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Everything posted by Walter

  1. So with all this throwback stuff going on, what corps is going to be the first to go back to..... dare I say it....G BUGLES ?
  2. DAIRY QUEEN !!! As John Pinette would say "I saw the angels flying just above it !!" ( AHHH AHHHH AHHHH AHHH !!)
  3. I think Granny needs...ah...you know...to get...ah..well...ah....well....how can I say it.......well....
  4. If this does come true, webcast finals, I only hope they beam it up to Canada !
  5. Although 1990 may have been a down year for a number of corps, this was not the case for an entire nation...CANADA !!! For the first time since 1977, CANADA had a corps in the finals. DUTCH BOY !!!!!! What a thrill that was seeing Dutch Boy ALUMNI from every decade since 1969 stand up and applaud a great job ! This still brings tears to my eyes.
  6. I would like to know what OPEN CLASS corps are NOT going to Bloomington for finals.
  7. I belive that a guy called Bedford has tried, maybe he'll come on here and tell us his findings !!
  8. ah....third cousin....he's the one they DON"T talk about.
  9. They NEVER show any drum corps, in any theater in Canada...... .....so quit your griping !!
  10. I don't doubt that in the next ten years a number of OPEN CLASS corps will make the jump to WORLD CLASS. ...one step at a time.
  11. Michael I too was drinking last night, during Crossmen, Glassmen, Blue Knights, Boston Crusaders....... I felt the same feeling after Blue Devils....
  12. Carolina Crown Presents "The Best of Phantom Regiment !!" Sorry first time seeing their show...I love it !
  13. Hey....I just won a pair of tickets to the San Antonio Symphony....HOW !!!
  14. Do the judges start judging as soon as they start marching or when the announcer says the corps name ?
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