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Everything posted by ekrebs102

  1. Maybe the other is Stingray. Remember their power wedge snare from 91-92? Everyone that I spoke to on tour in 92 that had those said they went through hardware on a semi-daily basis.
  2. The Baby blue unis from Bluecoats were sold to the Lake Erie Regiment. We did a parade with them in 95 and it was a little interesting.
  3. Go Bloooooooooooooooo!!!!! Those are very sharp. I cannot wait to see them live this year. As for the last poster and the "Helmet medallion" we always had a mirror on our helmets, did that change? Part of the fun of retreat was trying to blind people with the reflections from the stadium lights. Juvenile, I know, but it helped pass the time. And for those that have posted on this thread that do not think the helmet will fit the show after this year, when was the last time that Crossmen, Madison or Vanguard did an Australian themed show? Why is there no problem with that. Do orchestas perform wearing a "Phamtom Style" helmet? I do not think so. The Bluecoat helmet is just that, the Bluecoat helmet. I marched the year and a week in 95 and 96 when we wore Air Force flight caps. It fit our show in 95, but we were not about to allow that to happen in 96. Bluecoats = Helmets. Get over it if you do not like it. Kick but this year folks. Alumni everywhere are very proud.
  4. I read the complaint and the answer. These docs are generally very braoad in acusations and denials and only need to show a claim for which relief may be granted, in this case copyright infringement, and a general denial of the claims. Here are some things I gleaned, which isn't much. The juicy parts come out later in the procedure. 1. FACT: The manual B&S Basics is copyrighted and registrered with the US copyright office. The written material is protected. 2. Bush alleges that he had an agreement that the school could use the manuals and techniques in the manuals freely while Perkins was director, but that the agreement stated that if he were to leave, the school must license the written materials at $60 a head (much like a software use license, I suppose). 3. The new band director (Miller) disputes this. Claims no such agreement. 4. In the complaint, Bush claims that a week after Perkins quit, Bush notified Miller of the need to license the materials, (sort of like a software use license). 5. Bush claims that the school informed him by letter from counsel that the school did not use the manual since the day of Perkins leaving. 6. Bush claims that the school continued using the manual after that date. 7. Miller denies. This seems to be a question of whether the manual was still being used, not necessarily the ideas in the manual. He is not claiming that he copyrighted the role-step, just the manual which he wrote that demonstrates these techniques. I think Bush believes that his book was being used by every student, and I think that he is claiming that the way that they were marching in the parades shows proof that the manuals in question are still being used without a licensing fee. That is my take so far. Maybe that will clear up some issues on this thread. Maybe not. I may be wrong. This case may become very interesting. Again, this post is not intended to act as, nor should it be construed to be legal advice.
  5. A step would be functional. Not copyrightable I believe. Plus, one could argue that it is uncopyrightable because it is equivalent to copyrighting a single note or rhythm, which is not allowed. Those are the basic building blocks of music such as a step is the building block of a marching band performance. There are many ways that this could be argued. I guess I would really need to know what moves he is actually suing over. I am sure that it would be described in the petition somewhere. I must research. Disclaimer: This is not intended as legal advice.
  6. You will hate this answer, but...without knowing more than what a newspaper article commented on this situation I would need to know more facts. I may try to find the petition if I get time over the weekend. As with most laws, there are many ways that a situation may go. With copyright it is even more precarious, the Fair Use Doctrine is a particularly slippery slope that even some attorneys and courts have trouble wrapping their minds around. There are licensing issues potentially as well. Movement can be copyrighted if it is an original (doesn't have to be that original, even a phonebook was copyrighted) work that is fixed in a tangible medium. If he notated these moves or recorded himself performing these moves and they were somewhat original to him, copyright fixes once the movements are fixed in the medium. There is no need for registration of a copyright unless you want to take advantage of some particular federal damages awards and there are also some timelines involved with that, but I will not get into that here. It is much like dance choreography in that way. But, a court may deem these movements in a more athlethic light. This may be potentially argued more so since in Texas, many marching band members receive PE credit for Marching Band participation. In that case, the moves would not be copyrightable because they could be seen as fuctional. You cannot copyright something that is functional. That is what patent law is for. I need to look into this a bit more. FYI people, I would be careful putting deragatory remarks that may tend to hurt someone's way of life on a open forum. Especially, if that person may seem litigious. Written false remarks intending to ruin someone's reputation = Libel. Of course, these opinions are not and not intended to be used as legal advice. Please consult an attorney if you have any questions regarding these matters. By the way, I have no problem with Lawyer jokes. I have put up with drummer jokes long before that and have survived. I just do not appreciate the implication that all attorney's should be physically hurt in some fashion. that seems inflammatory and goes against the purpose of this forum. I do like having an attorney thread on DCP. I am almost in heaven.
