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how to keep both the " purists " and "experimenters &qu

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No...that would be a non-starter.

I agree - mostly because of fear of losing money (although it's the only way DCI would get any out of me nowadays) but also, I suspect, over fear of learning that the rule changes aren't quite so popular as they'd like to believe.

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I agree - mostly because of fear of losing money (although it's the only way DCI would get any out of me nowadays) but also, I suspect, over fear of learning that the rule changes aren't quite so popular as they'd like to believe.

I guess I don't see them as rule changes...rather...prohibition changes.

There will be corps who will not use a synth this year. Just as there were corps who did not use Bb, amps, vocals, narration, etc.

I have spoken little about my likes and dislikes...But, let's go there. I think some people will be very surprised.

1. I don't think every corps needs amps. If you have a 45 member hornline, I can probably hear the pit just fine. But, I'm ok with mics on pit instruments and some of the new effects (whistle in the 007 show comes to mind) that corps can make use of.

2. I don't like narration and have never found need for it. Show me. Provide me a libretto. If you have to explain to me what the show is about, you probably need better show design. Yeah. Not a big fan of narration at all. One possible exception...if it was so crucial to the success of the piece...for instance...two examples...Cadet's 2002 show with the Pledge...goosebumps. If any corps did a show with an orchestral piece where the narration was so crucial...A Lincoln Portrait comes to mind. Then, I would only judge it on it's "professionalism."

3. Vocals...yeah...mostly not a big fan. I've heard the effect overused when the corps sings the last portion of a brass chorale part. Yeah...again. I get to judge this performance versus some of the finest HS and College aged choirs I have heard. Sorry...the performance just doesn't stack up. So vocals...I'm not sold yet.

4. Synths...I'm not inclined to like it. What I've heard so far doesn't get in the way of my enjoyment, but I haven't yet heard that moment where I went...."Oh, cool." I have not had that eureka moment, yet.

5. Woodwinds...again...not seeing it being a reality anytime soon. And I would agree, the title drum and bugle corps would no longer be applicable. It would be totally summer marching band season. However, hasn't drum corps always been more like marching band than most of us ever wanted to admit? Otherwise, I think we could describe it to new people without having them or us utter the "b" word. I have had little success in telling people about drum corps unless I start with it's relation to marching band.

Anyway, there's a list for what its worth. Here's the difference...I'm not all wrapped up on trying to reverse what's happening. I spend no effort on it. I don't go and watch drum corps and spend the money I do to support this because of any ideology but this. "Drum corps changes kid's lives." I've watched it happen since the day I started getting involved. When it stops changing kids' lives...I'll stop supporting it.

And for all of us on this DCP invention. It must have changed our lives too. Otherwise, why would we be so passionate about this summertime diversion? And in the many different threads describing the changes...there has been lots of passion.

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Corps can already use whatever they want during an encore

And this might be a good setting to bring in some experimentattion and let's see if people like it or not. 'Wouldn't hurt it seems to me. It's only an encore and it's an exhibition. And the Corps would learn something from the experience as well.... I see little harm in it in this post competition setting. Heck, encores are meant to be a little loose and fun anyway. So let it become even MORE of that.

Edited by BRASSO
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If we do separate it into two divisions... then there will be the debate of which division is better OR separate it into two organizations, you'll get which organization is better a "Dark Side vs. Light Side" of the force. I don't believe that will work out at all.

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Well, trying to think outside the box, why not do this :

A) limit changes for a year on the field of competition and......

b) in return, Corps in their encore performances and in exhibitions, can use ANY and ALL sorts of new instrumentations, sound projectors, you name it. They want to do an encore performance with synth, or bring in singers, heck even guitars, and ( gulp ) even woodwinds..... fine..... go for it.

Actually, this is how it has always been. Corps always had the option of experimenting in encore performances, as well as at other venues. Blue Devils have been doing that for over a decade with their "on-stage" series, Concord Pavillion special performances, and so forth. Corps were performing jointly with symphonies back in the '70s.

But like another poster has already pointed out, that wasn't enough for the creative (?) staffs.

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Two things, Tom --


But, I'm ok with mics on pit instruments and some of the new effects (whistle in the 007 show comes to mind) that corps can make use of.

007 whistling wasn't micced -- that was purely acoustic, which gave it that spooky quality

... and this:

"Drum corps changes kid's lives." I've watched it happen since the day I started getting involved. When it stops changing kids' lives...I'll stop supporting it.

I assume you mean when it stops changing kids' lives ... in a GOOD way .... :thumbup:

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And for all of us on this DCP invention. It must have changed our lives too. Otherwise, why would we be so passionate about this summertime diversion? And in the many different threads describing the changes...there has been lots of passion.

I agree with some things you write here, don't agree with others, but I just wanted to say that when you steer away from over the top sarcasm, you write a fine post.

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In theory, best solution would be to have two divisions -- one with an anything goes approach and one with more restrictive rules (however that's defined). Corps are free to join either. This way we could really see which way individual corps prefer to go and there would be no more of this "it's not really optional so everyone's forced to add things" debate.

No. I know it sounds like such a good idea....but:

1. It has already been tried, and it was such a dismal failure that only a few of us diehards recall it even happening. In fact, if I didn't specify that I am referring to the DCI band division of the late 1990s, I'm not sure anyone would realize what I'm talking about.

2. We've seen how "options" play out in DCI with the any-key Bb/F brass change.

Looking deeper, DCI has proven time and time again that it can only support one prosperous division. DCI indoor guard competition lasted only a few years, followed imiediately by the creation of WGI. The all-girl division is gone; the international division is empty this year; and the saga of class A/division II/III/now open-class has always been one of accelerated attrition and exclusion. Still today, they labor on as non-members, and are financially separate from DCI.

Reality, though, is that we really don't have enough corps to go around to justify two champions. At best, you'd have only 12 corps in each division -- more likely you'd have as few as 6 or less on one side, which makes it rather meaningless from a competitive circuit standpoint.

Actually, you'd be hard-pressed to work out an agreement on logistics, regardless of who is in which division. Let's take an example. What if we run this new "anything-goes" division the way DCI runs their alternative division now....no appearance fees, no revenue sharing, no voting rights on the BOD, and championships in a separate venue, or only at times not already reserved for the pre-existing divisions. Everyone agree?

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