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Future of the Cadets

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It apparently has had no negative impact on their recruiting whatsoever in the off season

I don’t think that is true, I saw there retention rate this year and it was horrible (I’d quote it but can’t recall where it was, may have been on their own site). Also their guard is way down this year, they are often the first to bail.

I’ve never boo-ed a drum corps but I may boo Cadets this year. 2005 was not the kids’ fault, 2006 started a pattern and by 2007, they knew what they were doing, anyone that would go out for Cadets, hates traditional drum corps and is trying to kill drum corps, they need to be held accountable where as before, I’d have given them the benefit of the doubt

They did not play in the Midwest because that show would not play in Peoria, we like drum corps in the Midwest, not extreme Bando.

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I've seen the Cadets live twice this season. Much different from seeing them on the webcast! I don't think that they're going to 'flop' by the time they get to the finals. Yes, they have some cleaning to do, but who doesn't? I'm hoping that they do cut the spoken word part down though. Seems that they speak over the show as opposed to being a part of it. By the end of their show (both times) there were people around me who just started shaking their heads, feeling that it was overdone. No, I'm not a fan of narration either, but if it is here to stay I would like to see it be more of an enhancement then a distraction to what is a great show! Just my opinion.

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that show will fizzle by year end, how could ‘confessions of a band geek’ stand up next to any of the other top level shows in GE ? It can’t, it won’t, its sub-par all the way around

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I’ve never boo-ed a drum corps but I may boo Cadets this year.

That's just wrong. Go get a hot dog or something. Please reconsider so that you don't shatter some kid's dream if he/she is working their heart out for you!

Edited by iamnivtop
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Please let me know which shows you'll be attending this year. I'll be sure to make sure your boos are greeted appropriately. :)

I'll only see them finals week as they are not in the mid-west. I always try to watch each corps at least once a year, so I expect to see them on quarters

you can PM me if you so please although I have no clue what you mean greeted appropriately?

care to explain or is that some sort of thinly veiled threat ampssuck ?

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That's just wrong. Go get a hot dog or something. Nothing gives you the right to shatter some kid's dream if he/she is working their heart out for you!

Me booing is going to shatter some kids life? I’ve been booed, I got over it. No, the Cadets are not working their hearts out for me, they are tearing my heart out, they are working against me and drum corps in general. Booooo

If they don’t want to be booed, then why join the destroyers of drum corps, the Cadets?

From what I hear, there is this one trumpet player in Cadets that knows rejection well – he can coah the others how to handle my boos or you can think of it as me trying to make Mr Emo more comfortable

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I don’t think that is true, I saw there retention rate this year and it was horrible (I’d quote it but can’t recall where it was, may have been on their own site). Also their guard is way down this year, they are often the first to bail.

I’ve never boo-ed a drum corps but I may boo Cadets this year. 2005 was not the kids’ fault, 2006 started a pattern and by 2007, they knew what they were doing, anyone that would go out for Cadets, hates traditional drum corps and is trying to kill drum corps, they need to be held accountable where as before, I’d have given them the benefit of the doubt

They did not play in the Midwest because that show would not play in Peoria, we like drum corps in the Midwest, not extreme Bando.

Ohhhh....lordy, where to begin. Well how about with the beginning.

Retention rates are UP from the year before, this is a fact. A lot of people left after 05 for a variety of reasons, none of which really had to do with the show design direction. I could go into more detail, but i think we can accept this as fact, since I was there. As far as this year, there are far more vets in the hornline (triple in my own section), and the guard was very young in 06, not much change there. The only reason the weaker guard sticks out now is because the other captions are winning just about every night.

As far as booing a corps, yeah you go ahead and do that. I wont be at any midwest shows, so I wont have to hear you. As far as the kids knowing what they were getting into...no not really, 2007 was promised to be a return to tradition, and it has been in most ways. How quickly we forget that last year at this time we were dealing with pink tables, physcadelic props, double sided uniforms, singing, narration, doors, and schoolgirls. I personally find this year to be quite simple and refined compared to last years show. Also, I certainly wouldnt expect someone who has grown up loving the cadets, or who has been marching their for years to simply bail on them because the happen to going in a controversial direction. If those are the kids you want to boo, then fine, but know that you ARE being rude, and that there is no good excuse for such rudeness.

And the cadets arent in the midwest because thats how the season worked out this year....duh. They did ohio a few times, which was certainly enemy territory, but with no major regional in the area, why put it into your schedule when you have commitments all over the east coast and the south.

And we all know that the midwest is just as 'bando' as it is 'drum corps' :angry:

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What's up Fussy Cat!

OK Cadets clones -

Actually, I consider myself a Drum Corps Fan first who happens to admire The Cadets but cheers for all of the Corps. Who had me on my feet last year the most, Crown and Phantom.

I have only seen their webcast from Annapolis.!

After watching the webcast, I had concerns about The 2007 Cadets' show -- heck, I had concerns when I heard the audio from Memorial Brass. When I saw the show live, it surprised me how the performance pulled me into the production -- Yes, when I saw them, the narration at times was distracting, but I know Hop and Crew will be fine toning.

I may actually open my mind enough not to go get a hot dog during ... performance this year - !

Ok, I have not seen this question on DCP -- What do you guys do under the stands and what is the true meaning of "Hot Dog?"

Wait, delete that -- don't want to know!!!

Boy you girls get your panties all in a ruffle when someone doesn't jump on the Cadets bandwagon

I joined DCP back in 2002. I’ve viewed the board as both a resource and entertainment. It’s fun to pull up the website in the morning and read the “talk;” however some of the “talk” is toxic and bitter. I appreciate passion, but!

When it comes down to it, you're attacking an organization that many of us hold dear -- The Cadets have meant so much to me over many years.

When Phantom, Cavies , Blue Devils, etc, etc. Fans and supporters speak up to counter a posting, I cheer them on and don’t think twice about it.

Heck, I was very critical of the 2006 show -- probably will never watch or listen to that show again. Criticism is one thing, but using venom is another.

For me, the 2007 Season is turning out to be one of the best -- looking forward to my next live show!

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Me booing is going to shatter some kids life? I’ve been booed, I got over it. No, the Cadets are not working their hearts out for me, they are tearing my heart out, they are working against me and drum corps in general. Booooo

If they don’t want to be booed, then why join the destroyers of drum corps, the Cadets?

Ohh i get it. One day, you decided what drum corps was going to be forever, and now those jerks are just messing it up.

Thanks for clearing that up :)

Edited by euponitone
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