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Jeff Ream

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Everything posted by Jeff Ream

  1. however finals can be replaced by regionals as well...so it's really not an indication unless you see the actual numbers
  2. lol, i remember RAMD discussions about the other end of that finals show
  3. for those of us with settings that differ, page 1000!!!
  4. Friends gets you the option to buy seats in better areas. you dont get tickets just because you're a Friend. signed, a former Friend
  5. I planned on going last year...the job market changed my mind for me. because my wife has been there the last few years, i'm going this year just so we get a week together. but if the sound sucks as bad as I have heard, she can go all she wants, i'll watch stuff in the theater or my sunroom for a fraction of the cost
  6. member number is not a true indication and here's why: many more people read but never sign up for an account
  7. i tried the lazy fan approach, but after viewing some of the shows on FN, i felt I had to research...my logic alert was going off. and to be honest, researching made it murkier. I tried to just sit back and enjoy the tunes, but it never happened
  8. and if we behave, they may let us invade the sports bar upstairs afterwards
  9. Drum Corps World had dvd's of 1972 available...I believe 73 is coming next
  10. amazing...the guy who pushes for most of the changes in DCI leaves the uniform alone.
  11. yeah when there were more corps and more fans. way to support the other side's argument here Mike
  12. maybe brass and visual.......percussion? shave and a hair cut...BIG TICKS!! oh and dropping the guard guy
  13. had fun teaching there, but as a total corps, I'd say 04 was much better...and a real close call for 05 bush too. hmm
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