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RCA DOME spells DOOM for DCI

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You mean like signing a contract?

Dude, you have a black aura.

As one who also enjoys occasional "snappy repartee" myself, I feel that a disservice is done to DCI and the people that are trying to keep it afloat every time they're characterized as country bumpkins who are wandering aimlessly through the wilderness with nary a clue.

Do you think they would have moved the entire shebang out of Chicago and down to Indy if they didn't have a contract? Do you think that MAYBE there is a contingency for "acts of God" or other things out of there control preventing Lucas Oil Stadium from opening on time?

Wherever the show is held, I'll be there... and ironically, so will all of you haters, wearing your self-important "anti-this" or "anti-that" mustard-stained hater t-shirts. It's helpful when you do, though, because it serves as a warning to the rest of us who actually enjoy seeing and hearing the kids perform. Maybe if there are enough of you guys, you can negotiate a group deal with DCI, and all of your big red circle-and-slash t-shirts will line up in some cosmic arrangement, creating an alternate reality in which you can watch the Geneva Appleknockers perform Alexander's Ragtime Band just like they did in '53 when drum corps was drum corps.


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Hey guys and gals, think about this. Back in 2004, DCI had a show in Seattle at the Seahawks new stadium. BD, Vanguard, Cascades, and a couple more corps were there. While it isn't a dome, it is closed on both ends and has big overhangs so that the fans stay dry. Anyway, I think that Seattle and Denver are perfect examples of what Lucas Oil Field will sound like with the roof open and the endzone open (only one end opens, the other is solid brick). The recordings from that Seattle show have Finals quality acoustics, and the recordings from Finals in Denver in 04 are very good. I hate domes too, but if the Luke sounds like one of these fields, then you may like it more than you think. PS- I agree with everyone who says that the move to Indy is largely a money move. Acheson got sick of watching Scott McCormick suck every last dollar out of his BOA cow each winter and wanted a piece. Who wouldn't.http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/style_images/1/folder_post_icons/icon10.gif


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Dude, you have a black aura.

As one who also enjoys occasional "snappy repartee" myself, I feel that a disservice is done to DCI and the people that are trying to keep it afloat every time they're characterized as country bumpkins who are wandering aimlessly through the wilderness with nary a clue.

Do you think they would have moved the entire shebang out of Chicago and down to Indy if they didn't have a contract? Do you think that MAYBE there is a contingency for "acts of God" or other things out of there control preventing Lucas Oil Stadium from opening on time?

Wherever the show is held, I'll be there... and ironically, so will all of you haters, wearing your self-important "anti-this" or "anti-that" mustard-stained hater t-shirts. It's helpful when you do, though, because it serves as a warning to the rest of us who actually enjoy seeing and hearing the kids perform. Maybe if there are enough of you guys, you can negotiate a group deal with DCI, and all of your big red circle-and-slash t-shirts will line up in some cosmic arrangement, creating an alternate reality in which you can watch the Geneva Appleknockers perform Alexander's Ragtime Band just like they did in '53 when drum corps was drum corps.


This guy and I are the same person in a parallel universe. Wierd, huh?

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Yeah...Jackson was a mistake...but come on, that was ancient history.

KC - Great

Madison - Great

Orlando - one year would have been enough

Boston - Great

Buffalo - Great

Washington DC - umm...not so good

Rose Bowl - mixed bag but mostly good...nice attendance numbers

what were the feelings about Montreal since we are on the dream ride back to history land?

I went with my brother to Montreal in 1981. The first year The DCI Championships were held ouside of the great old USofA.

We loved it!!! It was a great show, good seats, great accommodations. It was also a fantastic crowd. I thought Montreal was a winner for The DCI Championships in 1981. I wanted to go back in 1982 but due to cicumstances beyound my control, I could not be there.

Edited by bobk9258
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I think it's great (not really) when we discuss (complain about) things which are absolutely, completely, and totally OUT OF OUR HANDS. Why not bring up rising tuition while we're at it? Or how unfair it is that Corps A or B didn't win last year? Or that show A or B didn't make the countdown?

I think that was one of the best things I learned when I marched. There are very few things in my realm of control--music memorization, marching execution, etc. Things like placement or how crappy the weather got weren't in that realm. And neither are half the things on this forum. So why do we keep bringing them up?

Oh, that's right...the instant gratification of "speaking our mind".

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And for the record, I was a huge fan of the RCA Dome. Climate control? An NFL stadium being used for something other than the NFL? Forget about it. Easily one of my favorite shows. So it got boomy at times? I dealt with it, and so did thousands of other people.

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BTW - chances are DCI will be in Bloomington this year anyway. LucasOil Stadium will not be done in time

If they did have DCI in Bloomington, then those lights Bill Cook paid for at the football stadium will finally have served their purpose!! LOL!

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but as long as there is some mysticism involved with the activity in the eyes of the young, and bitterness is outweighed by honor and class in the alumni associations, drum corps will not be doomed.

If there hasn't been one already, I officially nominate this above as

"DCP Post of the Year ... Decade ... Millennium".


I don't think what this activity means to so many

has been stated so nicely in a long time.

BRING ON SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I think it's great (not really) when we discuss (complain about) things which are absolutely, completely, and totally OUT OF OUR HANDS. Why not bring up rising tuition while we're at it? Or how unfair it is that Corps A or B didn't win last year? Or that show A or B didn't make the countdown?

I think that was one of the best things I learned when I marched. There are very few things in my realm of control--music memorization, marching execution, etc. Things like placement or how crappy the weather got weren't in that realm. And neither are half the things on this forum. So why do we keep bringing them up?

Oh, that's right...the instant gratification of "speaking our mind".

great post. I guess I'd just have to say that apparently some people did not learn as much as you did when you marched. I mean...I've worked with drum corps kids before during seasons...and you can just tell the ones who get it. I always wished more of them did.

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I'm no architect, but from the outside it looks like the necessities are there...

Roof, Walls, Ground.

The last big thing they need is the field and the seats, and if you look in the stadium it looks like seats are being installed.

A show should be happening there in the early days of August.

Edited by thatguywiththehat
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