA<DEL is in need of our help. He lost his home and belongings in a house fire in NJ. Ray is an instructor with the Yankee Rebels and also a marching member, Ray was the horn istructor with many corps and also a NJA Judge and stills does the band circuit. Pass this on. This is the bank info and the email for information. The Eylers live in Audubon, NJ. Ray's home was the former home of the Bon Bons directors JB and Tess Bernert. help4ray@yahoo.com.
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