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Slow Adam

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Everything posted by Slow Adam

  1. You don't know for the same reason I don't know what wins guard...we're not guard members/instructors/judges. There's more to winning than being in sync. There has to be demand as well. Take percussion for example (because it is what I know...the same could be applied to brass) If a drumline goes out and plays nothing but quarter notes through their whole show, and plays them #### clean, then Cadets go out, play a million notes and have a couple ticks, who wins drums? Obviously Cadets. Technical caption scores (percussion, brass, guard) are an equal mix of the what and how (Music & Technique for percussion sheets, I believe it is Content and Execution for guard sheets). I would assume that even if Phantom had the cleanest guard that night (high execution numbers) they would have had to be lacking in demand to not win the caption. But I know nothing more than the superficial when it comes to guard...I know when they are together and when they are not, apart from that I have no clue.
  2. 2000 & 2004 Division I CD sets Vanguard T-shirt Marines CD
  3. I know one of the guys who shouted during Madison 1996 (and yes I gave him #### for ruining a beautiful moment)...it was indeed SPANK ME. They'd had a few too many at that point. The BD yell had 2 sequels: 1994 I'm still wet! 1996 I'm dripping wet!
  4. Depends. I found the characters from this season to be a little distracting, I did however love the opposing characters in Madison 1997.
  5. Would have been cooler if they were the bass line.
  6. I was just on corpsreps, note Phantom's upward movement over the last few years 1999: 8th 2000: 7th 2001: 6th 2002: 5th 2003: 4th 2004: 5th 2005: 3rd 2006: 2nd maybe 1st? Camp Randall would go bonkers if Phantom won next year. ::fingers crossed::
  7. If tying Cavaliers for 2nd in drums is average...
  8. He didn't say any of the fantasy corps were from the 70's...did he? :P
  9. Strangely enough, some of PR's 2004 music had already been done by another corps..... Blue Devils!
  10. Here comes usmpiano to say that Cadets hornline sounded awful in 2000... In 5...4..3...2...1...
  11. I've been a fan since 1995, and I'm completely against A&E (and I miss G bugles), what's your point?
  12. Well if I understood the program correctly it wasn't in reverse, it was a countdown. The first production was 1000 hours, then 500 hours etc.
  13. John, you really should get facts before making a post like this. I'm on staff with the corps that showed up 10 minutes late to the gate, here's why we were late an why no penalty was assessed. The Canadian Open took place on Tuesday August 2nd, the same day as the Air France crash at Pearson International. A number of judges who were to judge that night were stuck at the airport...and as of check in time the show was delayed and corps were told to bump back report times by 30 minutes. Then, for whatever reason, the show coordinators decided that since all the judges had arrived on time, the show would start on time. We were on early in the program, but unfortunately we were warming up on the far side of the KW arena complex, thinking we had 30 minutes extra. Long story short, we never received notice that the show was running as originally scheduled (the show coordinators did not even know what each other was doing, the guys on the golf carts in the warmup area told us a different story from the people at the gate). We had a rather long run from our warmup area to the field. The corps was in no way to fault, and thus there was no penalty.
  14. Unfortunately I think I will most remember the word "Yowza" and the urge to vomit.
  15. Cool and refreshing? Yowza. Shut up and play - $1 to RocketMan
  16. I didn't see / hear any rainsticks in the crowd at quarters. It was a cool idea, but not priced for success.
  17. Correction: had you seen SCV they would have been on top of your list. :)
  18. By your explanation, how is it not a slam? Like Cadets, SCV is used to consistently placing in the top 4. I think Hopkins knew exactly what he was saying and who he was saying it about...seriously, has there been bigger news this summer than that of SCV being ranked 8-10th all season? Why would he make a comment about his corps (a perennial contender, and ranked no lower than 3rd all season) perhaps losing confidence should they have found themselves in 8th?? Give me a break. What a d###### thing to say George. <**>
  19. To be fair, I was at quarterfinals and there was a very noticeable ensemble tear between battery and pit within the first 30 seconds of the show, so their problems weren't visual alone.
  20. FYI, the GE Music and Percussion Performance Judges at that show were Emerald Knights staff. I think they may have gotten their wrists slapped for that one. We had no businees beating you that night. You're right about the early peak.
  21. Canadians don't tip in America because we ask for beer and get yellow water...
  22. It's YYZ, the airport code for Pearson International in Toronto, the hometown of Rush.
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