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Keeping clean during the summer

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Pee on your feet in the shower.

thats ####ed up dude.

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Blue Stars used to use cafeteria trays, cups, etc. for meals. In 2006, a stomach thing hit the corps, even though everything was cleaned and scrubbed with bleach after every meal. Since then they have gone exclusively to disposable items (cups, plates, boats, etc.). They also scrub all prep and cooking surfaces of the truck after every meal. The members are reminded all the time to scrub their water jugs (even inside the nozzles), and the food truck has a washer and dryer to constantly clean the dish cloths, dish towels, etc.

Plus hand sanitizer at the beginning of the food line.

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When ever someone even started to feel ill, they were guaranteed in different sleeping areas. Thats how we kept illness' from going around. You really won't get sick on tour, your around the same people day in and day out. (Although, both years I marched I got upper respiratory during Spring Training.) Something I did do though was soak my mouthpiece in mouthwash. It did wonders on keeping all the dead skin off of it! ;)

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My Brother-in-Law's brother was in jail for quite some time. He swore that peeing on your feet was the best way to prevent athlete's foot, not get rid of it. I've never tried it because, well, I just don't find the need, but apparently, many in prison swear by it. I would not suggest it while you have 40-50 other people trying to shower, haha.

Rinse your mouthpiece out! Those things build up so much crap it's ridiculous. Even warm water will help, but things like mouthwash do the trick.

DO NOT SHARE WATER JUGS. It's simple. Get a 1 gallon water jug and just fill it up every day. If 1 gallon is not enough for you, go bigger. But don't use someone else's. It becomes a real easy way to spread illness.

Bring hand sanitizer on tour. Little bottles cost around $.99. Use it before you eat. You don't want to put your hands near your face after rehearsing for a while. In fact, just try not to put your hands near your face, period. Rehearsal gloves are often nasty and it's easy to rub your face with them.

For those of you in guard, I would suggest having something to sanitize your equipment with. Think about it. It rolls around on the ground all day. There's no telling what had been in that exact spot before your equipment.

Stay hydrated! Easier said than done in drum corps, but whenever you have a break, stay away from the sugary juice and just drink your water. It can be a life saver.

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In the Crossmen thread there has been talk of sanitation issues and keeping viruses and bacteria and stuff from spreading around corps. (They had a minor stomach bug go around this past summer... really minor). What steps does your corps take to keep things sanitary, what should individuals be concerned about?

Basically how to stay healthy over the summer. What steps members and the corps need to take to keep things sanitary. What is done, and what needs to be done.

On another thread I was (I thought at the time - mea culpa) falsely accused of not knowing what current DC members have to go through while on tour. I rather ignorantly suggested that if a member is a part of a World Class Organization, why would management and staff allow them to be treated as second class people.

Reading through these two pages has opened my eyes widely. I kinda still stand by the above statement because I don't get "eating out of the back of the truck," or as I've heard: "sleeping on air mattresses."

Even during the cro magnon days when we were on tour, we ate in restaurants - slept in hotels like the Marco Polo in Miami during the VFW Nationals one year - motels while on the road.

Why is there no money to take care of the bare essentials like your health?

(standing and applauding) My shako's off to you young men and women! The shows I see do not seem possible with what seems to me not the right kind of sleep or decent meals to eat.

God Bless.

One thing hasn't changed, though. We didn't have bottled water or Gatorade we drank from public taps - Water. Drink lots.

And keep it up. Love you guys!


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