  7. There are bad apples in every profession. Do not paint us all with that broad brush please. What a ridiculous statement.
  8. It has to be Bloooooooooooooooo or nothing (16 o's). Of course unless we were in Montreal. Then it was Le Bleuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! (16 u's of course) :P Cannot wait for the new season to start.
  9. Posters in this thread have mentioned a number of tremendously influential members of the activity. I for one agree that most people, if not all, that have been mentioned in this thread should at some point be inducted into the DCI HOF. However, am I the only person that has an issue with entering someone into a Hall of Fame of ANY organization while that person is still a very active participant in the organization? I admit I need to check out the qualifications for becoming an inductee, so my inquiry may be addressed there. Just curious I guess. Normally you have to retire from something before you become inducted into a hall of fame. Or at least be near the end of your career (such as in the Percussive Arts Society?) Just my 2 cents. What do you think DCP?
  10. Thanks for the love folks. I had a tremendously great time that year. It was great to be able to have such a competitive season with the great Division 2 and 3 corps and still get to compete against the "big boys and girls" and see how we stacked up. That is one part of the new scheduling that I hate. I think the top 5 Div. II and III corps should still be able to compete at quarter finals, but that is for another topic. Anyway that summer was amazing. I especially remember the battle all year with Crown and NA. We were able to remain undefeated in Division II all year until prelims, where we ended up third which snapped an undefeatred streak that went back to 1990. We went back to our housing site, had a few heatred exchanges, stopped the blame game and then worked our tails off until Finals. I also remember the Ventures kicking some *** that year as well as the biggest Div. II corps we had ever seen Allegience Elite. They were not as clean as some other corps that summer, but they were exciting. There seem to be a much larger amount of Div. II and III corps back then. It is a shame most are gone. Also, RIP Brian Lee (Southwind Pit 1991-1992 and one of my best friends in high school)- you are still missed.
  11. After seeing Muse again the other day (WOW THEY ARE AMAZING), I would have to concur with a few previous posters. that stuff could work real well on the field. Talk about awesome keyboard parts. Also, some Blue October material could work. These may work better for indoor drumline. Just as I have thought that a few System of a Down songs would work well in that medium.
  12. Sweet! They are gonna be some good lookin' mother ...SHUT YO MOUTH!
  13. Does that mean they are wearing a multi-colored coat, fuzzy hats and walking canes?
  14. Thanks for the love on the show. It was definitely a fight to the finish.
  15. There has to be video of this. We were filming a documentary the summer of 94 and two performers were equipped with helmet cams during the show. Anyway, WORST tear ever, Pittsburg show, Bluecoats 1994. We were all in disbelief. The last two minutes of the show (at least) was a catastrophe. I remember just wandering around the field with my giant green floor tom trying to figure out who to play with during the closer. It was almost too bad to comprehend. WOW.
  16. Scan over to the left and you can see the drumline arced up at the stadium.
  17. I guess this thread is just my way of saying "Go check out the Bluecoats booth at TMEA." Go BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  18. I never said it was a new uniform, just a new look. I did mention threads though.. In my defense, when the story first appeared on the Bluecoats website, the parenthetical comment regarding not being uniforms was not included. I am still intrigued.
  19. According to a news release on their website, Bloo is going to have a soon to be revealed new look. Apparently those going to TMEA this weekend will get a sneak peek. So, if you are going to TMEA, go check out the Bluecoats booth and see the new threads.
  20. Three words prove the answer should be yes. "On the Waterfront" Plus, Magic did Elfman in 92. "Music for a Darkened Theater." Cool show.
  21. Way too many times. We actually crab stepped up and down a hill a couple of times. I think it was just punishment for a bad show. We had some real old school instructors. (early 80's Bridgemen). We pretty much had our butts kicked everyday in 1994. We tracked a 45 minute triplet roll through Rhode Island that year, and got lost in the process. We had massive chops by the end of the summer, but I wish we would have cleaned the show a bit more.
  22. So much for a surprise as to which corps will be shown at the theater. Out of 30 finalists, only 11 corps are represented, and only 4 of those have one selection. I guess the drama will be who from those 4 (27, Bridgeman, Glassmen, and Crown) will perform with Cadets, SCV, Madison, BD, Phantom Regiment, Star, and Cavaliers? I am just a little disappointed I guess. I however, do think the show will rock, and I will be in attendance. My votes. 1987 Garfield Cadets 1987 Santa Clara Vanguard 1988 Madison Scouts 1989 Santa Clara Vanguard 1989 Phantom Regiment 1991 Star of Indiana 1994 Blue Devils 2006 Carolina Crown Shows that I love that I have not seen in many, many years (in most cases).
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