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Jeff Ream

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Everything posted by Jeff Ream

  1. i think a test...if you can get fans...would be a good idea.......once you talk someone into paying for it
  2. and more than a few local high band circuits dont have any kind of copyright program in place and may be playing with fire
  3. he may have been Donny. however he wasnt with Shore when HB and the crew got to town, at least not for long
  4. and for 1997, not the legacy series, but the top 21. willing to be generous with price. please pm me if you have copies you wish to part with. Not looking for burned copies...looking for the original
  5. how dare you use logic to be honest....all of the shows that broke 99 ( not counting Magic 02 in D2/3) were, IMO, not the best shows. but thats my opinion, not the green shirts
  6. Open Class corps could do a lot more to promote themselves. DCI, which is the WC corps, isn't going to promote them like they could, so the OC corps should do it. Remember this folks...a DCA corps was built with nothing more than internet presence and and word of mouth...in a place that hadn't had a Sr corps for 40 years. all it takes is a corps, like I see Forte doing, being aggressive online and spreading the gospel
  7. to the average person playing any games of chance, this is what they look at: where they can win the most money
  8. true...the subject at hand photographed my wedding!
  9. odd. when i got my tix the other week, i went onto DCI's site and pulled up the map and saw i was sitting further out than i was supposed to last year
  10. 2000 - SCV "Adagio for Strings" 2001 - SCV New Era Chant 2002 - Cavaliers "Fight Club" 2003 - Phantom's last minute 2004 - SCV drum break 2005 - Cadets drumbreak 2006 - BD's Godfather theme hit 2007 - Carolina Crown as the horses rounded the final turn 2008 - Phantom...DM takes the podium 2009 - SCV "Simple Gifts" push at the end
  11. true, but then again, whose show in June resembles what it is at finals?
  12. whose face turns red when laughing and causes his hair to look white
  13. a clue. former marching member of a PA corps, as well as staff of the corps, and a very respected member of the judging community ( well, as respected as any judge can be ) pic circa 1990
  14. it is possible. its just a matter of if they want to pay for it
  15. and a local broadcast opens up copyright issues, which means more fees for all involved
  16. again, selective reading at it's best. They are marketing smart to band kids. at all levels of the band world. Why? Because of the ties to MENC which has ties to every school in America. if you want to blame people in the local markets for not knowing about shows, yes DCi gets some blame, but let's be honest...so do the local promoters. In fact moreso. In fact, here's one area I'll give yEA huge props on: last year for the show they ran in Chambersburg, two weeks out the market was flooded with print and radio ads. On stations of all types and papers far and wide. end result...even with the ( IMO) high prices, the place was pretty full...i'd say about 90% capacity. so...bash DCI all you want, but the local show promoters in most areas don't do jack #### to spread the word outside of "the band world" but again, thanks for reading all I said and taking it in your own direction
  17. um? When have you seen me defend DCI lately? I think you have me confused with someone that thinks DCI is doing a good job on many levels. I think they are doing a great job marketing to kids. That's the only compliment I have given them in this thread. but thanks for actually reading what I said
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