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Jeff Ream

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Everything posted by Jeff Ream

  1. given the 2 corps coexisted in that city since 1983, it is possible...plus for years you had the Patriots too, and now you have the Sabres down the road.
  2. yep. Like I said Ray, there is no right or wrong....going both ways can be good, and it can be bad. Whichever choice a corps makes, they have to do it right
  3. Tony, then at SIB, you can shoot me thru a narrow lens
  4. well, he wanted to be on jackass doing that whole kite in a thunderstorm thing
  5. yeah you have to contact the theaters. DCI can ask/tell them what to do, but that doesn't mean they will
  6. well, Westshore twice. Gold. Grennies. Cru a few times. note, the corps you mentioned didnt storm back to the very top in a short time. It took a while for Hurcs to not only reload, but be a threat for the crown. Same for Bucs. Look at Westshore...didnt field in 73, took til 82 til they were a power. Round 2 took from 84 til 90. So, if you expect success overnight, forget it...it isn't going to happen.
  7. honestly, yes they need to shoot for a good performance and show. But having a goal of making finals is not bad. It's not the only goal, but one of them. And trust me, not making finals again may hurt more than help given some of the (IMO here) inflated expectations some people have for them. so sure, shoot for making finals. In addition to the many other goals they may have, that's a good one to add in there.
  8. well Ray, IMO, "toughing it out" can only make things worse. Those that stay may get frustrated and quit, staff may bail, bills may pile up even more.....there's just as many negatives to gutting it out as there are to taking a year off to regroup. There is no win/win situation. Each corps has to take their own chosen path....and corps have....and we've seen corps come back, and we've seen corps fold....from both options. so sometimes pushing thru isn't always the answer. it's one of them, but not THE one. Because I truly believe had the winter of 97/98 had a different focus, Westshore may still be on the field....not pushing to get back out there and having people not told what that really entailed
  9. honestly...back into finals is all they need to shoot for. look at Bluecoats from 99 to 2000 and since...a slow and steady climb...same for Crown after that disaster they called 2002
  10. actually a bigger issue in finding people to carry them is moe than just size...people want to play a ton of notes, and on the bottom you wont get what you get up top
  11. i'm glad 16's have been phased out for the most part. the pitch could get totally lost
  12. and for laughs....I'm watching Wrestlemania last night....out in Phoenix. Vince always freaks about outdoor events due to rain....ad he had the roof open out there
  13. well, you can have my seats when woodwinds come in.
  14. but in a dome, that bottom end will disappear or be muddy, even if I agree with you
  15. worded your way officially? no. between the lines....yeah
  16. well hopefully, the low end synth wont be so overpowering
  17. ah but you understate it's improtance Mike. we all saw what was coming
  18. Mike is there anything drum corps would add you wouldn't like?
  19. we're both big fans, tho i'm more diehard than she is, but thats cause i grew up around corps
  20. love the kids comments praising the old and new
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